VFX is the magic that transforms ordinary music videos into unforgettable visual experiences, blending mind-bending landscapes, and surreal transformations, seamlessly integrating the fantastical with reality in ways traditional filmmaking can’t.
At the BMVAs, we look for videos that push the boundaries of what’s possible—videos where the VFX not only complements the music but elevates it, immersing the audience in a world of stunning visuals.
Give it up for the BEST VISUAL EFFECTS nominees!
Join us at the festival from June 12th to 14th as we celebrate the transformative power of VFX in music videos.
CREDITS (in order of appearance)
Ziak feat Kaaris - Rien ne se remplace @ziakimbo & @kaarisofficiel1
Director: Swann+Yoann @swannyoann
DOP: Nicolas Desaintquentin @nicolasdeqaintquentin
Editor: Henry Gatard @henrygatard
MNNK Bro. (Takashi Murakami & JP THE WAVY) - LV MURAKAMI @mnnk_bro
VFX & Director: BRTHR @_brthr_
DOP: Erwan Cloarec @erwancloarec
Editor: BRTHR, BUDDHA INC. @_brthr_ & @buddha.inc_
Art department: Nouvelle Vague @nouvelle_vague_art
Production Company: SOS IN Bel Air @sosinbelair
Drake - First Person Shooter ft. J. Cole @champagnepapi & @realcoleworld
VFX: Mathematic, Karen Arakelian, Pendulum, Scissor Films, Black Hat & Aid6n.edits @mathematic.tv, @karen.arakelian2, @pendulum.vfx, @scissorfilms, @blackhatvfx, @ricklancaster_ & @aid6n.edits
Director: Gibson Hazard @gibsonhazard
DOP: Bobby Shore @bobbysteez
Creative Direction: Jack Bannon & Reduciano @jakbannon & @reduciano
Production Company: House of Hazard x Denim @producedbydenim
Lay - 开天(Kai Tian) @layzhang
Quebonafide - Futurama 3 @quebahombre
VFX: Andrzej Dragan, Patryk @andrzejdragan
Gadaszewski, pwee3000
Director & Editor: Andrzej Dragan @andrzejdragan
DOP: Piotr Uznański @uznanskipiotr_dop
Production Company: Magnetowid Sp. z o.o.
Vinida Weng - Kill The Fear (ft. Manu WorldStar & Ava like Lava) @vinidaweng
Dafna - I Wanna Feel @dafnamusic
VFX: Abraham Mast @abrahammast
Director & Editor: Teck @teck
DOP: Tim Sutherland @dptimsutherland
Audrey Nuna - Jokes on Me @audreynuna
VFX: Collin Journee & Mathieu Jussreandot @colin.journee & @jussreandot_mat
Director: Gabriel Dugué @gab_bunk
DOP: Jeff Bierman @jeffbierman
Editor: Yanjun Zhou, Antoine Deslandes @yanjunzh0u & @antoinedeslandes
Production Company: Ocurens @ocurenscontent
VFX supervisor: Dylan Sachi @2.35sachi
Director & Editor: Loïc Foulon @loic_foulon
DOP: Nikita Popkov @nikitapopkov
Production Company: KAIROS PRODUCTION @_kairos.tv
IZZY SPEARS - BURN FT. LEYA @iizzyspearss
VFX: ZHEESHEE, ATAKA51 @zheeshee & @aaataka51
Director: ATAKA51 @aaataka51
DOP: SERGEI MEDVEDEV @serejamedvedev
Creative Direction: Georgia Pendlebury @georgia.pendlebury
Production Company: FARAGO PROJECTS & HENRY @faragoprojects & @henry.tv
At the BMVAs, we look for videos that push the boundaries of what’s possible—videos where the VFX not only complements the music but elevates it, immersing the audience in a world of stunning visuals.
Give it up for the BEST VISUAL EFFECTS nominees!
Join us at the festival from June 12th to 14th as we celebrate the transformative power of VFX in music videos.
CREDITS (in order of appearance)
Ziak feat Kaaris - Rien ne se remplace @ziakimbo & @kaarisofficiel1
Director: Swann+Yoann @swannyoann
DOP: Nicolas Desaintquentin @nicolasdeqaintquentin
Editor: Henry Gatard @henrygatard
MNNK Bro. (Takashi Murakami & JP THE WAVY) - LV MURAKAMI @mnnk_bro
VFX & Director: BRTHR @_brthr_
DOP: Erwan Cloarec @erwancloarec
Editor: BRTHR, BUDDHA INC. @_brthr_ & @buddha.inc_
Art department: Nouvelle Vague @nouvelle_vague_art
Production Company: SOS IN Bel Air @sosinbelair
Drake - First Person Shooter ft. J. Cole @champagnepapi & @realcoleworld
VFX: Mathematic, Karen Arakelian, Pendulum, Scissor Films, Black Hat & Aid6n.edits @mathematic.tv, @karen.arakelian2, @pendulum.vfx, @scissorfilms, @blackhatvfx, @ricklancaster_ & @aid6n.edits
Director: Gibson Hazard @gibsonhazard
DOP: Bobby Shore @bobbysteez
Creative Direction: Jack Bannon & Reduciano @jakbannon & @reduciano
Production Company: House of Hazard x Denim @producedbydenim
Lay - 开天(Kai Tian) @layzhang
Quebonafide - Futurama 3 @quebahombre
VFX: Andrzej Dragan, Patryk @andrzejdragan
Gadaszewski, pwee3000
Director & Editor: Andrzej Dragan @andrzejdragan
DOP: Piotr Uznański @uznanskipiotr_dop
Production Company: Magnetowid Sp. z o.o.
Vinida Weng - Kill The Fear (ft. Manu WorldStar & Ava like Lava) @vinidaweng
Dafna - I Wanna Feel @dafnamusic
VFX: Abraham Mast @abrahammast
Director & Editor: Teck @teck
DOP: Tim Sutherland @dptimsutherland
Audrey Nuna - Jokes on Me @audreynuna
VFX: Collin Journee & Mathieu Jussreandot @colin.journee & @jussreandot_mat
Director: Gabriel Dugué @gab_bunk
DOP: Jeff Bierman @jeffbierman
Editor: Yanjun Zhou, Antoine Deslandes @yanjunzh0u & @antoinedeslandes
Production Company: Ocurens @ocurenscontent
VFX supervisor: Dylan Sachi @2.35sachi
Director & Editor: Loïc Foulon @loic_foulon
DOP: Nikita Popkov @nikitapopkov
Production Company: KAIROS PRODUCTION @_kairos.tv
IZZY SPEARS - BURN FT. LEYA @iizzyspearss
VFX: ZHEESHEE, ATAKA51 @zheeshee & @aaataka51
Director: ATAKA51 @aaataka51
DOP: SERGEI MEDVEDEV @serejamedvedev
Creative Direction: Georgia Pendlebury @georgia.pendlebury
Production Company: FARAGO PROJECTS & HENRY @faragoprojects & @henry.tv
00:30You're the one who always has to start at the bottom!
01:00You're the one who always has to start at the bottom!