00:00I want to be the very best, like no one ever was To catch them is my real test, to train
00:14them is my cause I will travel across the land, searching far
00:21and wide Each pocket mind to understand the power that's
00:28inside Pokemon, gotta catch'em all
00:31It's you and me, I know it's my destiny Pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
00:39In a world we must defend Pokemon, gotta catch'em all
00:45Our hearts hold true, our courage will pull us through
00:50You teach me and I'll teach you Pokemon, gotta catch'em all
00:57Gotta catch'em all! Pokemon!
01:01Gotta catch'em all! Gotta catch'em all! Pokemon!
01:28Wait, Brock, where are you going?
01:33Pokemon Sensation!
01:41Who are you making faces at, Brock?
01:43My nose tells me that this is my kind of town.
01:49So then he says maybe we can both go together.
01:52I think we should stay here a while.
01:54Well, if you want to waste your time, Misty, Pikachu, let's get moving.
01:59Misty? Pikachu?
02:06This scent is one of our most popular. It's called Daffodil Dreams.
02:12It smells just like a garden.
02:15We're having a fragrance sale.
02:17How much does this one cost?
02:20Don't buy it, Misty. Perfume's just a waste of money, and it stinks.
02:24Go away.
02:25I resent that remark.
02:30The manager!
02:31Young man, are you accusing me of overcharging my customers for inferior perfume?
02:37No, ma'am. I meant all perfumes are a rip-off because all they do is turn guys into zombies.
02:42Like this!
02:44Hi, what's your name?
02:47P for pretty, E for elegant, R for radiant, F for fun, U for urbane, M for mysterious, E for energy, and that spells...
02:57I don't need that smelly junk to give me energy. I'm full of it.
03:00I got tons more energy than I know what to do with.
03:03Why don't you use some of it to keep your mouth shut?
03:06If you object to our product so much, perhaps you should leave.
03:09Since we all sell perfume here, you must find us offensive.
03:12You should be ashamed of yourself.
03:14You insensitive little worm!
03:16What'd I say?
03:17Get out and don't come back!
03:19I don't want to come back!
03:22I'm on my way to the Celadon City Gym.
03:29What do you mean I can't come in?
03:31I'm trying to become a Pokémon Master.
03:33I wouldn't let you in if you were the last Pokémon trainer on Earth.
03:37This gym doesn't allow anyone inside who says the perfume is a stinky rip-off.
03:41Why not?
03:42We manufacture that stinky perfume right here in this gym.
03:46So you see, young man...
03:50You're the stinker.
03:54Don't you understand?
03:55I gotta challenge your Gym Master so I can win a badge.
03:58You gotta let me in.
04:04Pretty please with a cherry on top?
04:08Pretty please with a cherry on top?
04:12Looks like the coast is clear.
04:14Once we break inside, we'll steal the secret formula for their perfume.
04:18Then I'll be as irresistible as Cleopatra.
04:21I'll sell the formula and make myself zillions of bucks.
04:24That's enough money to buy my own country.
04:26Or my own planet, even.
04:27Or nine lifetime supplies of cat...
04:32That secret formula's got to be hidden around here somewhere.
04:36Now where could it be?
04:44What is it?
04:45Hey, look!
04:50What's a Gloom doing here?
04:52Taking a nap, I think.
04:59James, you've woken it up!
05:01Go coughing!
05:03Poison gas attack now!
05:17That Gloom just sucked up all of Coughing's gas!
05:20I can't believe it!
05:25Gloom, Gloom!
05:32It smells terrible!
05:35It smells like old sneakers mixed with some rotten eggs
05:38and dead fish with just a hint of skunk fumes.
05:46My nose feels like it's on fire!
05:50Meowth, you don't have a nose!
05:53My nose! What happened?
05:55The stink dissolved it off my face!
05:59Oh yeah, I almost forgot!
06:00The cartoonist never gave me a nose!
06:03Hey, why are you sleeping?
06:08That's nothing!
06:09Gym rules! No thieves allowed!
06:16Hey, get me down! Get me out of here!
06:19You two clowns better get me out of this tree!
06:21Don't tell me what to do, you little hairball!
06:23I know what I'm doing!
06:25Are you three hanging out again?
06:27The pest!
06:28Please, could you help us get out of this tree?
06:32How dare you collaborate with the enemy!
06:38Hey, kid.
06:39Bet they wouldn't let you in that gym today.
06:42That's none of your business!
06:43They kicked you out!
06:45Even though you're a pest, I'll make a deal.
06:47Untie us and we'll show you how to get in that gym.
06:50Why should I trust you?
06:52Face the facts, boy.
06:54You can't get into the Pokémon League without winning more badges.
07:16Great wig!
07:17Not even your own mother would recognize you in this outfit.
07:21Think so?
07:22Talk about dressing for success!
07:25That get-up will get you into the gym easy.
07:29Then I'll show that gym leader who's the boss around here.
07:32That doesn't sound very ladylike.
07:35You'll give away your secret!
07:37Go on, try it.
07:38Try it.
07:40I'll show those meanies!
07:50Good evening.
07:51We would like to enroll our daughter, Ashley, in your Pokémon training classes.
07:56The best for our little princess.
07:58That's right!
08:01Do you like perfume?
08:03Oh, yes.
08:04Well then, I'm sure you'll be accepted.
08:06Your parents should apply at the desk.
08:12Way to scam them, Goldilocks!
08:15Are you applying to the gym, little girl?
08:17Oh, yeah!
08:20The girl in the perfume shop!
08:22I mean, yes, ma'am.
08:23We're so proud to have our little muffin in your gym.
08:26Yes, we sure are!
08:28Ma'am, where is Erika, the gym master?
08:30Oh, you'll meet her soon.
08:32All right.
08:33Now all I gotta do is beat Erika and I'll get another badge.
08:38Hugs and kisses, Ashley!
08:40Mommy and Daddy are leaving you to battle those cute little Pokémon!
08:43Bye, sweetie!
08:44See you soon!
08:47While that clueless little twerp creates a distraction, we'll steal the secret perfume formula.
08:51Let's go!
08:53Just one question.
08:54What am I supposed to do with this Blaster Ball?
08:58Stick it someplace where it'll make a nice big kaboom.
09:02They'll get a bang out of this!
09:04Jessie, what's the Blaster Ball for?
09:06Sweet revenge for stamping an X on the most beautiful face in the world.
09:09Talk about illusions.
09:13I mean, that'll teach those slobs!
09:17Who's that Pokémon?
09:23It's Bloom!
09:29One, two. One, two. One, two.
09:32Remember, a pretty Pokémon is a strong Pokémon.
09:37And so, Omanyte bid farewell and promised to one day return
09:42to visit the friends who changed his life on that faraway beach.
09:46The end.
09:47Great story!
09:52Uh-oh. How'd Misty and Brock get here?
09:54Trainer Erika!
09:57I'd like to introduce our new student.
09:59Oh, welcome!
10:05The store manager!
10:08Nice to meet you.
10:09Thank you, ma'am.
10:10You sure are a shy young lady, but don't worry.
10:12All the girls want to make you feel at home here at the gym.
10:15Let's all give her a warm welcome.
10:19Oh, great. Pikachu's here, too.
10:21May I ask you a question?
10:23Of course you may, Misty.
10:25I was wondering why we can all sit with Gloom.
10:28I always thought that because of its terrible smell,
10:31it was almost impossible to get anywhere near Gloom.
10:34So how come this Gloom doesn't smell bad to me at all?
10:37That's a very smart question, Misty.
10:40Gloom doesn't have a bad smell all the time.
10:43Whenever Gloom is in danger, it lets out the bad smell.
10:46It's a natural defense mechanism.
10:48But as long as Gloom doesn't feel threatened, it smells just fine.
10:51Just make sure Gloom feels safe and show you want to be its friend.
10:55How do you know all that?
10:56I met Gloom a long time ago.
11:04When I was a little girl, I got lost one day and ran into a Grimer.
11:08I'd never been so scared.
11:11I couldn't even move.
11:14Please, can you help me?
11:17Please help me!
11:19Somehow that Gloom understood how scared I felt and decided to come to my rescue.
11:30I love you!
11:34This is the same Gloom that rescued me from Grimer that day.
11:38We've been friends ever since.
11:40It's all because of her friendship with Gloom that Erica decided to become a grass Pokemon trainer.
11:45I wish Ash could have heard that story.
11:48I heard it.
11:51Please don't stare at me like that. I'm a very shy little girl.
11:54You look awfully familiar.
11:57Haven't we met someplace before?
11:59Maybe you met my sister, Pika!
12:04Hey, knock it off!
12:11It's Ash!
12:13Yeah, it's me.
12:15You're that boy.
12:17Erica, you wouldn't let me in, so I wore this stupid disguise.
12:20I had to sneak into your gym so I could battle you for a badge.
12:23And now I want to challenge you!
12:28At last we found the perfume.
12:30Now we'll unlock its secret formula.
12:35I accept your challenge.
12:37It's my duty under the league rules.
12:39We'll each use three Pokemon.
12:41Right, I'll use my own grass Pokemon against yours.
12:49Bulbasaur, I choose you!
12:54This ought to be easy.
12:56Tangela, I choose you!
13:03What's that?
13:04Tangela, a vine Pokemon.
13:06Its body is wrapped in vines.
13:08The rest of its form is hidden beneath these vines.
13:12That doesn't tell me much.
13:14All right, we'll attack from a distance.
13:16Bulbasaur, Vine Whip!
13:18Tangela, Constrict!
13:20Resist it from pulling you in!
13:24Tangela, now's the time to hit it with your Stun Spore!
13:33Return, Bulbasaur!
13:37Poor Bulbasaur.
13:38Later I'll give you some Paralyze Heal to make your Pokemon better.
13:42Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need your help.
13:44I choose Primate!
13:53Maybe I better not.
13:55Charmander, go!
14:01This should be easy.
14:02Weebinbell, go!
14:06Weebinbell, Razor Leaf now!
14:10Charmander, Flamethrower, Full Blast!
14:18Yes, way to go!
14:19Now let's just finish it up.
14:21Skull Bash, now!
14:24Weebinbell, return now!
14:27Bash is doing well.
14:29He might actually win.
14:30Yeah, he's a lot more impressive than he looks.
14:34Your battle skills are impressive, Ash.
14:36But there's one thing you don't have.
14:38Empathy with your Pokemon.
14:40Without it, you'll never become a great Pokemon trainer like me.
14:43Now I'm going to give you a lesson in empathy.
14:51Charmander, return!
14:55Poor Ash.
14:56Your Pokemon could use some more training.
14:59If Gloom beat Charmander, what Pokemon can I use next?
15:03I'm not sure, but I'll try.
15:05Charmander, go!
15:07Charmander, go!
15:09Charmander, go!
15:11Charmander, go!
15:13Charmander, go!
15:15Charmander, go!
15:17Charmander, go!
15:19What Pokemon can I use next?
15:21Squirtle, Pidgeotto and Pikachu couldn't take that terrible smell.
15:30You're saying you want a battle?
15:33You know you're probably going to lose,
15:35but you're still willing to battle Gloom to help me out?
15:38Pika, pika!
15:40What? You say you're sure you'll win?
15:42Pikachu, pika, pika!
15:44Oh, Pikachu!
15:45Heartwarming, but what's that smell?
15:48Your Pokemon skills are stinking up this gym even worse than Gloom.
15:52It's Team Rocket!
15:54To protect the world from devastation!
15:57To unite all peoples within our nation!
16:01To denounce the evils of truth and love!
16:04To extend our reach to the stars above!
16:06And last but not least, to blast this dump sky high!
16:13Where'd you put that glass ball?
16:15Near us so I wouldn't lose it!
16:18At least we get this lovely party gift, their secret perfume formula!
16:23Team Rocket's blasting off again!
16:29Quick, girls, we've got to rescue all the Pokemon, fast!
16:34Quick now, get into the Pokeball and I'll carry you to safety!
16:37We've got to move fast!
16:40There's some over here!
16:41There's a Pokemon!
16:42We've got to catch them all!
16:45Keep looking!
16:46Look everywhere, Penny!
16:47Call the fire department!
16:49They're on their way!
17:03I should never have listened to Team Rocket!
17:06Don't just stand around, Ash!
17:08Help us to put out the fire before this whole gym is burned to the ground!
17:11Yeah, right!
17:13Squirtle, water gun!
17:18Help us out!
17:28Geodude, throw as much dirt as you can on the flames!
17:36Keep on spraying!
17:38We've almost got it!
17:39We did it!
17:42Erika, what's the matter?
17:44I've looked and looked, but I can't find Gloom anywhere!
17:47Did Gloom get out?
17:48What if Gloom's still inside?
17:54You can't go in there, Erika!
17:56But Gloom may be trapped inside!
17:58I'll go in and find Gloom!
17:59Don't, Ash!
18:11Gloom! Gloom!
18:14Don't worry, Gloom!
18:15I promise I'll get you out of here!
18:21I can't get closer to that spell!
18:36Okay, Gloom!
18:37It's gonna be okay!
18:43It's too much!
18:44I can't remember its name ever!
18:50There's no smell!
18:55As long as Gloom doesn't feel threatened, it smells just fine!
18:58Just make sure Gloom feels safe and show you want to be its friend!
19:03Come on! Let's go, Gloom!
19:05Gloom! Gloom!
19:09Got you!
19:21That was great!
19:22Thank you, Ash!
19:25With deep gratitude, I present you with this rainbow badge!
19:31What's that for?
19:32I think you earned it, don't you, Gloom?
19:34Gloom! Gloom!
19:36Thanks a lot!
19:40Take a look, Pikachu!
19:41A rainbow badge!
19:45Gloom! Gloom!
19:47Congratulations, Ash!
19:50What about Team Rocket?
19:51They got away with your secret perfume formula!
19:54No, they didn't!
19:56The bottle they stole has only one of our perfume's secret ingredients,
20:00Essence of Gloom!
20:12Just like your plan!
20:14You said it!
20:16And so, in the race for a rainbow badge, it's Ash by a nose!
20:20But most valuable of all, Ash has learned an important lesson.
20:24You can't judge a Pokémon by its smell!
20:46To catch them is my real test
20:49To train them is my cost
20:53I will travel across the land
20:56Searching far and wide
20:59Each Pokémon to understand
21:02The power that's inside
21:05Pokémon! Gotta catch them all!
21:08It's you and me
21:10I know it's my destiny
21:13Oh, you're my best friend
21:15In a world we must defend
21:18Pokémon! Gotta catch them all!
21:21A heart so true
21:23Our courage will pull us through
21:26You teach me and I'll teach you
21:31Gotta catch them all!
21:33Gotta catch them all!