Aucune oeuvre ne confronte aussi radicalement l'artiste à la durée de son existence et au passage du temps que celle de Roman Opalka qui se présente comme le premier artiste « Zeitiste » (en référence à Heidegger, Sein und Zeit - Etre et temps). Entretien du 28.04.2000.
No work of art confronts so radically the artist to the lenght of his life and to the passing of time than that of Roman Opalka who presents himself as the first "Zeitist" artist (after Heidegger's Sein und Zeit - Being and Time). Interview: 04.28.2000.
No work of art confronts so radically the artist to the lenght of his life and to the passing of time than that of Roman Opalka who presents himself as the first "Zeitist" artist (after Heidegger's Sein und Zeit - Being and Time). Interview: 04.28.2000.
Art et design