• 14 years ago
It’s 1940 and the German army is oozing their ‘ickiness’ across Europe, indiscriminately slaughtering thousands. On the Eastern Front, a motley group of resistance fighters struggles valiantly against the Nazi scourge.
The German army, headed by the Commandant, (Michael Paré – oh yes!) and mad, showtunes-singing Doctor (Clint Howard), look set on eradicating the resistance.
But here comes Blubberella to the rescue. Half vampire, half woman, and all trouble, Blubberella loves nothing better than killing Nazis and having a slap-up meal afterwards!
She has moved through the centuries destroying nasties and their like whilst perfecting the ultimate candyfloss recipe. She kicks major ass with her major ass!!!
Love him or hate him, you have to love him for this one, a Uwe Boll movie worthy of a lot of the right kind of attention. Be prepared to laugh a lot!
Thu 28 April , 6.30pm Apollo Piccadilly.