00:00Yeah, so for the Florida Derby, I have an X-Acto here with Disruptor and Toppen Street
00:06on top.
00:07So those horses are both going to be about four to five to one.
00:10And the payout that you get in exotic wagers, which are these vertical and horizontal wagers,
00:16is ish about multiplicative of the odds of the horses that hit those spots.
00:22So for example, if Disruptor got first and Toppen Street got second, you know, it would
00:28be a four to one over a five to one.
00:31So you would multiply that to get your odds.
00:33So I'm playing Disruptor and Toppen Street on top.
00:36One of them has to get first and then Disruptor, Toppen Street and Sovereignty in second place,
00:41the ten.
00:42Sovereignty is going to be the favorite.
00:43So I'm moving the favorite out of that top spot to get a little more value, but still
00:48leaving them in there so that if you run second, I'll still cash my money.
00:52So based on the odds, I think the kind of lowest payout this bet would be is about eight
00:57to one.
00:59And the biggest payout might be 20 or 25 to one, depending on how those horses finish.
01:04And the bet only costs four dollars for a dollar.
01:07So, you know, you're getting double your money to much more than that.
01:10And Alexa could win both of her bets if Disruptor were to win and then either Toppen Street
01:16or Sovereignty were to run second because she'd have her win bet and then she'd hit
01:20the exact as well.
01:21We can pull up my wagers for race number 14.
01:25We can actually hit together, Alexa.
01:26I have an exact the box with the nine and the ten.
01:29So Toppen Street and Sovereignty, I box them up just because I do like the both of them
01:34and mainly because I'm really high on Toppen Street.
01:37If you were to lose and run second and finish behind Sovereignty, at least that's kind of
01:42like my saver.
01:44At least if Sovereignty were to win and the horse that I really like run second, I'll
01:47still make some money there.
01:49But I can also hit both of my wagers if Toppen Street were to win and then Sovereignty were
01:54to run second.
01:55So when you see the word box, that means the numbers can come in any way.
02:01So in an exact a box, they can come in nine, ten or ten, nine in a trifecta box.
02:06The horses could come in first, second, third in any specific order.