• 16 hours ago
"A Political Person, as a Criminal, Cannot Engage in Political Discussions in Jail" Superintendent
00:00Please tell us, there is a lot of confusion that this ban on talking is only on Rufqa and Vukla or her family can't even come out of Riyala Jail and have a political conversation?
00:15There were multiple petitions filed regarding meeting with the Bani PTI.
00:29The Supreme Head of Riyala Jail leaves his work and stands here in the courts.
00:35They should be clubbed and a decision should be made to schedule a meeting with them.
00:41During this litigation, there was an intra-court appeal of 236 of 2023.
00:47There was already a decision in that, after which an SOP was filed with the Bani PTI and the Supreme Head of Riyala Jail.
00:56But later on, while violating the SOPs, they themselves didn't even recommend a proper name.
01:03Every person who we refused to meet, would come in a red petition.
01:09The next day, he would file a content petition.
01:12So this was the process.
01:14Look, the Supreme Head of Riyala Jail is also subject to rules and regulations.
01:18According to the PPR, which is the Pakistan Prisoner Rules of 1978,
01:24you are asking how they can put restrictions.
01:28They can put restrictions in such a way that there is a rule, 256,
01:33where a convicted person cannot have a political conversation or can't do politics.
01:40And this same law was held in a Supreme Court judgment,
01:45when Zulfiqar Ali Bhutta Sahib filed a petition in the Supreme Court.
01:50In that too, it was held that a convicted person cannot be the head of a party,
01:55nor can he have a political conversation, nor can he do political activities during prison.
02:00So all these things are already there.
02:03This is not a new thing.
02:05We only requested the court that since there are a lot of issues,
02:09you have to re-arrange it.
02:11Instead of two days, schedule the meeting in one day.
02:14We will increase the timing.
02:16What is the order?
02:18Yes, brother Faisal, I will tell you.
02:20We will increase their timing, so you can convert it in one day.
02:24We never refused a meeting.
02:26But in this way, every person will come to meet us without any recommendation.
02:31Before this, a single batch,
02:34even before this SOP,
02:36had made an order that the list will be given by Imran Niazi Sahib himself.
02:40After that, he started giving the list himself.
02:43But in that ICA petition, it was said that it will be done through a coordinator.
02:47Now, the court has decided that all the petitions that were already there,
02:52disposing of all of them,
02:54they have decided that the ICA336 of 2023,
02:58and as a result of that, the SOPs that were made,
03:01will be carried out accordingly.
03:03Our request was that,
03:05according to PPR 1978,
03:08the political discussions cannot be done.
03:11So, they come out and politicize things in this way.
03:15There are a lot of groups among themselves.
03:17One group talks, another group talks,
03:19a third group talks.
03:21So, these things should not happen.
03:23So, the court asked the other group,
03:25so they gave an undertaking.
03:27Now, there will be a detailed order.
03:29Even I have not read it.
03:30There will be a detailed order, so we will look at it.
03:32No, what is your understanding,
03:34that this talk of political discussions,
03:36not to come out and do it,
03:38its application is only on Vukla,
03:40or is it also on his family members?
03:42Sir, it is on everyone.
03:43It is on everyone.
03:44There is no specific name.
03:45And this application,
03:47and Mr. Malik, this application is only up to the premises of Diyala Jail,
03:52that outside,
03:54you can come to Islamabad and say whatever you want,
03:56that yes, he said this, he is a politician.
03:58Sir, our general request was that
04:00in any place,
04:02these meetings should not be politicized.
04:04Today, this happened in the meeting,
04:06and this tweet came.
04:08See, there are a lot of things like this.
04:10I am not related to any party.
04:12Therefore, I do not point it out.
04:14All of them are respectable to me.
04:16But there are a lot of things like this,
04:18there are a lot of tweets like this,
04:20which you see in society.
04:22I am saying that what is yours,
04:24will be known by the decision.
04:26But your understanding is that
04:28you are saying that the court should ban it totally,
04:30that these people should not tweet about political discussions,
04:34nor do press conferences,
04:36nor discuss in shows.
04:38As per Pakistan Prisoner Rule 1978,
04:40and as per the judgment of the Supreme Court,
04:42Zulfiqar Ahmed Buttah,
04:44in the light of that judgment,
04:46our request is that
04:48only our request.
04:50When is your request expected?
04:52You can see,
04:54in whatever days they write,
04:56today or tomorrow,
04:58but we cannot say this.
05:00But if we amend one law for one person,
05:02and give more than that,
05:04then there are 8000 people there.
05:06Maybe we are saved from this petition of PTI,
05:08if they get up and petition.
05:10No, out of 8000,
05:12for 7999, the door does not even open.
05:14But it's okay, no problem.
05:16Mr. Malik, thank you very much.
05:18Sir, they are talking about something else.
05:20They are talking about a total blanket.
05:22I am saying the same thing.
05:24They are saying, leave this,
05:26that it will be applied on the sisters too.
05:28This is their understanding.
05:30But they are not stopping at Adhiyala.
05:32They are saying that it will not happen anywhere.
05:34Exceptions have not been created.
05:36It is a general law order.
05:38That means that you cannot tweet,
05:40as Mr. Malik has just said,
05:42that there is a restriction on tweets.
05:44That is, no one can come from there
05:46and stop the message
05:48that used to come out of Mr. Imran Khan.
05:52That is why their smiles
05:54are not stopping at Adhiyala.
05:56There is one way.
05:58They can write a letter.
06:00If they get a copy right.
06:02No, they cannot say anything political.
06:04They are writing a letter.
06:06The Kar Bhutta case,
06:08I was also
06:10counsel in that case.
06:12That was done
06:14in Texas.
06:16By the way,
06:18according to the law
06:20at that time,
06:22the disqualification was
06:24according to Article 62, 63.
06:26So basically, Abbas people
06:28are in a total,
06:30as they say in Punjabi,
06:32that absolutely,
06:34even if they meet,
06:36they should not talk about it.
06:38Why are you so scared?
06:40No, there is no fear.
06:42What is there to be afraid of?
06:44Look, in this,
06:46to end the lie,
06:48it can be a matter of courage.
06:50To end the spread,
06:52to nip in the bud.
06:54What do you mean by spreading?
06:56You people are saying
06:58that there should not be any political talk.
07:00Not political.
07:02If there is a form of frankness
07:04in the meeting,
07:06then we will have to give it.
07:08What will the party itself
