Richard Lacey speaks about Canadian Pacific
00:00proceedings. My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, could I just in closing the ceremony this morning
00:11thank again all of you who've come today. It is so impressive to see so many faces here
00:18to help us relaunch our flagship locomotive. It's a great pleasure to see all of you here.
00:28Thank you so much for coming and now is the opportunity to take such photographs as you
00:34might wish to and then if I could invite you in about five or ten minutes time to board the train.
00:42If I could ask for those with blue lanyards to occupy the first two coaches behind the locomotive.
00:49I think you've all been given seat allocation tickets and those with green lanyards a little
00:56bit further down the train again you should have your tickets already available. So again thank you
01:02very much indeed for all coming today. I hope you're going to really enjoy the run up the line
01:09and let us see what this locomotive can really do.