• 14 years ago
On Sat 23 April 2011 at the Apollo Piccadlly Circus, London we present a celebration.

25 years of John Constantine:Hellblazer.

A panel discussion with four of the creators of the ongoing comic, John Constantine: Hellblazer, a horror periodical about a magus who investigates occult crimes, hauntings and disasters.

The panel includes the comic’s original writer, Jamie Delano, who was chosen by Constantine's creator, Alan Moore, to continue John's adventures after his initial appearances in Swamp Thing.

Joining Jamie on stage are artist, David Lloyd – best known for drawing V for Vendetta – who contributed to the comic and illustrated the Constantine graphic novel, The Horrorist; and two of the most recent contributors, Andy Diggle and Peter Milligan.

The discussion will be followed by a screening of the film adaptation
