Pionnier de la culture alternative québécoise, Xavier Caféïne lance son très attendu deuxième album, Bushido, en septembre 2009. Un album qui porte sa marque, une précision fulgurante, des textes soignés et des mélodies implacables. Avec un style s’apparentant au punk, au glam-punk, au rock’n’roll garage et à la pop, Xavier Caféïne, ce coloré personnage, joue la musique qu’il aime et comprend les rouages de l’écriture d’une chanson pop qui nous reste dans la tête. Exemple avec "Le Métro".
Pioneer of Quebecer alternative culture, Xavier Caféïne launches its highly anticipated second album, Bushido, in September 2009. An album full of its dazzling precision and his texts and melodies treated relentless. With a style akin to punk, glam-punk, garage rock and pop, Xavier Caféïne, this colorful character, plays the music he loves and understands the workings of the writing of a pop song that remains in the head. Example with "Le Metro".
Pioneer of Quebecer alternative culture, Xavier Caféïne launches its highly anticipated second album, Bushido, in September 2009. An album full of its dazzling precision and his texts and melodies treated relentless. With a style akin to punk, glam-punk, garage rock and pop, Xavier Caféïne, this colorful character, plays the music he loves and understands the workings of the writing of a pop song that remains in the head. Example with "Le Metro".