• 2 days ago


00:00YoYo English Channel YouTube
00:30真心假意 欲望迷离 Sincerely willing to be fascinated by desires
00:34逃不掉 陷进去 Escape without fear, enter without fear
00:38拭血背离 也感激如一 Even if the world is destroyed, I feel the same
00:53小诺总算是可以消停一阵儿了 Xiao Nuo can finally stop for a while
00:56只要你们兄妹俩能够今后相互扶持 As long as you two can support each other in the future
01:00对我也就很欣慰了 I will be very gratified
01:03应该的 Of course
01:06对了 佳哥 By the way, Brother Xia
01:08你之前是不是就跟白夏认识的 Did you know Bai Xia before?
01:17认识 Yes
01:20认识 Really?
01:21那夏夏成为我女朋友之后 After Xia Xia became my girlfriend
01:23我怎么没听你说过你之前认识她呀 Why didn't I hear you say you knew her before?
01:26难道你不怕我像小诺一样的误会你吗 Aren't you afraid that I will misunderstand you like Xiao Nuo?
01:32许叔的意思是 If you knew her before
01:35如果你之前知道就会跟小诺一样 Do you think I have anything to do with Bai Xia
01:37觉得我跟白夏有别的关系吗 just like Xiao Nuo?
01:45我这不只是好奇而已 I'm just curious
01:48只是很多年没联系的老同学罢了 It's just an old classmate I haven't contacted for many years
01:50没有特地告诉你 I didn't tell you
01:52不想让您觉得我对夏美的骨子有失偏颇 I don't want you to think I'm biased against Xia Mei's bones
01:55你说到这个夏美啊 When it comes to Xia Mei
01:57我今天正好要跟你说一件事 I have something to tell you today
01:59我想尽快地通过对夏美的投资审核 I want to pass the investment review of Xia Mei as soon as possible
02:04许叔 不是我不通过 Uncle Xu, it's not that I don't want to pass it
02:07是 夏美还有四百万的欠款未还 Xia Mei still owes me 4 million yuan
02:12这事我怎么没听白夏说过啊 Why haven't I heard this from Bai Xia before?
02:15这四百万是白夏小姐产品代理的压迫费 This 4 million is the compensation for the sales of Miss Bai Xia's products
02:18为销售产品不能当作应收账款 For the sale of products, it can't be used as a commission
02:22也就是说这四百万不还 In other words, if I don't pay back the 4 million yuan
02:25远飞那两千万投资就拿不到了 I won't be able to get the 20 million yuan investment from Yuan Fei
02:28董事会是不会通过的 The board of directors won't approve it
02:35我给她买的那套别墅如果卖出去 If the villa I bought for her is sold
02:39别墅您已经过户给白夏小姐个人了 You have already passed the villa to Miss Bai Xia
02:42要卖只能白夏小姐自己卖 You can only sell it to Miss Bai Xia
02:44让我再拿钱帮她填窟窿啊 Let me get more money to fill her hole
02:51按照市盈率下美的估值在四千万左右 According to the market profit rate, Xia Mei's valuation is around 40 million
02:59如果填上这笔亏空的话 If you fill this hole
03:01白夏小姐低价转让股权给你还是有利可图的 Miss Bai Xia will transfer the equity to you at a low price
03:03还是有利可图的 It's profitable
03:09这事我再琢磨琢磨 Let me think about it
03:13家和 前天晚上你在哪儿啊 Jiahe, where were you the night before?
03:17是跟诚德的孟总吃饭去了吗 Did you go to dinner with Mr. Meng from Chengde?
03:22没有 No
03:23那天的饭局临时取消了 That day's dinner was canceled
03:25我去了白夏的别墅 I went to Bai Xia's villa
03:31去了白夏的别墅 You went to Bai Xia's villa?
03:33去那儿干嘛去啊 Why did you go there?
03:36前几天美容院用的酒 She said you like the wine from the beauty salon
03:38她说你喜欢让我送几瓶过去 She asked me to send you some
03:42送酒去了 Sent wine?
03:45这样的事让司机办就行 Just let the driver do it
03:48好 走了 Okay, bye
04:13喂 白夏 Hello, Bai Xia
04:14最近有什么事情电话说 别约见面了 Call me if you need anything
04:18如果许明里套你话 If Xu Mingli sets you up
04:20你就说我前天去给你送酒了 Just say I went to send you wine the day before
04:22什么意思啊 What do you mean?
04:24许明里看见你来找我了 Xu Mingli saw you coming to me?
04:29知道 Got it
04:44下美资金的评估报告到底在哪呢 Where is the evaluation report of Xia Mei's fund?
05:14什么情况 What's going on?
05:44什么情况 What's going on?
06:14小心 Be careful
06:31大半夜不回家偷看我换衣服啊 You didn't go home in the middle of the night and watched me change my clothes
06:34沈佳河 你要点脸吧 Shen Jiahe, you should be ashamed
06:37霸道总裁演多了吧 You've played too many bossy presidents
06:44说吧 鬼鬼祟祟的干什么呢 Tell me, what are you doing?
06:50白夏工作室八百万窟窿 你打算怎么办 What are you going to do with the 8 million holes in Bai Xia's studio?
06:53你问这个干什么 Why are you asking this?
06:56你根本就是在联合白夏骗我爸钱 You're just trying to join Bai Xia in cheating my dad
07:00夏美虽然有账未清 但一直是在盈利的 是有利可图的 Xia Mei may not be clear about it, but she's been making a profit and it's profitable
07:05你说得好听 You said it so well
07:06没你帮忙 白夏能骗我爸那么多好处 Without your help, Bai Xia can cheat my dad so much
07:10你去白夏那儿你怎么解释 How do you explain it to Bai Xia?
07:12跟踪我 Follow me
07:15你为什么这么在乎我跟她的关系呢 Why do you care so much about my relationship with her?
07:18无论是过去还是现在 你都揪着白夏不放 Whether it's in the past or now, you're still after Bai Xia
07:22你是担心你爸被骗呀 还是因为你在乎的是我 Are you worried about your dad being cheated or because you care about me?
07:30沈佳和 你别做梦了 You're dreaming
07:34你忘了我们以前的事了 You forgot about us
07:41沈佳和 你不是说沈佳和是你们家收养的保姆的孩子吗 You said that Shen Jiahe is your nanny's child, didn't you?
07:52你还暗恋她呀 你往哪儿暗恋她了呀 Why do you still have a crush on her? Why do I have a crush on her?
07:55她不过是个外人 我根本没把她放在心上 She's just an outsider. I can't help it at all
07:58快别说了 关机是开着的 Stop talking. The door is open
08:03沈佳和是保姆的孩子 Shen Jiahe is the nanny's child
08:05就她还想去她们天天做的那个烟花烟花的小妹妹 She wants to go to their house and play with the firework girl
08:10我的头发怎么样 How's my hair?
08:14白夏是你女朋友对吧 白夏是你女朋友对吧 Bai Xia is your girlfriend, isn't she?
08:16都毕业了 她有什么不好意思说的啊 She's already graduated. What's there to be embarrassed about?
08:20这不是白夏吗 Isn't this Bai Xia?
08:22他俩怎么了 What's going on with them?
08:32你看这张别张拍得怎么样 How's this one?
08:34池野 你怎么才来啊 Chiye, what took you so long?
08:36你跟我去那边吧 走 Come with me over there. Let's go
08:39好 Yes
09:07我送你的生日礼物 你还带着 I brought you a gift for your birthday. You still have it?
09:09你还给我 不是那条 Give it back to me. It's not that one
09:13你还说不在乎我 这就是证据 You still say you don't care about me. This is evidence
09:16你少自作多情了 还给我 Don't flatter yourself. Give it back to me
09:19你现在告诉我 你是不是爱我 You tell me now. Do you love me?
09:22大晚上的你发什么疯啊 It's late at night. Are you crazy?
09:25现在公司没有人 你少转移话题 There's no one in the company now. Don't change the subject
09:27你是不是有病啊 Are you sick?
09:29你让我回家 你到底爱不爱我 You tell me now. Do you love me or not?
09:33不爱 不爱 I don't love you. I don't love you
09:36不爱 以前不爱 现在不爱 以后也不会 I don't love you. I didn't love you before. I don't love you now. I won't love you in the future
09:47你疯了 Are you crazy?
10:06沈佳河 你疯了 Shen Jiahe, are you crazy?
10:18对啊 我疯了 Yeah, I'm crazy
10:20你别骗人了 你明明就是爱我 Don't lie to me. You love me
10:26沈佳河 说来说去 你不过就是内心自卑 缺爱 Shen Jiahe, you're just self-abased and lack of love
10:31你一直在问我是不是爱你 You've been asking me if I love you
10:33其实更在意的人是你 You're the one who cares more
10:35是啊 我就是爱你啊 Yes, I love you
10:44好啊 那我给你个机会 Okay, I'll give you a chance
10:48从今天起 我们做个约定 三个月之内 你要能让我爱上你 我就嫁给你 从 today on, let's make a deal. If you make me fall in love with you in three months, I'll marry you
10:57如果没这本事 If you can't do that
11:00那你就离开远飞 离开许家 从我的世界里消失 Then you should leave Yuan Fei and the Xu family and disappear from my world
11:09那你敢对着她起誓吗 Do you dare to swear to her?
11:19三月之约绝无虚言 你敢吗 Do you dare to break the promise of three months?
11:23有什么不敢的 Why not?
11:28沈佳和 你会后悔的 Shen Jiahe, you'll regret it
11:34我沈佳和的字典里就没有后悔这两个字 I don't have the word regret in my dictionary
11:53我舍不得你 我毁不了你的 If we can't break the promise, I won't give up on anyone
11:57If you can make me fall in love with you within three months, I'll marry you.
12:01If you can't do that,
12:03then leave Yuan Fei, leave the Xu family,
12:06and disappear from my world.
12:08Do you dare?
12:10Why wouldn't I dare?
12:14Shen Jiahe,
12:16just you wait.
12:20I will definitely make you lose everything.
12:25I will definitely make you lose everything.
12:48Does it look good?
12:50It looks really good.
12:52But it represents eternity and promise.
12:55I swear,
12:57whether it's a smooth path or a difficult path,
12:59poor or rich,
13:01I, Xu Nuo, will always be Shen Jiahe's family.
13:05If you want to get rid of me,
13:07you can't.
13:10I want to get both Xu Nuo and the Xu family.
13:23You're awake. Come and have breakfast.
13:27We're about to start.
13:30But don't forget, I only drink hot milk for breakfast.
13:41That cup is mine.
13:44I didn't clean it last night.
13:53Look at your dark circles.
13:55You didn't sleep well last night
13:57thinking about how to beat me, did you?
14:00Give me a hint.
14:02Don't embarrass yourself
14:05with tricks like making breakfast.
14:09That's because you overestimated yourself.
14:11Breakfast is made by Peiyi.
14:16That's right.
14:17I'm going to lose anyway.
14:18Hard work is not as good as lying flat.
14:21Let me think.
14:22Where can you go after three months
14:24after you leave Yuanfei?
14:27Look at you.
14:28It's a long way to find a way in.
14:32I'd like to check the door of the Xu family.
14:37Are you shameless?
14:39Why are you angry again?
14:43Shen Jiahe, stop!
14:51This gambling game...
14:53It's too exciting.
14:55But it's up to him
14:57whether he falls in love with you or not.
15:01He won't lie this time.
15:03Are you so sure?
15:05I'm not sure.
15:08The gambler's fate is to kill himself.
15:12And Shen Jiahe is a love brain.
15:17The gambler doesn't think he will lose.
15:19He thinks after three months,
15:21I can marry him
15:23and he can take advantage of Yuanfei's property.
15:25You're ambitious.
15:26Come on, let me teach you two tricks.
15:29First of all,
15:31you and Xu Nuo
15:33have never explained the misunderstanding
15:35between you and Bai Xia, right?
15:39He won't explain.
15:40And I won't believe it.
15:43he will definitely
15:44pursue you fiercely.
15:46He will love you
15:48with all his heart.
15:50In the end,
15:51he will have no way out.
15:53No matter what tricks he uses,
15:55we won't lose.
15:57If you don't fall in love with him,
15:59he will give you the position of Yuanfei's president.
16:02Even if you fall in love with him,
16:04don't admit it easily.
16:05Anyway, it's up to you.
16:09I won't fall in love with him.
16:12It's impossible.
16:16Mr. Shen and his assistant
16:17were in a passionate fight last night.
16:18The glass door of the office
16:19was captured by the hot-blooded monitoring.
16:21What did the glass door do wrong?
16:24It's just a tool for Mr. Shen to chase his love.
16:30I'm so stupid.
16:37I'm so stupid.
16:38I'm so stupid.
16:39I'm so stupid.
16:40I'm so stupid.
16:41I'm so stupid.
16:42I'm so stupid.
16:43I'm so stupid.
16:44I'm so stupid.
16:45I'm so stupid.
16:49The share price of Yuanfei seems to have risen again.
16:51Hello, Mr. Shen.
16:5218.7 meigu.
16:57As an assistant of Mr. Shen,
16:59I have to know this little thing
17:00at the first time.
17:01Isn't it my dereliction of duty?
17:04Am I right, Mr. Shen?
17:05Well done, Assistant Xu.
17:15Jiahe, my mom came to see me again yesterday.
17:20I didn't sleep all night.
17:22Thinking about it, I decided to call you.
17:25If you have something to say, just say it.
17:26She asked for 300,000 yuan.
17:28What does it have to do with me?
17:30She threatened me.
17:32If I don't give it to her,
17:34she'll tell everyone that I'm cheating on my junior and family.
17:38Got it.
17:39I'll take care of it.
17:42Shen Jiahe,
17:43you're really in a mess.
17:47Compared to your ex-girlfriends,
17:49I'm still a little behind.
17:52That's true.
17:54Being a scumbag requires capital.
17:57Your rank is still a little low.
18:04Want to play a love game with me?
18:07I'll make you lose your mind.
18:13YoYo English Channel YouTube