The presidential debate between Luisa González, candidate of Citizens’ Revolution Movement and Daniel Noboa, President and candidate of National Democratic Action, marks the beginning of the electoral campaign for the second round of elections in the Latin American country. teleSUR
00:00In which topics could you reach agreements to give stability to the country?
00:23I'm going to be clear, I'm honest.
00:26The only way to move forward is with unity, with unity with all the sectors who want to
00:34move forward, who love Ecuador and want to change our sad reality.
00:41Unity with transport workers, the agricultors, with the industry, with political organizations,
00:51with the civil society.
00:53I keep my word, in 2023 I said Daniel Novoa, you can count on me for everything you want,
01:07to generate employment, to the dignity of our country, to help the country, and we fulfilled
01:15our word, we kept our word, and we gave our support for the unemployment, for privatization.
01:33Do not count on us to raise the taxes, because you said you weren't going to raise it and
01:41you did.
01:43Do not count on us for those things.
01:51For us to guarantee safety and development and governance, we're required to stop hatred,
01:59to stop persecuting local governments, to stop threats, to stop bans, because the Ecuadorians
02:13are the ones who suffer.
02:15I will work with mayors and refectorates.
02:25I will work with everything that is required to fulfill the necessities of our motherland.
02:33That is what it requires to move forward with Ecuador.
02:42In terms of governance, we have to respect the institutions.
02:49Explain to the Ecuadorians why did you try to interfere with the banks, and why in that
03:02chat when you appeared as the Rene frog, why do you plan to have a totalitarian regime
03:19really similar to the one of Maduro, who pays Correa.
03:27So here we have to respect democracy.
03:29We have to understand that you cannot interfere with institutions.
03:36Are you going to respect the independency of institutions?
03:44For you, the state is a mockery.
03:53So why do you keep mentioning the Rene frog?
03:58Why are you mentioning frogs, and not the cartel de los sapos, or Toad's cartel?
04:05Are you here as the president, or as a candidate?
04:16Did you deliver power to the vice presidency, to Veronica Abad?
04:23Are you here as president violating the law?
04:27I ask, who is the one persecuting the local governments, threatening them, who does not
04:35give them the resources to face the natural disasters?
04:42That person is you.
04:45And if we keep mentioning interference in subjects of state, you know, citizens, the
04:57Electoral National Council, the prosecutor's office, you intervene with all of those institutions,
05:05but never intervene with the cartel of the Toads.
05:14You accept that you are the Rene frog, but you do not have proof that I intervened with
05:21the prosecutor's office.
05:24When you gave the AUCA field, when you stole money from the reconstruction of your province,
05:36were you working as a coordinator of the presidential office, or as a public officer?
05:51You are used to humiliate women, so respect me.
05:58It's not my fault if you do not understand.
06:02Have some respect.
06:04You are the president, or are the candidate, or are you?
06:10I've never accepted your lies.
06:14And if you want to speak about works, I can speak about the work we did when we inaugurated
06:21a construction site daily, and I can speak about the lies to the pensioners and to the
06:29young people, and all the promises you haven't fulfilled until this day.
06:35Candidato Daniel Novoa, su turno de responder la pregunta general planteada por el Comité
06:41Nacional de Debate sobre el eje de gobernabilidad.
06:44Dado que RC y ADN conforman más del 80% de la próxima Asamblea, en conjunto podrían
06:50aprobar cualquier ley o reforma.
06:54So given that the Citizens' Revolution and your party conform the 80% of the parliament,
07:05you could join to approve measures.
07:11How can you assure that you are going to work on unity to improve governance?
07:18So first I have to say we need to have reformations in the constitution.
07:24We have to reform all those obstacles that obstacle the progress.
07:34How can we improve the citizen participation?
07:42The chat of the Rene Frog is the perfect evidence of why we need reforms, why we need
07:51to change certain elements of the constitution, and why we need to have a control to remove
07:58Were you the coordinator of the foreign ministry?
08:18And also you approved millions of dollars, thousands of dollars in a refinery.
08:32You privatized the resources of the state without any benefit to the country.
08:38We will reform the constitution.
08:41We will have a new constitution to respect the rights of the people who do things the
08:48right way and not the criminals.
08:52We do not want more criminals who are going to get rid of the law and who threaten the
08:59armed forces and the forces of the order so they cannot do their job.
09:04We need real reforms so the people be the priority.
09:10So the police and the armed forces be the priority and can do their jobs.
09:17And we have some honest judges that need to have the opportunity to do their job effectively
09:24and administrate justice to criminals.
09:27Candidate, you have one minute to do the first interpolation in the axis number five of governance.
09:38I'm going to address the women of my motherland.
09:43So violence has had a more deep impact, a deeper impact in the women of this government.
09:54Because we have a person governing the country that instead of proposing benefits for women,
10:04he's disrespecting them.
10:06That's why I will not tolerate any disrespect from you.
10:11You are really ignorant.
10:13I've never been the coordinator of the foreign ministry, so do not lie.
10:21And if the reforms to the constitution are required, you did a consultation and the amendments
10:30that were taken from then, you did not implement.
10:35So Candidate Novoa, you have your opportunity to answer.
10:46We need to have profound, deep reforms.
10:50We are reaching the end of this debate, but we do not have any real proposal from you.
10:56We need real reforms.
10:59We need the dollar to be the single currency, no parallel currencies.
11:05We need to fight corruption in a real way.
11:12We need to respect the independency of institutions and not establish totalitarianism.
11:23We need to establish a democratic government and to establish justice and dignity for the
11:30people so they can have freedom to participate in the different areas.
11:38We have had that.
11:39This is the government that has given the more amount of scholarships to women.
11:50Our assembly is the most feminine and more young in all the history of Ecuador.
11:56No more proposals.
12:00You are confused.
12:01You are not understanding my proposals.
12:09In a year, you said you were going to equip the armed forces with a state-of-the-art technology.
12:18About the 100% of people, the young people going to university, and you did not fulfill
12:25any of those promises.
12:27Today Novoa has one minute to answer this.
12:32Answering your original question, we are open to other political parties and institutions
12:48and organizations who want to participate in this.
12:53We want to declare the dollar as the single currency.
12:58We want to recover foreign investment, the complete opposite of what the Citizens' Revolution
13:09government did.
13:15We show our respect to the armed forces and the police people who worked really hard to
13:21construct, build this new Ecuador we dream about.
13:29Now we have the time for closed questions in this last axis of governance.
13:37Candidate Novoa has 25 seconds to ask your question, and then the candidate going to