D'origine inconnue, le Monolithe semble être le reflet de l'Univers et constituer l'âme profonde du Cosmos....Il symbolise en quelque sorte la "Forme des formes" ou bien encore "l'absence de Forme" ....Mystérieux, cet objet à la fois concret et virtuel, cette entité mathématique et philosophique semble une fois de plus nous révéler l'un de ses secrets les plus importants......
Of unknown origin, the Monolith seems to be the mirror of the Universe and the spirit of the Cosmos….It symbolizes the concept of "the Form of the forms” or even “the absence of the forms”….
Mysterious, this concrete and virtual object, this mathematical and philosophical entity seems to reveal us one of its most important secrecy ......
Of unknown origin, the Monolith seems to be the mirror of the Universe and the spirit of the Cosmos….It symbolizes the concept of "the Form of the forms” or even “the absence of the forms”….
Mysterious, this concrete and virtual object, this mathematical and philosophical entity seems to reveal us one of its most important secrecy ......
Art et design