South Australia's Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence is holding its final day of public hearings. The year-long inquiry was prompted by the deaths of six women in 2023, four of them in one single week. It's examining how the state can improve its response to family and domestic violence.
00:00Royal Commissioner Natasha Stott Despoja is spending her tenth and final day of public
00:07hearings listening to a range of experts from groups such as R-Watch and the Federal Domestic
00:11Violence Commission.
00:12They're discussing how South Australia can better recognise and respond to domestic,
00:17family and sexual violence with the ultimate aim of ending violence altogether.
00:22Now earlier today the Royal Commission's Council Assisting said a significant number
00:26of people had written to the inquiry calling for more public education about domestic violence.
00:32The Commission was told that many people don't know that certain non-physical behaviours
00:36can constitute domestic violence and that can affect people's ability to seek help.
00:41Federal Domestic Violence Commissioner Michaela Cronin said there's been an increase in family
00:45violence related deaths across Australia over the past two years.
00:49SA Police has previously told the Royal Commission that it responds to 100 domestic incidents
00:55and issues nine intervention orders on average each day.
00:59The Commission's also heard that people living with a disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait
01:03Islander people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are
01:07particularly susceptible to family violence.
01:10Ms Stott Despoja will hand down a final report to the State Government in July.