Ruth Lorenzo cantando "Burn" en el programa Arucity's (8TV) con
Alfons Arús. A la guitarra Carlos Garcia. Entrevista luego con Alfons Arús & Angie Càrdenas. Esta video esta en dos partes. Eso es la primera parte. Gracias a "Arucitys" por la video.
Ruth Lorenzo on Spanish TV (8TV) promoting "BURN". Ruth Lorenzo performs "burn" with Carlos Garcia (Guitar). Followed by an interview with Alfons Arus and Angie Cardenas where Ruth explains her story from the Xfactor to this album. There are 2 parts to this video. This is Part 1. Thanks to "Arucitys" for the video.
Ruth Lorenzo cantando "Burn" en el programa Arucity's (8TV) con
Alfons Arús. A la guitarra Carlos Garcia. Entrevista luego con Alfons Arús & Angie Càrdenas. Esta video esta en dos partes. Eso es la primera parte. Gracias a "Arucitys" por la video.
Ruth Lorenzo on Spanish TV (8TV) promoting "BURN". Ruth Lorenzo performs "burn" with Carlos Garcia (Guitar). Followed by an interview with Alfons Arus and Angie Cardenas where Ruth explains her story from the Xfactor to this album. There are 2 parts to this video. This is Part 1. Thanks to "Arucitys" for the video.