• il y a 14 ans
Bart & Baker presents Istanbul (Not Constantinople)

ARTIST: Jimmy Kennedy and Nat Simon TITLE: Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Copyright : Warner Chappell
Label : YouProd

Included on Saint Germain des Près Café - now in store & www.bartandbaker.com

Amazon : http://www.amazon.fr/dp/B005Q2UBE2
Fnac : http://musique.fnac.com/a3712481/

Videoclip by Chipolata Production
contact: chipolata-dm@laposte.net

Video was made from the movie "Second Chorus" (1940) directed by H. C. Potter starring starring Fred Astaire, Burgess Meredith, Paulette Goddard, Artie Shaw, and Charles Butterworth. The film's copyright lapsed in 1967 and is now in the public domain. (Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Chorus


