• 2 days ago
Crazy Love Game (2024) EP 23 ENGSUB
00:30真心真意 欲望迷离 Sincerely, I want to be in love with you
00:34头条后陷进去 嗜血被溺 也感激如蚁 The end is near, blood is spilling out of my veins, and I feel like I've lost everything
01:00你滚 What are you doing?
01:01怎么了 What's wrong?
01:02妈 Mom
01:05你干什么呢小诺 What are you doing, Xiao Nuo?
01:07她推了你 She pushed you
01:09怎么了 What's wrong?
01:10没事 许诺也不是故意的 It's nothing. I didn't do it on purpose
01:12别怪她 Don't blame her
01:14你推她干吗呀 Why did you push her?
01:17你太放肆了许诺 You're too presumptuous, Xu Nuo
01:19你干什么 What are you doing?
01:20许先生 Mr. Xu
01:22你女儿就这么对我们娘俩呀 Is this how your daughter treats us?
01:26马上当着我的面给夏夏和阿姨道歉 Apologize to Aunt Xia Xia in front of me right now
01:31马上 Right now
01:32凭什么呀 Why?
01:33什么叫凭什么 Why?
01:35夏夏从怀孕到坐月子都在我们家里待着 Xia Xia has been staying with us since she was pregnant
01:39这是经过我同意的 This was approved by me
01:41我说了话不算什么 What I said doesn't count
01:45行 那我搬出去行了吧 Fine. Then I'll move out
01:51妈 坐 Mom, sit down
01:54坐坐坐 Sit down
01:55这孩子 This kid
02:01进 Come in
02:02怎么不吃饭啊 Why don't you eat?
02:03潘姨都叫你好几次了 The doctor has called you several times
02:07我都气饱了 I'm full of anger
02:09他们一家人团聚 They are a family
02:11我去凑什么热闹 What am I going to do?
02:13吃饭吧 Let's eat
02:22那要么你搬去我那儿住 Why don't you move in with me?
02:27搬你那儿去 Move in with you?
02:29不是等于自动承认游戏输了 It's like automatically admitting that the game lost
02:33不用了 No need
02:34我已经在找房子了 I'm already looking for a house
02:38行 Fine
02:40那你别生气了 Don't be angry
02:41吃完了把牛奶喝了 Drink the milk after eating
02:42休息 Take a rest
02:59晚安 Good night
03:00大小姐 Miss
03:12晚安 Good night
03:43小小 Xiaoxiao
03:46干嘛呢 What are you doing?
03:47收拾东西呢 I'm packing up
03:49洗完澡了 Did you take a shower?
03:50洗完了 I did
03:52最近辛苦了 给你按按肩 You've been working hard lately. Let me give you a massage
03:56我辛苦算什么呀 What's so hard about it?
03:58女人怀胎十个月对女人来说是最辛苦的 It's the hardest thing for a woman to give birth for ten months
04:01而且你记住啊 And remember
04:04这给胎儿前三个月保胎显得尤为重要 This is especially important for the first three months of pregnancy
04:07听见没有 Do you hear me?
04:08嗯 Yes
04:10你说我多幸福 How happy I am
04:12能够把你娶一家真好 It's so nice to be able to marry you
04:16梦想成真了 Your dream has come true
04:19我还在想 I was thinking
04:20半年前在滨海商会的晚宴上 Half a year ago, at the dinner of the Binhai Chamber of Commerce
04:24当你出现在我面前的时候当你出现在我面前的时候 When you appeared in front of me
04:25我眼睛都直了 My eyes were straight
04:26我说这女儿怎么会这么好看呢 I said, how can this girl be so beautiful?
04:29身材又好 She's in good shape
04:31她就是我理想的女儿 She's my ideal wife
04:32她就是我理想的女儿 She's my ideal wife
04:33她就是我理想的女儿 She's my ideal wife
04:34我说这女儿怎么会这么好看呢 I said, how can this girl be so beautiful?
04:36身材又好 She's in good shape
04:38她就是我理想中的太太 She's my ideal wife
04:41原来从那个时候起你就打我主意了呀 So that's when you came up with the idea
04:47男人嘛 This man
04:48这个爱美之心人间有之对不对 He has a beautiful heart and everyone knows it, right?
04:51不过当时我真的不好意思 But at that time, I was really embarrassed
04:52我也跟你搭讪了 I also made a deal with you
04:54但是我没想到 But I didn't expect
04:56结果你还主动走过来跟我搭讪 In the end, you took the initiative to make a deal with me
05:00我觉得奇怪你说 I think it's weird
05:01当时在晚宴上这么多青年才俊 At that time, there were so many young and talented people at the banquet
05:04你怎么就会主动过来跟我敬酒呢 Why did you take the initiative to drink with me?
05:09你想知道啊 Do you want to know?
05:11不告诉你 I won't tell you
05:13你还跟我卖关子了 You sold me out
05:16我说说 I'll tell you
05:18好了好了 Okay, okay
05:19跟你说啊 I'll tell you
05:21因为我觉得你 Because I think you
05:23长得又高又帅 You're tall and handsome
05:25特别有成熟男人的魅力 You have the charm of a mature man
05:27真是有多大的眼光 You really have a good taste
05:32求你看得准 I hope you can see it
05:34当时我刚离婚不久 I just got a divorce
05:37我当时心里想 I thought
05:39总算是离婚了 I finally got a divorce
05:40我得过几年生新的日子 I have to live a new life in a few years
05:44单身的生活真好 It's good to be single
05:48你说这算不算是天意 I met you
05:49就遇到你了 It's a blessing
05:50一切就被你给拿下了 Everything was taken over by you
05:53是是是 Yes, yes
05:54我们许董又帅又体贴 Mr. Xu is handsome and considerate
05:56是我捡到宝了 It's me who got the treasure
05:58你那小嘴就跟抹着蜜似的 Your little mouth is like a honey
06:03我今儿听你妈说啊 I heard from your mom today
06:05她说女人怀孕 She said women are pregnant
06:08如果肚子是圆的 If the belly is round
06:09有可能是生女儿 You may have a daughter
06:11肚子是尖的 If the belly is pointed
06:12有可能生个儿子 You may have a son
06:17我得看看 I have to see
06:18这肚子是尖的还是圆的 Is the belly pointed or round?
06:20我这都还没肚子呢 I don't have a belly yet
06:22净瞎说 Nonsense
06:23想儿子想疯了你 Are you crazy for a son?
06:27你小心点啊 Be careful
06:33别碰我 Don't touch me
06:38别碰我 Don't touch me
06:57你干嘛 What are you doing?
06:59吃早饭 Eat breakfast
07:01我不吃 I don't eat
07:02象象是孕妇 Xiaoxiao is a pregnant woman
07:03饮食三餐要规律 The rules of the three meals a day
07:04以后得按我们的作息来 must be followed by us
07:06我再跟你说一遍 I'll say it again
07:07我不吃 I don't eat
07:08还有以后没有我的同意 Don't come into my room
07:09以后没有我的同意 Don't come into my room
07:13我可是叫过你了 I've told you
07:15不吃别后悔 Don't regret it if you don't eat
07:18别碰我 Don't touch me
07:19别碰我 Don't touch me
07:20别碰我 Don't touch me
07:21别碰我 Don't touch me
07:22别碰我 Don't touch me
07:26吃饭 Eat breakfast
07:37佩姨 Aunt Pei
07:40佩姨 Aunt Pei
07:41不用叫了 No need to call me
07:43佩姨买菜去了 Aunt Pei went to buy vegetables
07:45以后过了饭点了 After dinner
07:47我就没饭吃喽 I have no food to eat
07:50谁同意你这么做的 Who agreed with you?
07:57你爸同意的 Your dad agreed
07:59以后要以下下的做鸡习惯为准 In the future, you have to follow Xiaxia's cooking habits
08:02她是孕妇要特殊照顾懂不懂 She is a pregnant woman and needs special care, understand?
08:05妈 Mom
08:09孕妇也不能影响别人生活呀 Pregnant women can't affect other people's lives
08:13小诺 Xiaonuo
08:14我房间有剩我刚熬好的海鲜粥 I have seafood porridge in my room that I just made
08:17不过太淡了我一口都没喝 But it's too light, I didn't even take a sip
08:19拿下来给你热热 Take it and warm it up for you
08:23你自己留着喝吧 Keep it for yourself
08:26谢谢 Thank you
08:32夏夏 Xiaoxia
08:33怎么样 How's it going?
08:34妈妈说过了妈妈说过了 Mom said it before
08:36有的是办法吃它 There is a way to eat it
08:44一会儿我出去喝下午茶 Later, I'll go out for afternoon tea
08:47正好可以带上 I can bring it with me
08:49回来了 You're back
08:50你吃饭了没有啊 Have you eaten yet?
08:52可没给你留饭啊 I didn't leave you any food
08:57喂 Hello
08:58喂小猫 Hello, Xiaomeng
09:00你房子找到了吗 Did you find your house?
09:02白天太忙了 I was too busy during the day
09:03我一时半会儿没够上呢 I didn't have time to go there
09:04你要是在那儿老生那娘俩的气 If you're there, you'll get angry
09:07你就先搬回我家跟我挤挤吧 You can move back to my house first and squeeze in with me
09:10行那我收拾收拾东西一会儿去找你啊 Okay, I'll pack up and come to you later
09:13好 路上小心点 Okay, be careful on the way
09:18耶 Yeah
09:20谢谢 Thank you
09:21谢谢 Thank you
09:22谢谢 Thank you
09:23谢谢 Thank you
09:24谢谢 Thank you
09:25谢谢 Thank you
09:31哎呀 终于可以走了 Ah, I can finally leave
09:36男人不过是一个小钱的东西 没什么了不起 A man is just a small thing, nothing special
09:53那只耳环呢 Where's the earring?
09:55忘了忘了忘了 I forgot to forget it
10:26哈 Ha ha
10:29哈 Ha ha
10:31哈哈哈 Ha ha
10:35你干什么呀 What are you doing?
10:42这是我外婆送我的生日礼物 This is a birthday gift from my grandmother
10:45你居然敢偷 How dare you steal it
10:47你 You
10:49血口喷人 You are gossiping
10:51我血口喷人 I'm gosiping
10:52这是我自己的东西 This is my own thing
10:53I have security cameras on my phone. Let's go.
10:56I didn't steal it.
10:58I found it under the sofa.
11:00Let's go to the police station.
11:02Let's go. Come with me.
11:03I didn't steal it. Let go.
11:05I found it under the sofa.
11:07What's wrong?
11:08Xia Xia, you're finally back.
11:10He wants to send me to the police station.
11:13Your mom stole my stuff.
11:14What do you mean steal?
11:16Do you know how to talk?
11:18All the things in this house were bought by your dad.
11:20Your dad's is Xia Xia's.
11:22It's mine.
11:25Let's go to the police station.
11:27Let's go.
11:28You really didn't steal it.
11:30Let go.
11:31I said it was my sister's.
11:32You're still lying to me.
11:35Oh my god.
11:36Xia Xia.
11:37Xia Xia.
11:38Xia Xia.
11:39Xia Xia.
11:40Xia Xia.
11:41Xia Xia.
11:42Xia Xia.
11:43Xia Xia.
11:44Xia Xia.
11:45Xia Xia.
11:46Are you okay?
11:47Xia Xia.
11:48Are you feeling unwell?
11:50Xia Xia.
11:52My stomach hurts.
11:54What's wrong with her?
11:55Don't touch me.
11:56Call the ambulance.
11:59What's going on?
12:00Call the ambulance.
12:02Hurry up.
12:03Is it 120?
12:05We have a pregnant woman here.
12:07No.1 Huaihai Road.
12:09Please come here quickly.
12:11Li Mingli.
12:13Look at you.
12:14What did you do to Xia Xia?
12:16You slandered me and stole my stuff.
12:18You even let Xia Xia fall from the stairs.
12:20She's so tall.
12:21Can you protect her?
12:31I didn't do it on purpose.
12:32You didn't do it on purpose.
12:34Xu Su, what are you doing?
12:36Don't hit me.
12:37Hit you?
12:38I'll hit you today.
12:40Don't you know Xia Xia is pregnant?
12:41She's pregnant.
12:42And you pushed her down the stairs.
12:44What do you want?
12:46I'll hit you.
12:47I'll kill you.
12:48Xu Su.
12:50Xia Xia didn't do it on purpose.
12:52She didn't do it on purpose.
12:53Ask her.
12:54Did she do it on purpose?
12:55Is this the first time she did this to Xia Xia?
12:58You never do anything right.
12:59You're so reckless.
13:01I'm telling you.
13:02You're just like your mom, Su Rong.
13:03You're hopeless.
13:08Xu Mingli.
13:09He's bleeding.
13:12He's bleeding.
13:13He's bleeding.
13:14Hurry up.
13:15Call the ambulance.
13:16Is the ambulance here?
13:17Jiahe, help me.
13:18Is the ambulance here?
13:19Follow me.
13:22Hurry up.
13:23Call the ambulance.
13:24Xia Xia.
13:25Xia Xia.
13:35I was so scared.
13:36Fortunately, it's not a big deal.
13:38The doctor said
13:39you just need to rest from now on.
13:41Your body will be fine.
13:43And it's good for the baby.
13:49I'm fine.
13:54It's not my fault.
13:57We really can't afford to offend your precious daughter.
14:00Xia Xia is lucky this time.
14:02We don't have to talk about how aggrieved she is.
14:05I don't know if the baby can be born safely.
14:11Mom, don't talk nonsense.
14:14Xiao Nuo was also emotional at that time.
14:16It wasn't on purpose.
14:18I have to apologize to you for this.
14:20I didn't raise this child well.
14:23I'll discipline her when I go back.
14:26I apologize to you.
14:27I apologize to you.
14:31Mingli has apologized.
14:33Just forget it.
14:35And I promise you
14:37this will never happen again.
14:40In my family,
14:41I believe I, Xu Mingli, have the final say.
14:44You said that.
14:45I said that.
14:46You promised me to take good care of Xia Xia.
14:48That's why I agreed to your marriage.
15:06Hurry up.
15:07Ask Xu Nuo to apologize to Xia Xia.
15:11I think you should apologize to my daughter first.
15:14She pushed her.
15:15She has a reason.
15:16I tell you, Su Rong.
15:18Xu Nuo has this virtue today
15:19because you spoiled her.
15:41She seemed to be quite serious at that time.
15:45Don't worry.
15:46She'll be fine.
15:47Listen to your dad.
15:48She'll be fine.
15:52I didn't do it on purpose.
15:54I was angry.
15:56I was angry that her mom stole my stuff.
15:59I know.
16:00You didn't do it on purpose.
16:02I forgot she was a pregnant woman.
16:04I forgot.
16:06I know.
16:07You didn't do it on purpose.
16:09But your dad was right.
16:11No matter what,
16:12he shouldn't have hit you.
16:20My dad has changed.
16:24Since I was a kid,
16:26no matter how angry he was,
16:28he never hit me.
16:32But since he met Bai Xia,
16:34he hasn't hit me for the first time.
16:39It's all my fault.
16:41I'm wronged.
16:48Since he's so heartless,
16:50I won't
16:54accept him as my dad.
17:11I love you.
17:13Love you.
17:15Love you so.
17:17Till when I forget.
17:21Who am I?
17:25I miss you.
17:27Miss you.
17:29Miss you so.