• 15 years ago
Read ** The three of us have never met in person before, but thanks to talent and technology we are able to bring you this Christmas song.

Get the MP3 here: http://virtualbeck.webs.com/

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

As the winter months are come upon us, we wanted to wish you all a joyous safe holidays, and we hope that wherever you are, you'll be thinking of home with family and friends this season.

Josh Chevalier (user http://youtube.com/bordonthestreet ) messaged me saying that he found a great arrangement for a Christmas song that he wanted to collaborate on with Vance Perry (user http://youtube.com/vanceperry ) and myself. After hearing it (search Rascal Flatts, I'll Be Home For Christmas) I thought it sounded great and would be a fun Christmas song for you guys.
