• il y a 14 ans
In June 2006, MeteoConsult group acquired "La Chaine Météo(The Weather Channel)", founded in 1995 and became the only actor working in the field of meteorology in Europe to manage all distribution channels of its information, telephone, news paper, Internet... and now television.
In 2008, the company was bought by the group Le Figaro with The Weather Channel.
Le Figaro is 100% owned by Dassault (Airbus manufacturer) which holds more than 40% of the market in the manufacture and sale of commercial, buisness and military aircraft.


So one of the bigger aircraft manufacturer and those who inform us about the weather in Europe are the same guys.
In France, since few years, we are dealing with a whole new way to condition and manipulate our minds about chemtrails.
It also shows their complicity.
The subliminal images, so we thought these traces are part of our time and there are no problems... No questions...

