• 2 days ago
Bungkusan itu dilempar oleh orang tak dikenal dari luar pagar kantor Tempo di Jalan Palmerah Barat, Jakarta Selatan, pada Sabtu dinihari, 22 Maret 2025.
00:00The package was thrown by an unknown person from outside the Tempo office in Jalan Palmerah, West Jakarta, South Jakarta, on Saturday, March 22, 2025.
00:09The shape is a box wrapped in a gift paper with a red-purple motif.
00:13From the CCTV footage, it was seen that there was something that fell on the car around 02.00 past 11.00 WEST INDONESIA.
00:21The security officer of PT Tempo Intimedia, Jumadi, said.
00:24The object was found by a cleaning officer around 08.00 WEST INDONESIA.
00:29There is no writing or special signs on the box.
00:34When opened, the contents are a six-striped tiger with a raised head.
00:38Previously, on March 19, 2025, the Tempo editorial office also received a package containing a pig's head without ears.
00:47The package was sent by a courier using the attribute of a delivery application.
00:52The package was aimed at Francisca Cristi Rosana, a.k.a. Cicah, a political desk reporter and senior host of Bocor Alus Politik.
01:00The head of the Tempo editorial office, Seth Riyasrah, said that the delivery of the tiger's head further explained the terror of the Tempo editorial office.
01:07What's more, the Tempo editorial office also received threatening messages on social media by Instagram account Derinoah.
01:14The owner of the account said he would continue to send terror until your office died, he said.
01:20In addition, he conducted doxing or distributed personal data of Cicah, including uploading photos and email addresses of Cicah.
01:28Tempo has reported to the Indonesian Central Police Headquarters on the terror received by the editorial office.
01:34The package of the pig's head was handed over to the police as evidence.
01:38The head of the Humas Polri Civil Society Explanation Bureau, Brigadier General Truno Yudo, Wisnu Andhiko, said the police are still conducting an assessment of the accusation.
01:48Friday, March 21, 2025
01:51The head of the Independent Journalist Alliance or AJI Indonesia, Nani Afrida, said
01:56in the last five years, the violence against journalists tends to increase.
02:00It is diverse, from terror and intimidation to physical violence.
02:05However, until now, there are almost no cases that have ever been brought down.
02:10The data of the Indonesian Independent Journalist Alliance shows that violence and attacks against journalists continue to occur.
02:16In fact, in the last five years, there have been dozens to hundreds of cases every year.
02:21For example, in 2020, there were 85 incidents.
02:252021, 48 incidents.
02:272022, 68 incidents.
02:302023, 101 incidents.
02:32and 2024, 73 incidents.
02:35According to Nani, there are a number of factors that make most cases of violence against journalists only become records without resolution.
02:43One of them is still the intensity of impunity practices that stick to certain groups.
02:49Saturday, March 22, 2025
02:51Journalists are protected by the Law No. 40 of 1999 on journalists when doing journalistic work.
02:58However, the implementation on the ground is not in accordance with the rules.
03:02Thus, the agreement notes made by the press and the police are often meaningless
03:08because not all security apparatus understand this rule.
03:12In some cases, Nani said,
03:15media companies also do not provide support or support to journalists who become victims of violence.
03:21A police officer from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies, Bambang Rukminto,
03:27argued that if there is a will, it is actually not difficult for the police to contain every violence against journalists,
03:34as well as the terror incident against the Tempo editorial office at the moment.
03:38If the police cannot put an end to this terror, Bambang said,
03:41there will be clear speculation that does not benefit the police institutions.
03:47Director of the Center for Human Rights Studies at the University of Islam Indonesia, E-Korea,
03:52said that the sending of the head of the pig and the body of the rat to Tempo is a form of threat to freedom of expression.
03:58In fact, freedom of expression is the most fundamental basis for democracy and the rule of law.
04:05Therefore, Eko said, if such a case is not resolved by the state,
04:09it means that the state has neglected its duty to protect the citizens of the country.
04:13It is no exaggeration if the public assumes that the government officials are involved,
04:17whether directly or indirectly, in intimidating the press.
