• il y a 15 ans
iConcerts - Blues - Santana

The blues carries the most profound essence of all the music that I love. I feel a deep humility and profound joy to be in the presence of the three stellar musicians on this show; each is as deep as the Pacific Ocean.

Of these men, the first I heard was Bobby Parker. Steal Away and Watch Your Step were standards in Tijuana when I was a child. They were played by everyone just as much as Green Onions by Booker T. and Hide Away by Freddie King.

The first time I saw Buddy Guy I felt the connection that Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Jeff Beck had with his playing. I will always be grateful to Buddy Guy for electrifying the blues and bringing this genre of music to new heights.

When I first listened to the music of Gatemouth Brown I heard the influence of T-Bone Walker, Saunders King, Freddie King, Hank Williams and Duke Ellington. Gatemouth Brown refused to be labeled a Bluesman so we honor him as a Renaissance Man.

All of these musicians paved the road for Eric Clapton, Michael Bloomfield, Peter Green, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page and me. It gives me great joy to share their brilliance with you this evening.

Carlos Santana


