Mumbai: In an exclusive conversation with the actors where they share their thoughts on working in a politically charged setup, revealing how it affects them on a human level. They recall a memorable moment from filming ‘Khaki: The Bengal Chapter’ and how playing a role impacted their off-screen life. The actor also reflects on their first film experience, which became a cult classic, and its lasting influence on their artistic growth.
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00:00Oh wow, terribly deep questions you are asking my god.
00:11I mean more than the politics part of it, for me this has been an emotional ride.
00:17Sometimes it has also been an override while shooting the show because there's so much
00:22that happens and because the treatment of every character was so, at least at an emotional
00:29level very realistic and very closer to life, so we had to deep like take a dive within
00:34ourselves to find the reality of our emotions, what is our anger, what is our sadness, what
00:40hurts us and bring that out into our paths. So that emotional override was there, it was a lot
00:47and did not make me cynical but definitely at one point I was even scared of my own emotions
00:52that I really hope it doesn't take us, take over us so much that we can't get out of it and we
00:56used to make sure consciously that every night after we finished shooting, we sat with each
01:02other for an hour, two hours before we hit the bed, we rehearsed with each other, whatever we did,
01:06chilled, watched something, listened to something, rehearsed for the next day, whatever we did,
01:11we used to do it as Adil and Ritu, so that Shagor and Ranjeet don't overpower us because
01:15they were characters worthy of being overpowered. So, it didn't make us cynical but at one point
01:19we were quite petrified of our own characters.
01:26Oh my god, you won't believe, now it's such a violent character and there's so much,
01:32what do I say, physical violence in it also from both our parts and Ranjeet is supposed to be a
01:37hot-headed, does not think before taking action, extremely aggressive kind of a guy.
01:56He was like, what is going on?
02:22One second, one second, one second.
02:24He's like, what happened?
02:25I said, when this show is over, you should go on a holiday, you should roam in the mountains.
02:30He's like, why, what did I do?
02:31He's like, why are you tearing it like this?
02:33Why are you killing the bottles?
02:36But you know, I also think that probably it's not necessary that the character you're playing
02:42is justified in your head but you probably need to understand why is he doing what
02:47and if you develop that understanding towards the character, you kind of get into.
02:51You can't judge your characters.
02:59Wow, my fondest, there's so many memories.
03:04So, my fondest memory is the first time I saw a film camera because before that we hadn't done
03:11even my whatever auditions I did was in a regular camera.
03:15You don't see, I mean this is also we're talking 2002.
03:18Right, so it's too many years back.
03:21So, the first time I saw
03:29So, there were no dialogues.
03:30So, Sudhir was nice enough and he said that he doesn't get any dialogues.
03:34First time she's, you know, on a film set, first time film camera, very overwhelming.
03:39We had a French cameraman and a sound recordist.
03:43So, they like to block everything.
03:45They have to first stand and understand emotions.
03:47So, you have to play the whole scene as it will be and all that.
03:52So, I was so scared.
03:53I was so quiet, you know, I remember and so Sudhir was basically explaining to me
04:01but you have to feel the rhythm.
04:02She goes, opens the curtain.
04:06And my fondest memory is I think it was the second take and it was okay
04:12and I was so scared.
04:14I was so, so nervous.
04:15I couldn't sleep the night before.
04:18And so, that I think for me is the most special moment
04:22because Sudhir was like, yeah, this is it.
04:24This is good.
04:25Second take and it was absolutely fine.
04:27And then there's so many, you know, just sitting and talking with Sudhir
04:31and, you know, the French cameraman and all stories and how
04:34just basically getting introduced to the cinema, you know, the world of cinema.
04:39And another one is the scene where
04:41when she is being manhandled and she starts screaming and all.
04:49So, that was a very difficult scene for me.
04:51I think that again is a very strong memory.
04:54As a performance, you know, as a film actor, it was my first time acting.
04:59Forget film actor, I had only done a music video before that.
05:03So, I had not done any kind of acting.
05:05So, that was also very special because everybody started clapping
05:08and so that was very special.
05:11What is your biggest compliment or award?
05:16Encourages me.
05:17I mean, it is my biggest compliment, my biggest award, I suppose, you know.
05:24A lot of times people do films and they wait for something like Hazaro
05:27and that happened to be my first.
05:28But like I said, I didn't have any idea.
05:32I don't think anybody had any idea because every day
05:35Svanand would come and pick me up from home
05:37because it was his, you know,
05:38and that was
05:39Raita phel gaya, raita phel gaya, raita phel gaya.
05:41That's all he would say.
05:43Because I had always asked ki kaise chal rahe hai, kya ho rahe hai, how is it going?
05:46Arey, raita phel gaya, raita phel gaya.
05:48So, every time even now I meet him, I say raita phel ho hai life mein ki nahi.
05:54So, but you know, nobody knew.
05:56I think the only person who knew was Sudhir that, you know, how it will come together.
06:00But it, I mean, everybody, whether Shantanu Moitra,
06:04everybody who's connected to the film did so well, you know, for themselves
06:08because it was an accident that such immensely talented people came together.
06:15I think it's an accident, you know, so sometimes I feel all this,
06:18like you say, pathbreaking things happen by complete accident.
06:21And it's over time you realize ki haan humne kuch aisa kaam kiya hai,
06:25kiya tha, ya ho gaya tha, ki jo logon ko aaj tak, you know, yaad hai.
06:28But I'm very, very thankful to Sudhir for this film.