• 18 hours ago
We went out into Manchester to ask people on the street about Easter and how it impacts them as they’ve grown older.


00:00But it's not, it's not a big thing to me to be honest.
00:02Hello and welcome to Manchester World, my name's Theo Houston-Betts and today I'm out on the streets
00:06of Manchester asking people about Easter and that's because it's now basically here. We want
00:12to know what people's Easter traditions are, what their favourite chocolate egg is and whether a
00:16family member still buys them a chocolate egg as they've got a bit older or now they have to do
00:20their shopping themselves. It is a little bit to me just I think because of my culture, like we'll
00:25do the whole Easter egg thing but then we also have like fish Friday, so on Fridays we'll just
00:31eat fish. If you eat anything other than fish then you know you're going to hell. I enjoy it because
00:37I've got a little nephew and a little niece so it's nice for them to experience it because you
00:42sort of as you grow up that you lose the, you lose the magic. Easter to me is more of a family
00:48vibe, I know all my family are going to be off because it's brand holiday. I personally work
00:52so I try and get it off and it is nice to spend, I just know all my family are going to be off work
00:58so it's nice for me in that way.
