1980 में रिलीज फिल्म कर्ज ने इस साल अपनी रिलीज के 45 साल पूरे कर लिए हैं। इस मौके को सेलीब्रेट करने के लिए फिल्म मेकर सुभाष घई फिल्म की लीड हीरोइनों सिमी ग्रेवाल और टीना अंबानी के साथ नजर आए।
00:02One day left, ma'am.
00:04Okay, right.
00:06Ma'am, center.
00:16Wait, wait, wait.
00:18Ma'am, look here.
00:20Ma'am, center.
00:22Center, center.
00:24Ma'am, yes.
00:26Ma'am, look here.
00:28Ma'am, look here.
00:32Thank you, ma'am.
00:34Thank you, ma'am.
00:36This film was released here before you guys were born.
00:40Ma'am, look at this side.
00:42Ma'am, look here.
00:44Ma'am, look center.
00:46Ma'am, look center.
00:48Ma'am, look center.
00:50Ma'am, look left.
00:52This side.
00:54Fine, sir.
00:58All of you, come.
01:00All of you, come together.
01:02Yes, all of you, come together.
01:08All of you, come together.
01:20All of you, come together.
01:24All of you, come together.
01:26All of you, come together.
01:28All of you, left, left.
01:30All of you, right.
01:34Yes, center.
01:38One minute, sir.
02:04Wait, wait.
02:08What are you doing?
02:12We have a problem here.
02:14Ma'am, look left.
02:16Ma'am, look left.
02:20Who is the cameraman?
02:22Ma'am, look left.
02:32Ma'am, look here.
02:34Ma'am, look left.
02:36Ma'am, look center.
02:42Thank you, sir.
02:44Thank you, sir.
02:48Thank you, sir.
02:52Thank you, sir.