Chand Aur Tare | Kids Segment
Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
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Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
#ChandAurTare #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv
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00:00Jiski Vaseedeh Se Baneen Ghae
00:04Oh Hashmi
00:11Oh Hashmi Maki Madani Dhan Yul Arabi Ghae
00:17Oh Mera Nabeen Mera Nabeen Mera Nabeen Ghae
00:23Oh Mera Nabeen Mera Nabeen Mera Nabeen Ghae
00:30Oh Mera Nabeen Mera Nabeen Mera Nabeen Ghae
00:36Allah Ta Farmaan Alam Na Shuraahil Qasad Rak Rak
00:43Mansoob Ghae Jeese Farafaan Naalak Dik Rak
00:52Jis Zaat Ka Quran Mein Bhi Zikr Jaleen Ghae
01:05Oh Mera Nabeen Mera Nabeen Mera Nabeen Ghae
01:35As-Salaam-Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
01:43Wa-Alaikum As-Salaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
01:47How are you all?
01:48Alhamdulillah, we are fine. How are you?
01:51I am also fine. Syed Hassanullah Hussaini is with us.
01:53He is a very good kid who was telling us about you.
01:56He has a very good heart.
01:57Take the mic from him.
01:58Yes, As-Salaam-Alaikum
02:00Wa-Alaikum As-Salaam
02:01Noor, what is your name?
02:04Your name is Noori.
02:06Aren't you changing your name these days?
02:08A person can change it.
02:10The butterfly that you have put on your head,
02:13do you select it yourself to put it on?
02:16No, who selects it? Tell us.
02:18Solve the problem.
02:20Mama, green, yellow, red, pink, and sky blue.
02:25But yellow twice, green twice, and red is repeated twice. Why?
02:30Why is it repeated?
02:31Solve the problem. This is a very difficult problem.
02:36Which one is your favorite?
02:39Red is his favorite. Give him the mic.
02:41Red, tell us on the mic.
02:43Red is my favorite.
02:44Tell us your name.
02:45Syed Muhammad Siptan.
02:47Keep the mic close to you. Syed Muhammad?
02:49Siptan Riaz.
02:50Very good.
02:51Siptan, what did you remember?
02:53The story of Hazrat Yusuf A.S.
02:56Mashallah, it is small, isn't it?
02:58It is a little big.
03:00It is a little big.
03:01It will not work if it is a little big. Tell us something small.
03:03Time is very short. There are many children.
03:05What will you tell? Something small.
03:07Yusuf A.S.
03:09His father, Yaqub A.S.
03:11His brother,
03:13he used to fight with him.
03:15That is why he told his father,
03:18Father, we will take him to the park.
03:21He will take him to the forest.
03:24And he beat him up and threw him in the well.
03:29After that,
03:31Yusuf A.S.
03:33His father, Yaqub A.S.
03:35He cried so much,
03:37that his eyes lost their light.
03:40After that,
03:42by the will of Allah,
03:44Jibreel A.S.
03:46was sent to Yusuf A.S.
03:51because he was scared.
03:53After many years,
03:55when Yusuf A.S. grew up,
03:57a caravan passed by.
03:59They asked, what is your name?
04:01Jibreel A.S. said,
04:03don't tell them your name.
04:07they will not take you with them.
04:09We will hear the rest of the story in the next episode.
04:12It is getting very long.
04:14It is a segment of two lines.
04:16All together, we will say,
04:18Subhan Allah.
04:20Nooraj, you will not say anything, right?
04:22I will not say.
04:24You say it daily.
04:26What will you recite?
04:28Recite it quickly.
04:30The Messenger of Allah,
04:32peace be upon him,
04:36Hadith number 223,
04:38The Messenger of Allah,
04:40peace be upon him,
04:44All together, we will say,
04:46Subhan Allah.
04:48All together, we will say,
04:50Hudayna Faraz.
04:52Hudayna Faraz.
04:54What is your name, Hudayna Faraz?
04:56Hudayna Faraz.
04:58It is the same name.
05:00Give him the mic.
05:02What are you saying?
05:04His mic will explode.
05:06Speak loudly.
05:08Your mic will explode.
05:10Hold the mic.
05:12Hudayna Faraz, what will you recite?
05:18Recite it quickly.
05:20On the day of Ramadan,
05:22the family says,
05:24Next year, next year,
05:26on the day of Ramadan,
05:28we will dance.
05:44Peace be upon you.
05:46Is this your own hair or did you get it done?
05:48It is our own.
05:50What shampoo do you use?
05:52I don't use any shampoo.
05:54What oil do you use?
05:56I don't know the name of the oil.
05:58How are your hair growing?
06:00Why are your hair growing?
06:02I don't know.
06:04Do you get it cut?
06:08How long have you not had your hair cut?
06:10What were you saying to him?
06:12Don't speak loudly on the mic.
06:14I was saying,
06:16don't speak loudly on the mic,
06:18because the speaker will get hurt.
06:20Everyone will speak loudly.
06:24I had taught you where to speak and where not to speak.
06:26Everyone will speak loudly.
06:30Peace be upon you.
06:32Peace be upon you.
06:34What is your name?
06:36Shamin Fatima.
06:38You look like a little aunty.
06:40What will you recite?
06:42I will recite a poem.
06:44Recite two lines quickly.
06:46I have not seen him,
06:50his portrait
06:52is present
06:54in my heart.
06:56The one
06:58who gave
07:00a million words
07:02of divinity
07:04is present
07:06in Mohammad
07:10Everyone will speak loudly.
07:12Peace be upon you.
07:14My lovely child.
07:16We have very little time.
07:18Give him the mic.
07:20Peace be upon you.
07:22What is your name?
07:24Fabiha Fatima.
07:26What will you recite?
07:28I will recite a Hadith.
07:38No problem.
07:40Everyone will speak loudly.
07:42You will get double reward.
07:44You have recited a Hadith.
07:46Give him the mic.
07:48Peace be upon you.
07:50What is your name?
07:54What will you recite?
07:56I will recite a prayer.
08:04Everyone will speak loudly.
08:08Give him the mic.
08:10Peace be upon you.
08:12What is your name?
08:14Give him the mic.
08:16What will you recite?
08:20Recite quickly.
08:22Close the mic.
08:28Pass the mic quickly.
08:40To you.
08:44My eyes are fogging out like glass.
08:46I am ringing out to you.
08:50Allahumma inna kafoon.
08:56Your voice is so beautiful.
08:58Your accent is so good.
09:00You speak English so well.
09:02You recite such a good poem.
09:04Let's get everyone's attention.
09:06Everyone will speak loudly.
09:08Allahumma inna kafoon.
09:12Please give me 30 seconds.
09:14Peace be upon you.
09:16What is your name?
09:18I will recite a prayer.
09:24Everyone will be happy.
09:26What will you recite?
09:28I will recite a prayer.
09:30Recite a prayer.
09:32I will recite a prayer.
09:34Take a break.
09:36Recite a prayer.
09:40I cannot recite Sura Naas properly.
09:42I will listen to it first.
09:44We will listen to it tomorrow.
09:46Recite it quickly.
09:48I seek Allah's protection.
09:50I bear witness that there is no God, but Allah.
09:52I seek Allah's protection.
09:56I seek Allah's protection.
09:58I bear witness that there is no God, but Allah.
10:00I seek Allah's protection.
10:02The last girl, Zunaira, please Zunaira, what would you like to sing?
10:16May my name be among the fortunate
10:22May it be an evening on the path of God
10:28I have no desire other than this
10:33O my Lord, call me on the Hajj
10:43All together we will say
10:45Subhan Allah
10:48Who is getting such nice clothes?
10:49Where are they coming from?
10:50There is no salary of such a father
10:52Ok next
10:53Khursheed fans, welcome to Gulbahar Metro Milan's Gift Time
10:57Who will go with the kids
10:59And the kids will go with me to Munajat's set and segment
11:03All together we will say
11:05Subhan Allah
11:08This human
11:13The glory of Ramadan
11:15The glory of Ramadan