St. Mary Church
Along the Royal Road were public buildings, houses and small industries, some of which experienced alterations in their use with the passage of time.
Outstanding along this segment of the road is St Mary Church of the Alhambra, the building of which was completed in the 17th century on the site of the Alhambras Great Mosque; and the baths partially preserved in the house where composer Angel Barrios was born and lived, today a Museum in honour of the composer that evokes the intellectual ambience of the first third of the 20th century.
The building of the Temple, which took place between 1581 and 1618, was finished by the architect Ambrosio de Vico, who followed Herreras and Juan de Oreas style, although with a much simpler and plainer building style than the original design had been.
With it its Latin-cross floor design and side chapels, it is noted for its outstanding Baroque altarpiece framed by large Solomon-style columns from 1671, and the Crucified Christ and the large images of St. Ursula and St. Susan, by Alonso de Mena.
A lo largo de la Calle Real existían diversos edificios públicos, viviendas y pequeñas industrias, algunos de los cuales permanecen transformados por el tiempo y por nuevos usos.
En este tramo de la calle destaca especialmente la Iglesia de Santa María de la Alhambra, terminada a principios del siglo XVII sobre el solar de la Mezquita Mayor y su baño, este último conservado parcialmente en la casa donde nació y vivió el músico Ángel Barrios, hoy Museo evocador de su figura y del ambiente intelectual del primer tercio del siglo XX.
Las obras del templo se realizaron entre 1581 y 1618, completadas por el arquitecto Ambrosio de Vico siguiendo trazas de Juan de Herrera y Juan de Orea, aunque con fábricas muy humildes en comparación con los proyectos iniciales.
Along the Royal Road were public buildings, houses and small industries, some of which experienced alterations in their use with the passage of time.
Outstanding along this segment of the road is St Mary Church of the Alhambra, the building of which was completed in the 17th century on the site of the Alhambras Great Mosque; and the baths partially preserved in the house where composer Angel Barrios was born and lived, today a Museum in honour of the composer that evokes the intellectual ambience of the first third of the 20th century.
The building of the Temple, which took place between 1581 and 1618, was finished by the architect Ambrosio de Vico, who followed Herreras and Juan de Oreas style, although with a much simpler and plainer building style than the original design had been.
With it its Latin-cross floor design and side chapels, it is noted for its outstanding Baroque altarpiece framed by large Solomon-style columns from 1671, and the Crucified Christ and the large images of St. Ursula and St. Susan, by Alonso de Mena.
A lo largo de la Calle Real existían diversos edificios públicos, viviendas y pequeñas industrias, algunos de los cuales permanecen transformados por el tiempo y por nuevos usos.
En este tramo de la calle destaca especialmente la Iglesia de Santa María de la Alhambra, terminada a principios del siglo XVII sobre el solar de la Mezquita Mayor y su baño, este último conservado parcialmente en la casa donde nació y vivió el músico Ángel Barrios, hoy Museo evocador de su figura y del ambiente intelectual del primer tercio del siglo XX.
Las obras del templo se realizaron entre 1581 y 1618, completadas por el arquitecto Ambrosio de Vico siguiendo trazas de Juan de Herrera y Juan de Orea, aunque con fábricas muy humildes en comparación con los proyectos iniciales.