Ces images sont des métaphores du dilemme de notre existence moderne : elles tentent d’établir un dialogue entre attraction et répulsion, séduction et crainte. Nous sommes guidés par le désir - la possibilité d’une meilleure qualité de vie - tout en sachant, que le monde souffre de nos avancées. EB. Film présenté au 10eme Festival du Film Européen du 19 au 25 octobre 2011.
These images are metaphors for the dilemma of our modern existence : we are drawn by desire — the chance at good living, to have all creature comforts — yet we all know that the world is suffering to meet those demands. This uneasy contradiction feeds the dialogue in theses images between attraction and repulsion, seduction and fear.
Camera : Kim Jung Eun / Fabien Adam
Editing and sound : Fabien Adam
These images are metaphors for the dilemma of our modern existence : we are drawn by desire — the chance at good living, to have all creature comforts — yet we all know that the world is suffering to meet those demands. This uneasy contradiction feeds the dialogue in theses images between attraction and repulsion, seduction and fear.
Camera : Kim Jung Eun / Fabien Adam
Editing and sound : Fabien Adam
Art et design