• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Volpini: “Formare un gruppo crossover tutto al femminile, un'idea che vent’anni fa non esisteva, nasce come una sfida, oggi possiamo dire che ce l'abbiamo fatta. Il gruppo è in uscita con due nuovi progetti discografici” Queste le parole di Francesca Volpini, produttore Le Div4s - Italian Sopranos, subito dopo la chiusura del concerto “The 4 Seasons” omaggio a Le Quattro Stagioni di Antonio Vivaldi. L’evento, curato da 4OperaManagement e organizzato in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio di Roma, si è tenuto nella suggestiva Sala del Tempio di Vibia Sabina e Adriano, in Piazza di Pietra.


00:00A common idea, almost a challenge, is to form a female group, because male, as far as
00:11the crossover, tenors, I'm talking about about 20 years ago, were not born, but there was no
00:19group of women. I was born as a violinist, so classical music, always with the passion
00:24of vocal music, and I thought of forming a group on the false line of Il Divo, which is
00:34an American tenor quartet, and I arranged some auditions with colleagues, Carlo Bernini,
00:42Marcello Rota, who do classical crossover with me. We selected these artists, we started
00:50a long course of study, we started to give concerts, and then the collaboration with
00:58Andrea Bocelli began, which lasted over seven years. We accompanied him in his concerts
01:04all over the world, so today the Divas Italian Soprano are positioned as a crossover quartet
01:12among the first worldwide, so we did it.
01:16There are many projects, we have just finished recording, for the 300th anniversary of the
01:24publication of Vivaldi's Seasons, I as a violinist, I made Vivaldi's Seasons, which we
01:34will present tonight, and we also recorded the last recording with the Polizia di Stato
01:46band dedicated to Maestro Ennio Morricone, so this year we are out with two record
01:52productions, and we also have in Serbo another project born with Maestro Alessandro Quarta,
01:59of which I cannot reveal, but it will be quite striking. So many projects, live concerts
02:05all over the world that continue, and these important record releases.
