• hace 21 horas
00:00Me encuentro con David G. Derrick y con Jason Hunt, directores de Moana 2, que ya la vamos
00:11a tener en formatos digitales.
00:13David, Jason, nice to meet you.
00:18Nice to meet you.
00:19This is your first feature film as directors.
00:23You have been working a lot in animation, but how was this jump to go to a feature film
00:29and Moana?
00:30It's a very precious name in Disney.
00:35We both worked on the first film as story artists and both played very big roles in
00:40that film.
00:43For me, I think I can say for us, it was a passion and a wonderful opportunity to continue
00:49Moana's story.
00:51I was happy to do this with Jason and then ultimately to invite Dana also onto the directing
00:58It was an incredible gift to work with the characters of Moana.
01:03We loved them so much.
01:05We knew there was more stories to be told with them.
01:07We really started from a love of the world and of what everything that Moana represents.
01:12I love the character of Maui.
01:15We got handed an incredible gift and we just worked really hard to make it as good as it
01:19could possibly be.
01:22Little Sis!
01:23Big Sis!
01:24You were gone forever.
01:25How is this dynamic when you are working in the animation department, you are helping
01:35another director, the producers, and I think also the cast, and suddenly you are the one
01:42who calls the shots?
01:44Because I think that there are different switches, right?
01:48I think it kind of does always come back to the story though, honestly.
01:52We set out to tell a continuing story of Moana.
01:54We wanted to show that she never stops choosing who she is.
02:00All of the answers and all of whether the decisions are made are really coming from
02:04what the story is telling us it needs to be.
02:07As we developed it, that's where the answers are.
02:10It's not necessarily an opinion thing.
02:12It's actually what the characters are going through and what the emotions we're trying
02:16to convey.
02:18Those answers come from that.
02:19That's where the storytelling really helps.
02:22And if there are opinions, that's something that Jason and I and Dana work out before
02:26we would go out to those departments because it was very important for us all to be of
02:30one mind.
02:31We had over 550 people working on this and we did have to divide up and we had to know
02:37that we were all working towards the exact same goal.
02:40And so knowing what the story needed to be, knowing what our characters needed was always
02:46the goal.
02:47It's not the same as one director, two directors, three directors.
02:57I think that was to the benefit of the film.
03:00What you just exactly were describing is that we all understood what you were trying to
03:05We leaned on each other.
03:06We had a lot of discussions.
03:08We craft everything in the story room from the get go, which is partly from the script
03:13and the storyboarding phase and really the understanding of the characters.
03:17But I think the idea that there's three of us really did genuinely help.
03:21It's a massive project.
03:22We have how many people?
03:24Over 550 people working on this film.
03:27So because it's a collaborative art form, especially in animation at Disney Animation,
03:31I'm so used to that dynamic of being a collaboration and taking into account other people's opinions
03:37because guess what?
03:38They give you great ideas and the best idea wins.
03:41For me, it was the benefits as opposed to something that we're always fighting over
03:46Of course, we had disagreements and that's why we have an iterative process to figure
03:50it out together.
03:51I'd say we do definitely have our strengths, like Jason was always pushing for joy, always
03:56pushing those powerful musical moments and then the Kakamora, for me, there were deep
04:06spiritual moments that were very important to me.
04:09The whale shark, the ancestors at the end and the character of Simea and then Dana also,
04:16she brought her own creative point of view and also her own cultural connection as well
04:22to the story.
04:23It'll be harder than anything we've faced before.
04:26Well, now I kind of miss the lava monster.
04:30You might want to hold on.
04:32Moana is like a staple in Disney and you have to take this bottom and take it to a
04:39second movie.
04:41What was your biggest challenge?
04:42The story, I mean, you're sort of, it's so hard to say one particular challenge.
04:46I think the continuing story of Moana and what felt right was really important for us
04:52to ride the line of enjoying it the way you did the first film, but bringing it to a new
04:58It took a long time, but once we really understood the idea that the first film was about Moana
05:02connecting to her past and this is about her creating a better future for her people, which
05:07is why Simea is in the film, why she has a crew, so many decisions were made from that.
05:13So I think it's really finding and uncovering the story idea that really helps us push Moana
05:20forward into places she's never gone before.
05:23But it's hard.
05:24But the wonderful thing, we knew that because we were telling a story inspired by the actual
05:30navigators and the people of the Pacific Ocean that created the largest cultural footprint,
05:35the entire Pacific Ocean before Western expansion, that there were more places to go and there
05:41were more stories to tell.
05:43And so for us, you know, we really felt like we had just dipped our toe into the world
05:47of Moana and we're so excited to expand it.
05:54There's something in the first one that you got like, OK, if by any chance we make another
06:04movie, a second movie, we want to tackle this specific theme or this specific technique
06:13in terms of animation.
06:14Well, story-wise, yes.
06:16You know, like very early on, it was important to me, you know, part of my heritage comes
06:21from Samoa, but the Great Migrations came as a collaboration between Fiji, Tonga and
06:28the other islands so that they could go further to find all the other islands out there.
06:33And so it was important to me that our main goal was for Moana to find other people and
06:39to see the diversity of those islands and the commonality.
06:44And I will say like from an animation and technology standpoint and pushing the medium
06:50forward, the work that our team did on the storm, which is such an incredibly difficult
06:56It's like it's the bucket list of all the things that's difficult to do in animation
06:59from characters like getting wet, going into water, crazy storm effects, multiple characters
07:07of that.
07:08Our team really came together and found ways to actually create those images.
07:11And I always say this, it looks and feels so much better and more visceral than I ever
07:17imagined we were going to be able to create.
07:19So when your team is creating things that are blowing you away in the moment as we're
07:24creating it, it's an incredible gift.
07:27So I think from an animation standpoint, that was a huge part of it.
07:30But again, it always does come back down to the characters and the story.
07:33And I connect so much with the moments that they're going through and how they feel about
07:37things and what Dave was saying that the ultimate goal of creating this community and this brighter
07:43future is really important.
07:45I will say, building off of the first film, getting to work with people like Eric Goldberg
07:52and see the collaboration between 2D animation and 3D animation.
07:57For us, I think that was one of our favorite moments, just to turn and see Eric Goldberg
08:02sitting next to you.
08:03Yeah, he's a legend.
08:04Yeah, an absolute legend.
08:10You need to watch Moana in your home.
08:12You can watch it over and over again to see all the tiny details and all the love that
08:16these artists and actors put into this film.
08:19Yeah, on Disney Plus, Wednesday, March 12th.
08:22And you know, it's available digital right now.
08:24And you know, enjoy it.
08:26Watch it over and over again.
08:27Listen to the songs.
08:28Sing the songs.
08:29That's what we've been doing for years.
08:30So I can't wait for even more people to watch this film.
08:42Watch the full show exclusively on Premiere!
