• 2 days ago
As EU defence spending surges, would Brits support the creation of a European army?

Almost half of Brits would support the creation of a European army that included the UK, apart from Reform UK voters who are sticking close to the US.

READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2025/03/25/as-eu-defence-spending-surges-would-brits-support-the-creation-of-a-european-army

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00:00Do British people support the creation of a European army with the UK?
00:08Around 46% of British people support the idea of the creation of a European army that includes
00:15the UK, while 28% do not. This is what a recent YouGov survey of 7,300 adults in Great Britain
00:23stated. The individuals who strongly support this idea are mainly located in Scotland and Wales,
00:29while those who somewhat support it are mainly found in Wales and the south of England.
00:34More than half of the male respondents either strongly support or somewhat support the idea.
00:40In contrast, the picture was less clear for female respondents, with many either
00:45somewhat supporting the idea or more than a third indicated that they don't know.
00:50Among survey participants aged 25 and over, there is a tendency to somewhat support the
00:56establishment of a European army, while younger individuals remain uncertain about their stance
01:01on the issue. Supporters of Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party are generally more in favour
01:07than those who back the Reform Party, who represent the largest group opposing the idea.
01:12However, the most muscular defence could cause more trouble among the electorate,
01:17as most Brits do not want to increase defence spending if it means tax increases. YouGov found
01:2355% would oppose paying more tax to increase the sector, while less than a third would support it.
