Clinical outcomes have improved since consolidation of emergency surgery in Derry, says Dr. Brendan Lavery
00:00Two years since the collapse, the change,
00:05are the outcomes the same for the people of Romana
00:08as they were prior to that two years ago?
00:10Well, I'm gonna give you quite a long answer with that.
00:13The good news is the outcomes are actually better.
00:15So we use a company called CHKS,
00:19and what they do is they analyze admissions
00:21all across every trust in England, Wales,
00:23and Northern Ireland.
00:24They look at every admission to basically
00:27thousands and thousands of admissions.
00:29They do a statistical analysis.
00:31It looks at age, sex, any comorbidities,
00:35what diagnosis you've been admitted with.
00:37They look at 260 diagnoses.
00:39And they use all of this data to generate a figure
00:42called a risk-adjusted mortality index.
00:45And what that is, that is the number of deaths
00:48divided by the number of expected deaths.
00:50Now, effectively, 100 is your baseline.
00:53So if you have a figure of more than 100,
00:56that means there are more patients dying
00:57than you would expect.
00:59If you have a figure of less,
01:00you're doing very well.
01:02At the time of the temporary suspension,
01:05the figure for South West acute was 110,
01:08and the figure for Altona-Gelvin was 85, okay?
01:12We have looked at the figures,
01:13and we got those in approximately July
01:17or August of last year.
01:18And effectively, the RAMI scores in Altona-Gelvin
01:22have continued to fall to the extent
01:25that if you extrapolate the data
01:27and look at average mortality rates,
01:29we now have effectively one patient surviving
01:32who wouldn't have survived every 40 days
01:35due to the change that we've made.