• 14 years ago
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Thailand's famous Pattaya beach is shrinking due to soil erosion. More than 75% of the beach area has reduced in the past 60 years. Experts say if it continues at the current rate, the beach could disappear in a matter of years.

Thailand's Pattaya Beach is one of the world's best-known tourist destinations. Both Thai and foreign tourists come here throughout the year.

But, the beach area is shrinking due to sand erosion and experts say it could soon disappear.

[Thanawat Jarupongsakul, Coastal Erosion Expert, Chulalongkorn Univ.]:
"We have been following the rate of sand erosion since 1996 and we found out that the erosion rate is about 1.80 meters a year. If we do nothing about it, the beach will disappear in the near future - let's say less than five years."

Hundreds of sand bags are piled up along Pattaya's shore to prevent, or at least slow, the erosion. Some embankments have been established to block the high tide, but they can do little to prevent the loss of sand.

Local business owners worry that the sand erosion might affect the number of tourists coming to Pattaya.

[Yupin Herkommer, Beach Chair Rental Business Owner]:
"I could put fewer chairs on the beach because when the tide is low, we could see the water receded so little and during the high tide, the water increases quite a lot. So we have to take away our chairs and only leave a few on the beach. Sometimes we could not set them up at all."

[Yupin Herkommer, Beach Chair Rental Business Owner]:
"If we don't fill the of the embankment with sand, the water will destroy the shore because there is nothing to block - no sand - the wall. Then the water will erode the shore quicker."

Experts say the erosion is caused by human activities, including coastal development projects and large-scale economic growth that affect natural coastal processes.

Up to eight million cubic feet of sand will be needed immediately to increase the shore width to 131 feet.


