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Maloomat hi Maloomat - Quiz Competition

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#MaloomathiMaloomat #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00It's the pride of the believers, the glory of Ramadan
00:06It's the pride of the believers, the glory of Ramadan
00:11It's the pride of the believers, the glory of Ramadan
00:16It's the pride of the believers, the glory of Ramadan
00:21I would like to welcome you in this segment.
00:23Three teams are with us. ABC, CBA.
00:26Let's check your buzzers.
00:29Those of you who are playing late, please do so in the program as well.
00:32So that we can have fun like yesterday.
00:34We have four personalities with us.
00:36The living legends of Pakistan.
00:38Alhaj Qari Zafar Qasmi.
00:40Alhaj Muhammad Aamir Faiyazi.
00:42Alhaj Mufti Mohammad Zafar Zamanzadi.
00:44Qibla Professor Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Qadri.
00:47I welcome all four of you.
00:49There are three teams, you are four and I am five.
00:52You have started to vote with our teams.
00:55You have started to vote with our teams.
00:59So let's see who is Abu Bakr and who is Zaid.
01:02So voting will start today as well.
01:04Mr. Qari, first of all you.
01:06Please introduce yourself.
01:10Assalamu Alaikum, I am Ubaidullah from Government Superior Science College.
01:14Assalamu Alaikum, I am Sudesh Nasir from Government Superior Science College.
01:18I am Fatima from St. Lawrence College.
01:20And you, dear?
01:21I am Kubra Naaz from Women's College.
01:23And you?
01:24I am Abdullah Bhatti from Jamia Sufa.
01:26And you, dear?
01:27I am Muhammad Azam Tariq from Jamia Sufa.
01:29Absolutely right.
01:30All three of them are representing their institutions.
01:33And Mr. Qari is just guessing which team he should take.
01:37He is just guessing which team he should take.
01:39He picks up the team and takes it away.
01:41And the rest is for us.
01:43Yes, tell us.
01:45My team is B today.
01:47Team B. Mr. Qari has selected it.
01:49Mashallah, dear.
01:50And you?
01:51Obviously, you are standing in the same row.
01:54Mr. Qari and Mr. Aamir.
01:57There is no one left.
01:59Mr. Qari had said in the beginning that
02:01Mr. Aamir will take any team and it will be ours.
02:04So, I also think that whenever Mr. Qari will take any team, it will be ours.
02:08So, you are standing in the same row.
02:09Mehmood and Ayaz.
02:10There is no one left.
02:12You both have finished the conversation.
02:14Now, Mr. Mufti Muhammad Suhail Azam Jadid.
02:16Which is your team today?
02:17All the teams are mine.
02:18Mr. Mufti, this one.
02:19No, no.
02:20Only one team is left.
02:21Still, one team is left.
02:22Only our kids are left.
02:23Of course, they are our kids.
02:25We will be happy if you win.
02:26Mr. Mufti has selected A team.
02:28Take A team.
02:30Okay, doctor.
02:31With whom are you with?
02:32Now, is there any choice left?
02:33Yes, C is there.
02:34It is there, right?
02:36All my kids are mine.
02:37Still, one team is left.
02:39Doctor is with us.
02:40With you?
02:41Team B.
02:42Of course.
02:43You left me alone.
02:44In the desert.
02:45You left me alone in the desert.
02:47No, no.
02:49You can also come with us.
02:51But you don't come.
02:52Yes, son.
02:53Which team is Noor with?
02:54You have to tell us quickly.
02:55Noor, which team is it?
02:58And which team is Zunera with?
03:03I will support Mr. Mufti with team A.
03:04I will support him.
03:05We are giving C team to the doctor.
03:07And A team is of Mr. Qari and Mr. Aamir.
03:10Rest of the teams are ours.
03:11No, B.
03:13Not A.
03:16Yours is B.
03:18For God's sake.
03:19For God's sake.
03:21Let's start the questions.
03:22We will answer all the questions of the buzzer round.
03:24But if you answer first, I will deduct your number.
03:28I will ask and then you have to answer.
03:30I will also ask questions.
03:31Mr. Qari is asking the first question.
03:33In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:37Our beloved Prophet, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
03:44The father of knowledge.
03:46He played.
03:47Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him.
03:49Whose title?
03:52Number 10 is yours.
03:53Well done.
03:54Mr. Aamir.
03:55Next question.
03:56Listen carefully.
03:57It is possible that I have to complete the couplet.
04:00Or I can ask you the name of the person who has read it.
04:04You will know this only after the question.
04:06If you assume it wrongly, I will...
04:08I am the slave of Parjatan.
04:16I am the slave of Parjatan.
04:24You have to complete the couplet.
04:27Who played it?
04:28One minute.
04:29He played it together.
04:30He played it together.
04:31You played it together.
04:32Change it, Mr. Aamir.
04:33In this, tell me which alphabet is this title in?
04:39Well done.
04:40With this number, you have got the upper hand.
04:42Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi.
04:44How are you feeling?
04:46Two questions for our team.
04:49Now ask the question on this topic.
04:50Which is the biggest verse of the Holy Quran?
04:56What is the question?
04:58C played.
04:59What is the question?
05:00Tell me.
05:01First, you have to tell the question.
05:02Which is the biggest verse of the Holy Quran?
05:05No, this is not the question.
05:06Mufti Sahab nodded his head in no.
05:08This means this is not the question.
05:10You tell.
05:11Your number is 10 minus 10.
05:12What was the question?
05:13Yes, B, you tell.
05:14Surah Al-Baqarah, verse number 282.
05:16No, what was the question in this?
05:18What was the question?
05:19Which is the biggest verse of the Holy Quran?
05:21He also said that he got minus 10.
05:23I want to ask what is it about?
05:25This is A.
05:26A played.
05:27The second thing is that you assumed the question wrong.
05:30So, its negative marking is happening.
05:32And there is no re-attempt.
05:34Minus 10, minus 10.
05:35Minus 10, minus 10.
05:37In the third line.
05:38Very good.
05:39Your number is 10.
05:40And the next doctor.
05:41No, you are not smiling now.
05:42You are not smiling now, Amir Bhai.
05:43Amir Bhai is smiling.
05:44You are not smiling now.
05:45I have only advised Mufti Sahab to take this team.
05:49We are together.
05:51I mean, there is a cooler for us too.
05:52No, sir.
05:53Mufti Sahab and I are together.
05:54A and B are ours.
05:55So, I understood.
05:56There is a water cooler which is kept for me in some corner.
06:00You will get it.
06:01Yes, doctor.
06:02Doctor, question.
06:03Doctor, question.
06:04A very easy question.
06:07Qaseeda Burda Sharif.
06:09I am thinking.
06:10You answer.
06:11What is the question?
06:12Tell me.
06:13How many times have you written Qaseeda Burda Sharif?
06:14I have not asked.
06:15You have not asked.
06:16This is your hastiness which destroys you.
06:17Minus 10.
06:18Now, you have gone to 0, 0 in 10, 10 numbers.
06:19Oh, oh, oh.
06:20Then you are doing the same again.
06:21We have been reading and writing all our life.
06:22We have studied too.
06:23Son, we have not done the work.
06:24We have not got the question.
06:25Before that, we have written the answer.
06:26Yes, sir.
06:27We have not got the question.
06:28Before that, we have written the answer.
06:29Yes, sir.
06:33We have not got the question.
06:34We have not got the question.
06:35What I was asking?
06:36You have got minus 10, anyway.
06:37No problem.
06:38Qaseeda Burda Sharif.
06:39Everyone knows it.
06:40What is the meaning of Burda?
06:41Tell us what is the meaning of Burda word.
06:45Play the buzzer.
06:48Well done.
06:49You got 10 numbers.
06:50And that's it.
06:51I don't want to hug you at all.
06:52Sorry, brother, brother.
06:53Salman, brother, brother.
06:54This team is mine.
06:56Where did yours come from?
06:57A team, sir.
06:58No, no.
07:00What happened?
07:01Without any reason you...
07:02without any reason
07:04wow, wow, wow, wow, sir
07:05I have already taken the team
07:06don't hug them
07:07no, I
07:08actually, while leaving
07:09I suddenly remembered
07:10this team is mine
07:11so I turned back
07:12don't hug them
07:13absolutely, don't leave them behind
07:14let's go
07:15more questions for the buzzer round
07:16and very quickly
07:18now the decision will be made
07:19the result is
07:20one mark
07:21because I have
07:22around 10 questions
07:23and all of them
07:24are a bit difficult
07:25today, Mr. Mufti
07:26there are difficult questions
07:27Dr. Mufti
07:28there are difficult questions
07:29let's see
07:30what happens
07:31let's go
07:32the first question is
07:33the prisoner of the battle of Badar
07:34who is Mali Fidiya
07:36who played it first?
07:38A played it
07:40what was the question?
07:41teach these kids to read and write
07:43you have got 10 marks
07:44next question
07:45yes, let's go
07:46we will tell you the marks
07:47you have got 50
07:48they have got minus 20
07:49and they have got minus 10
07:51let's go
07:52let's move ahead
07:53Fizai nitrogen
07:54A played it
07:56nitrogen fixation
07:57what was the question?
07:58nitrogen fixation
07:59nitrogen fixation
08:02and you have got 10 marks
08:04Zatun Nataqain
08:05one minute
08:06B played it first
08:08Zatun Nataqain
08:09what is the name of the companion?
08:11Asma bin Abi Bakr
08:13you have got minus 10
08:14next question
08:15on the return from the journey of Taif
08:16B played it
08:17on the return from the journey of Taif
08:19which garden did the Prophet
08:21rest in?
08:23Utbah bin Rabia
08:24oh, oh, oh
08:25this was not the question
08:27this was not the question
08:29you have got minus 10
08:30I am sorry
08:31A played it after him
08:32what is the question?
08:35either answer the question
08:36or get minus 10
08:39this is what will happen
08:40on the return from the journey of Taif
08:41which garden did the Prophet
08:42rest in?
08:45this is what he said
08:47you are taking minus 10 for no reason
08:51Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha
08:52was with him
08:54Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha
08:55no, no
08:56minus 10
08:58you have to tell
08:59what is the question?
09:00on the return from the journey of Taif
09:01which slave did the Prophet
09:03the slave's name was Udaas
09:04correct answer
09:05you have got 10
09:06very good
09:07C team has come
09:08in the field
09:09and the most difficult
09:10is Sirkia
09:11and you have come to 0
09:12again minus 20
09:13and you have made it 40
09:14from 50
09:15next question
09:17no, you have made it 40
09:18no, you have made it 50
09:19it has become 60
09:21the first Hafizah
09:22of the Holy Quran
09:25Hazrati Hafizah
09:29and you have got
09:3010 again
09:32Durand line
09:33C has played
09:35how is the length
09:36of Durand line?
09:37how much?
09:39very good
09:40you have got 10
09:41and like this
09:42you have also got 10
09:43about which Prophet
09:44is it?
09:45what is the question?
09:46what is the correct question?
09:47you are trapped
09:48by playing the drum
09:49now the question is
09:50about which Prophet
09:51is it?
09:52now tell
09:53what is the question?
09:55you will have to
09:56hug him
09:57he has given
09:58one or two answers
10:00one minute
10:01then B
10:02and then C
10:03first C
10:04yes C
10:05tell the question
10:06about which Prophet
10:07is it?
10:08time is passing
10:10come to Sehri
10:11and tell
10:12complete the question
10:13should I complete?
10:15you complete the question
10:16about which Prophet
10:17is it?
10:19you have played
10:20the drum
10:21in Quran
10:23minus 10
10:24you tell
10:25about which Prophet
10:26is it?
10:27his beauty
10:28is famous
10:29very good
10:30minus 10
10:31you will tell
10:32about which Prophet
10:33is it?
10:34he will make
10:35the wind
10:37very good
10:38minus 10
10:42with minus 10
10:44gave wrong
10:46this is not
10:48this is laughing
10:52pay attention
10:53about which
10:55is it?
10:59950 years
11:00he preached
11:01his nation
11:03correct answer
11:04you got 10
11:05and you came
11:06to minus 20
11:08it became
11:09difficult for you
11:11minus minus
11:12you said
11:14it became
11:16for them
11:17they are
11:19they are
11:20very fast
11:49What a great answer! You have scored 10 marks.
11:52The next question is...
11:53Read the lesson again.
11:55He has played it.
11:56Read the lesson again of truthfulness, justice and courage.
11:59You will be given the task of leading the world.
12:02Come on, hug me.
12:03Hug me. Come on, my brother.
12:05Even after hugging you, your marks won't reduce.
12:10Mr. Mukthi, someone defeat him now.
12:12He will be decided on visual on.
12:15He will be decided now. Look, he will be decided like this.
12:18Someone defeat our team now.
12:19Our team has won. We are already proud of them.
12:23Amir Bhai, this is not fair.
12:26We are already proud of this team.
12:27This is not fair.
12:29This is a political statement.
12:30This was my suggestion.
12:31You should have been a politician.
12:33Actually, he gave me a suggestion that you should take this.
12:36Mr. Mukthi, this is right.
12:38This is right up to this point.
12:40You jumped for no reason that I should take Mufti Suhail's team.
12:43Mufti Suhail is very proud of himself.
12:44I took the team that I wanted to take.
12:46You said that why didn't you take the team yourself.
12:48This is a question.
12:49I also...
12:50You took number 10.
12:50Mr. Mukthi is not different from us.
12:53So, we try to give the best team to our friends.
12:57Do you know what is the style of Mr. Ari and Amir Bhai?
12:59If they won, it's fine. If they didn't win, we won.
13:02We won the team.
13:04Wow! You guys are amazing.
13:06Okay, the pictorial round.
13:07The first visual round.
13:09Team A, be ready for you.
13:11But, sorry, I would like to say that
13:13all three teams were fully prepared.
13:17They knew all the questions.
13:19They were just lucky in the bazaar.
13:21Otherwise, all of them are equal players.
13:23And they are very good players of the quiz show.
13:26It was a coincidence.
13:27Okay, the first visual team is for you.
13:30Tell me, what is written here?
13:34What is this tree for?
13:38Neem tree.
13:39Very good, my brother.
13:41You must be a man.
13:42But, you are wrong. You can tell me.
13:43It's a chance to recover.
13:46This is a mango tree in Pakistan.
13:48Very good.
13:50You got ten points.
13:51You will get a chance.
13:53Visual round B is for you.
13:55Next visual, team G.
13:58This is a fruit.
13:59And you must have seen a bird in a picture.
14:03It is spitting fire.
14:06Nothing is left now.
14:07Dragon fruit.
14:08Very good. You got ten points.
14:09Team C.
14:10Next visual is for you.
14:13Oh, my God.
14:14Hagia Sophia, Turkey.
14:16Very good. You are close.
14:18I will give you a chance.
14:18Blue Mosque.
14:19Very good.
14:20I have seen both.
14:21But, unfortunately, you didn't go with me, Mr. Amir Fayyazi.
14:24I had to go alone.
14:26And I went alone to Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Hazrat Abu Ubansari.
14:29I have been there.
14:30Very good.
14:31Mr. Qari, did you read Nash Sharif here?
14:32No, I didn't read Nash Sharif.
14:33You should have read a little.
14:35We have a Sanakha.
14:36You should have read a little at the place where you went.
14:39So, I asked him that I have read Nash Sharif.
14:41So, Nash Sharif has an impact everywhere.
14:45Many people have given me a Sanakha in Haram-e-Pakh.
14:49I went to visit Nash Sharif in Mecca.
14:53For a visit.
14:54How long ago did you visit?
14:56Many years ago.
14:57Mr. Qari also visited Madinah Sharif from here.
14:59Very good.
15:00How will be the journey from Istanbul to Madinah?
15:04Very good.
15:05By the way, the historical place is a very good place.
15:07And the Turks there make a lot of noise.
15:15When you stand inside and look at the dome,
15:19your neck becomes like this.
15:20You are right.
15:22It is so high.
15:22It is so high and it is very beautiful.
15:26Let's go to C.
15:27Next visual, Mr. Qari, for C.
15:29I have done C, now it is A.
15:31You have done it?
15:32Yes, he told me.
15:33When I get lost in your looks.
15:36I remember that I am always present.
15:40That is why you took B.
15:42Next visual for A.
15:44I took A also.
15:46Tell me.
15:46Jama Masjid is in Madinah.
15:49Two Nafl is rewarded.
15:51Allahu Akbar.
15:52If you read two Nafl, you get the reward of Maqbul Umrah.
15:56Very good.
15:57Quba Masjid.
15:57You got the right number.
15:59Next visual for you.
16:01Yes, son.
16:03My daughters, look and tell me.
16:05This is a very big gate in Karachi.
16:08Baria Town.
16:09Very good.
16:09You got the right number, C.
16:11Next visual for you, C.
16:13Tell me.
16:15This is a tree.
16:16Neem tree.
16:17Very good.
16:18Its leaves are very beautiful.
16:20Look at the marks.
16:22Yes, tell me the marks.
16:24A is 90.
16:25No, it is not.
16:27B is 10.
16:29C is 20.
16:29He gave two answers and three answers.
16:33If it is rapid, it will be decided.
16:34If it is impossible, it will be decided.
16:37In the rapid fire round, be ready for the first A.
16:41Your time starts now.
16:42Which Sahabi is the Messenger of Allah?
16:44Hazrat Abu Yubal.
16:45How many Prophets are mentioned in the Quran?
16:47Which garden did the Prophet rest in on his return from Safar-e-Taif?
16:49Atma bin Rabi.
16:50Very good.
16:51Go, my friends.
16:53Hug each other again.
16:55He hugged me first.
16:56This is a big deal.
16:58I broke a record.
17:00He hugged me first.
17:01He hugged me first.
17:03He hugged me first.
17:04He hugged me first.
17:06Ali, do you want to change the team?
17:08No, if you want to, let's see.
17:09Congratulations to you.
17:11Please, meet the team.
17:12Congratulations to you.
17:13Tilani Spices, Educate Publications,
17:17Marhaba Gulbahar,
17:19Khursheed Fans,
17:21The Ostrich,
17:23Pay Tissues,
17:24Nelson Paints.
17:26Sir, congratulations.
17:27Congratulations to you.
17:28May Allah reward you.
17:29The Ostrich, Gulbahar Metro Milan,
17:32Mr. Mukhty, our team has won.
17:34That's great.
17:35How did you come in our team?
17:39Our team and Mr. Mukhty's team won.
17:40Mr. Mukhty, this is very unfair.
17:41This is unfair.
17:42I am telling you, I will leave.
17:43This is unfair.
17:44You don't go, you stay here.
17:46But you..
17:47Look, Mr. Khule Dil..
17:48Sir, tell him.
17:49Sir, tell him.
17:49This team is also ours, right?
17:51No, that's fine.
17:52It's ours, right?
17:53Tell him.
17:54You drank tamarind.
17:55Tell him.
17:55Look, we are appreciating Mr. Khule Dil.
17:58We don't do this.
18:00I mean, you don't do this.
18:00I am also appreciating Mr. Khule Dil
18:02that your team has won the least number of votes.
18:07Okay, from Wild Venture Water Park,
18:10we announce the membership of Rs. 1 lakh.
18:13Mr. Qari, Mr. Aamir, Mr. Mukhty and Mr. Dogg,
18:16you can watch it on YouTube of ARYQ TV.
18:19You can watch it in the comments.
18:20People are liking your mischievous relation.
18:24People are expressing their love.
18:26When you fight with each other with love,
18:29it's fun.
18:30So, congratulations to you.
18:32Your team has won the least number of votes.
18:33Once again.
18:34Let's see how your team scores tomorrow.
18:38And Mr. Sohail Shams, thank you very much.
18:40Grand Cash Prizes.
18:41After the break, Mr. Mukhty,
18:43our little, lovely, and many more kids
18:46will be in the moon and stars.
