00:00You good bro?
00:01Yeah good, you?
00:02Yeah all good thank you.
00:03I don't know about you but I'm sore after that game mate.
00:06So it was like Sunday morning and I was, I could hardly get out of bed.
00:09Yeah it was good.
00:11Unreal experience yeah.
00:12How did you find the actual game?
00:13Obviously playing Ireland ranked second in the world, class team.
00:16First half I was actually winning a half time up didn't we?
00:19So being able to have that ability to take them to the wire for the whole game was unreal.
00:27I don't know that first half was just, I went past so quick.
00:31Getting that try before half time was definitely.
00:34Massive yeah.
00:35Felt like a real sense of belief going into the shared day.
00:38Boys were pumped.
00:40So close to scoring your first try for Wales.
00:43Inches away wasn't it?
00:44I know.
00:45So close.
00:46Watching on the screen I thought you had it.
00:48Team mate was going for so long wasn't it?
00:50I know.
00:51Did you think you had it when you went?
00:53First time watching it on the big screen I thought it was a try.
00:55But then they showed the second angle and I thought, bit short.
01:00But it was tough to see down there.
01:01If that counted that would have been a hell of a first try.
01:04Hell of a first try.
01:05It would have been unreal.
01:07Would have taken it down to the wire definitely.
01:09Final eight.
01:10Oh I know.
01:11How about Rodgers tries out?
01:12Guys mate.
01:15Every time I go on Instagram it's the first thing that comes up.
01:17It's been everywhere.
01:18All over social media.
01:19It's mental.
01:20How did you find the week leading up to it?
01:22When the team was announced I was so nervous the whole week.
01:25When the Saturday came I could hardly sleep really.
01:29Yeah so many messages.
01:30I had to reply to them all the weekend basically.
01:33I had to go through them all.
01:34Were you the same when you first appeared?
01:36Yeah it got to a point where I was with my girlfriend and I had to put my phone down
01:41because I realised I hadn't talked to her for like two hours.
01:44It does get pretty hectic doesn't it?
01:46Yeah it does.
01:47But once you were on the field how did you find it?
01:50Once the first whistle went I was fine.
01:52It's just beforehand it's so nerve wracking.
01:55As soon as you get into the game it's like a normal game really isn't it?
01:58For you carving up really isn't it?
02:00It's too easy doesn't it?
02:02Too easy for you mate.
02:03Nah it's not too easy.
02:04It was definitely a hard experience.
02:06Definitely a step up from Scarlett's as well.
02:08But it was a good step up.
02:10Thought that through the whole day?
02:12Obviously get on the bus.
02:13The famous bus journey into the stadium.
02:15How did you find it?
02:16Were you looking around seeing what was going on?
02:18It was surreal.
02:19I didn't stop looking out the window.
02:21Trying to spot my family as well but didn't manage to spot them.
02:24Seeing my jersey on the hanger was just a surreal experience.
02:27Seeing my name on the bottom of the jersey.
02:30And then walking down the tunnel was an unreal experience really.
02:35It hasn't really set in really.
02:38Did you shed a tear?
02:40No I just held it in.
02:41Managed to hold it in.
02:42Yeah nice.
02:44The anthem is an awesome experience isn't it?
02:48Best anthem in the world.
02:50Did you get all the words?
02:51Just about.
02:52I was listening to it the whole week and then when it came to it I got a bit nervous.
02:57But managed to get through it.
02:59When you first walked out of there how was it for you?
03:01When you first walk out the tunnel it took a minute just looking around.
03:06Seeing what it was all like.
03:08I just didn't realise how loud it was going to be.
03:10I think that's what took me by surprise for my first one.
03:15Just from the anthem.
03:17Everyone's so passionate.
03:19How did your family find it?
03:21And your two brothers.
03:22Real old school jerseys.
03:24What was the go with that?
03:25Obviously my brother had an old school Reebok one on.
03:28A white one.
03:29And when I told him I'd been picked to come into camp at the start.
03:33He was like I've found this top on eBay.
03:37I'm going to have to buy it now.
03:39I think it was like 150 quid or something.
03:41Proper retro one.
03:42I've never seen it before.
03:44Throughout the day my mum was so nervous.
03:46And then finally getting into the game she started crying bless her.
03:50But then when the final whistle went it was all better now.
03:54Back into it next week with all the boys coming back.
03:56Going into the Scotland game.
03:58After that Irish game being so close to the result we wanted.
04:04What do you think the mindset is going into the Scottish game?
04:07I think we've just got to take it to them really.
04:09Both Scotland and England hopefully can end the Six Nations on a high.
04:13With a win.
04:14Yeah 100%.
04:15Get it done.
04:16Go in with confidence and belief that we can take them down.
04:19Take that belief from the Ireland game and take it into the Scotland and England game.
04:23Yeah 100%.
04:24It's been a pleasure having a coffee with you mate.
04:27You too bro.
04:28Great drink.
04:30Best drink I've ever had.
04:31Cheers mate.
04:32Good to catch up bro.
04:33See you in a bit.
04:34See you bro.