PM Modi Govta Schemes: एक हफ्ते के बाद नया financial year शुरू होने वाला है, जिसमें काफी बदलाव देखने को मिलेंगे। सबसे जरूरी बात यह है कि central government अपनी welfare schemes का रिव्यू भी इसी financial year में करेगी। इस review में focus होगा funds का utilization, schemes के outcomes और उनका overall impact. यह review हर 5 साल में किया जाता है, जिसका main objective होता है unnecessary schemes को eliminate करना और funds का better use ensure करना. जानिए कौन-सी स्कीम बंद हो सकती हैं?
#govtschemes #pmkisan #pmmodi #pmawas #mgnrega #welfareschemes #governmentschemes #ayushmanbharatyojana #pmawasyojana
#govtschemes #pmkisan #pmmodi #pmawas #mgnrega #welfareschemes #governmentschemes #ayushmanbharatyojana #pmawasyojana
00:00After almost a week, a new financial year is about to begin, in which a lot of changes
00:10will be seen.
00:11The most important thing is that the central government will also review its welfare schemes
00:15in this financial year.
00:17According to my reports, a senior officer has said that the government will evaluate
00:22all central and centrally sponsored schemes in the coming financial year.
00:26In this review, the focus will be on the utilization of funds, the outcomes of schemes, and their
00:31overall impact.
00:32This review is done every 5 years, whose main objective is to eliminate unnecessary schemes
00:38and ensure the better use of funds.
00:41So which schemes can be affected, which will be taken special care of, we will know in
00:47this video.
00:48First, let's know what are the important parameters of the review.
00:52So according to the report of Economic Times, there will be multiple parameters of evaluation.
00:56First, is any scheme achieving its objective or overlapping with a state-level scheme?
01:03Second, can small schemes be merged or phased out?
01:08Third, how have the states implemented it?
01:12The government has also asked for suggestions from the nodal ministry, which executes the
01:16schemes through the expenditure department.
01:18According to the report, there are some useful suggestions for the social sector schemes.
01:23Now let's know what is the budget of the top 10 government schemes for the financial year
01:29If we talk about Manrega first, which comes in the top 10, the budget for Manrega is Rs.
01:3586,000 crore, Rs. 65,000 crore for Jal Jeevan Mission, Rs. 63,500 crore for PM Kisan, Rs.
01:4354,832 crore, Rs. 41,250 crore for Samagrah Sikhsha, Rs. 37,227 crore for National Health
01:52Mission, Rs. 23,294 crore for PM Awas Yojana Urban, Rs. 22,600 crore for Modified Interest
01:58Subvention Scheme, Rs. 21,960 crore for Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan, Rs. 20,000 crore for
02:06New Employment Generation Scheme, Rs. 20,000 crore.
02:09The government has asked the MLA to identify areas where the state government schemes and
02:15centrally sponsored schemes, i.e. CSS, are similar.
02:19The official think tank can submit a report by April in which it will be recommended which
02:24schemes to continue, modify, expand, reduce or phased out.
02:29Before presenting in front of the government finance commission, it will also consider
02:34feedback from different ministries and the finance commission.
02:36Let's know what is the budget of centrally sponsored schemes, before that, let's understand
02:40which are the major CSS schemes.
02:42Ayushman Bharat, also known as PM Jan Arogya Yojana, Mandrega, Mahatma Gandhi, National
02:49Rural Employment Guarantee Act, PM Awas Yojana Urban and Rural, Jal Jeevan Mission, and PM
02:58Gram Sadak Yojana.
02:59PM Narendra Modi made a sub-group of the Chief Minister in March 2015 to rationalize CSS
03:06In this process, the number of schemes was reduced from 130 to 75.
03:11The government has fixed a CSS budget of Rs 5.41 lakh crore for the financial year 2025-2026.
03:17Initially, a budget of Rs 5.05 lakh crore was allocated in the current financial year,
03:22but it has been revised to Rs 4.15 lakh crore.
03:27It is reviewed every five years, it will be reviewed this time too, and it will be seen
03:31which of these government schemes can be terminated.
03:35That's all for this video.
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