00:00As the events of the new story in Wrath of the Ancients unfold, you'll get your hands
00:06on a one-of-a-kind ship called the Wraith.
00:10We hope you're ready, pilots, as this fighter flies in a league of its own.
00:16At first, this new spacecraft may feel heavy.
00:22New Wraith pilots will quickly learn one has to earn its full potential.
00:28Starting with the Special, each kill drops Echo Fragments.
00:33Collecting Fragments grants stacks of Ethereal Resonance, which deals damage over time to
00:38nearby enemies while increasing your speed.
00:42Damage against a current-locked target is double.
00:54Get your ultimate to take on the ship's namesake with Spectral Fall.
01:01Entering this semi-corporeal state saps the Wraith's hull over time.
01:06The less hull you have, the higher your damage output.
01:10In this state, the ship temporarily replaces your devices with unique abilities.
01:17Siphon Pulse consumes Ethereal Resonance stacks, harming all affected enemies, repairing the
01:23hull for a percentage of the damage dealt.
01:31Spectral Shift teleports pilots forward, passing through smaller enemies and damaging all targets
01:36in a radius around the path, collecting Echo Fragments along the way.
01:44In a pinch, Vanish turns the ship invisible and suspends hull decay.
01:49The ability's duration increases when collecting Echo Fragments.
01:55Finally, Resurgence collects all available Echo Fragments, reviving them as manifestations
02:02that fight alongside you, great for turning the tide of battle.
02:16When your hull hits zero, Spectral Form ends, fully restoring it once more.
02:22Pilots will be able to get a taste of this ship during the main campaign and acquire
02:25it from the Wraith later.
02:28There's still more to the elusive Wraith, but we'll leave that for you to discover in
02:33Everspace 2 Wrath of the Ancients.
02:36Wishlist today to be ready for release on PC, Xbox and PlayStation later this year.