• il y a 15 ans
Video Clip for the Run With The Wolves Competition.
I just want to give some explanation concerning my video.

First, I would say, that it is like a architecture, with levels, floors and roof, there are limits but is it also like a video game You begin at the starting point : the first level.

In order to "Run with the wolves" you must be like them !
At the end of first level, you have got the body of a wolf,

Next, you have to change your behaviour, dualty between The Alpha male or female and
the Hierachy inside the Wolf pack has to be established.

Now, the last thing is more mystic, this is the spirit. No one knows how to get it... Maybe you should try ?

You finally became one of them, so undestand that your not the Hunted.
The final stage you should clear, Became THE Hunter !!!


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