NOTE 1: DECOMPOSITION OF YHWH: 1st letter Y ( = ֹא) in Slavic Aryan means [I am] or representation of the material visible world YAV in SLAVIC ARYAN RUNES, the 2nd letter H is the 1st letter of the Slavic Aryan god HORS (ױ־׀ׁ) - THE KEEPER OF THE CYCLE OF THE ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF LORD BAAL EVERY YEAR, the 3rd letter V (sometimes written as double V or W. The letter W indicates also the cyclic nature of existence in & out if written as double V in RUNES. The letter V is the first letter of the name BAAL (VOOL), where in Slavic Aryan it will be written as [ֲ־ֻ = ֲָֻ = ֲֵֻ = ֲֵֵֻׁ] and in Aryan Runes would be represented as letter V with the small horns on a top of the letter, literally symbolizing THE HEAD OF THE BULL (ֵֵֻׂײ-CALF), and where also Slavic Aryan letter ֲ sounds like V. The 4th letter H again represents the name of the Slavic Aryan god HORS (ױ־׀ׁ),
NOTE 1: DECOMPOSITION OF YHWH: 1st letter Y ( = ֹא) in Slavic Aryan means [I am] or representation of the material visible world YAV in SLAVIC ARYAN RUNES, the 2nd letter H is the 1st letter of the Slavic Aryan god HORS (ױ־׀ׁ) - THE KEEPER OF THE CYCLE OF THE ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF LORD BAAL EVERY YEAR, the 3rd letter V (sometimes written as double V or W. The letter W indicates also the cyclic nature of existence in & out if written as double V in RUNES. The letter V is the first letter of the name BAAL (VOOL), where in Slavic Aryan it will be written as [ֲ־ֻ = ֲָֻ = ֲֵֻ = ֲֵֵֻׁ] and in Aryan Runes would be represented as letter V with the small horns on a top of the letter, literally symbolizing THE HEAD OF THE BULL (ֵֵֻׂײ-CALF), and where also Slavic Aryan letter ֲ sounds like V. The 4th letter H again represents the name of the Slavic Aryan god HORS (ױ־׀ׁ),