• il y a 15 ans
The Prodigy / Run with the Wolves
directed by Deka Brothers


Mathieu Furgé: the Man
Clarice Chiron: the Woman
Edouard Audouin: the Anubis gang members

Julien Deka: executive producer / camera operator / colorist
Ben Deka: camera operator / editor
François Galisson: ass. director / camera operator
Clovis Couteaux: executive producer / camera operator
Annabelle Meunier: Make-up artist
Aurore Jaulin: location manager / catering
Anubis' head wickerwork: Benjamin Mousserion
wooden draughtboard: David Dreano aka DD
Anubis' black head: Clovis Couteaux

Thanks to: Anna B, Sylvain Spagolini, Malik & Charlotte, Poy & Zo Prod, Mr. & Miss Mineau, Jacky


