• il y a 2 minutes
Jack Harlow - Just Us feat. Doja Cat
Stream/Download: https://jackharlow.lnk.to/JustUs

Director: Neal Farmer @neal_farmstrong
EP: Sam Canter @samcanter
Producer: Jami Taylor Arceo @jamiarceoo
DP: Emerson Duggan @embo920
Production Designer: Eric Finn Hersey @three60s
1st AD: Jonas Morales @makingmovesmorales
Location Manager: Derek Tramont @_selfiecity
Hair: Rachel Lita @rachellitahair
Makeup: Marlaine Reiner @mjr_makeup
Intimacy Coordinator: Maria Hintog
Editor: Neal Farmer @neal_farmstrong
Colorist: Aubrey Woodiwiss @aubreycolor
JH Stylist: Junichi Kamata @justjunch
DC Stylist: Brett Nelson @brettalannelson
Creative Direction: After The Studio @kathrynkenealy @olivia.haesuh @hotgirl_in_yourarea @abbyemason

Special thanks to Horses LA and Kacper Abolik!

JH Management - Range Media Partners
Chris Thomas @thomchristmas
Drew Thomas @werdthomas

DC Management - Good Day
Gordan Dillard @g_theonly1
Josh Kaplan @jkappy34
Makena Wasserman @makenawasserman
Whitney Jones @doubleujones

Label - Atlantic Records
Marketing: Angelique Jones @angie_4, Marsha St. Hubert @sthuby
Video: Kareem Johnson @kxreemjxhnsxn
Operations: Lily Thrall @lilamander

Label - Generation Now
Lake Morrison @lakesheezy
DJ Drama @djdrama
Don Cannon @doncannon

I wish it was just in this bitch
But they can’t trust us in this bitch
Cus I’m trying to buss nuts in this huh
Let’s keep it on the hush hush in this bitch
I told her she so pretty
And she just blushed in this bitch
She clutch clutching my huh
I’m adjusting my huh
She husky like mush mush in this bitch
You must be nuts rushin this
Slow it down like macaroni
I know it sound like Zack and Cody
This life’s sweet
I mean highkey, and you might be
Something that isn’t quite but slightly… resembles wifey
Ima need this nightly
You say you know all about pisces
I disagree but call it out nicely
I’m all on you falling out my seat
I wish it was just in this bitch
But they can’t trust us in this bitch
Cus I’m trying to buss nuts in this huh
Let’s keep it on the hush hush in this bitch
I told her she so pretty
And she just blushed in this bitch
She clutch clutching my huh
I’m adjusting my huh
She husky like mush mush in this bitch
You must be nuts rushin this
Slow it down like macaroni
I know it sound like Zack and Cody
This life’s sweet
I mean highkey
Two hands in my fro
Staring into my soul
Leg up on that chair
Hand on that arm
Tongue in that throat
I don’t play with my pen
Leave it on a good note
Keep you all on yo toes
Leave the tv off for this show
You a softy
Marshmallows and black coffee
My mouth cold from this blue frosty
My back blown cuz you blew it off me
Like huh
You want me or what?
Prove that with yo huh?
Spend sum for this huh?
Who said that ain’t love
And this bass hittin real backhanded
Insatiable I’m like pac man
we go back further than backgammon
Hey Jackman I mean jackrabbit
I’m running while I look back at it
fans really some fanatics
They cooked kinda like crack addic


