• 7 hours ago
Khutba e Jumma - Friday Sermon

#KhutbaeJumma #DataDarbarLahore #ARYQtv

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00:00As-salatu was-salamu alayka ya Sayyidi ya Rasulullah, wa ala alika wa ashabika ya Sayyidi ya Habibullah.
00:13As-salatu was-salamu alayka ya Khataman Nabiyyin, wa ala alika wa ashabika ya Shafi'al Muznibin.
00:21As-salatu was-salamu alayka ya Imam al-Haramayn, wa ala alika wa ashabika ya Jadda al-Hasani wal-Husayn.
00:30Ganj-e-Baksh-e-Faiz-e-Alam, Mazhar-e-Noor-e-Khuda, Naqis-Aara, Peer-e-Kamil, Kamil-Aara, Rahnuma.
00:42Muazzaz-o-Mu'tasham, Samayeen-o-Hazireen, Buzurg-o-Dost-o-Azizan-e-Di-Qadr, Ramazan-o-Mubarak-ki-in-purnoor-sa'atoon-mein,
00:56Bargah-e-Ganj-e-Baksh-e-Hazir-hone-wale-Jumla-Ghulaman-e-Ganj-e-Baksh, wa Ghulaman-e-Mustafa-e-Karim, Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wa-Sallam.
01:07And for the whole year, to show Jumaa live, and in Ramazan-o-Mubarak, along with Jumaa,
01:18to spread Namaz-e-Taraweeh live all over the world,
01:24I would like to say Assalam-o-Alaikum to all the viewers, mothers, sisters, daughters and missionaries of ARY-QTV.
02:05Abu'l-Hasanain, Janab-e-Sayyiduna, Ali-ul-Murtaza, Sher-e-Khuda, Karam-Allahu-Ta'ala, Wajhahu-l-Karim,
02:17Wa Radhi-Allahu-Ta'ala Anhu, Wa Alayhi-Salam, Aapki Bargah-mein, Nazrana-e-Muhabbat-o-Aqeedat, Pesh-karne-ke-liye, Mukhtas-ki-ya-gaya.
02:28We have spoken extensively about Tarbiyyat-e-Hawal-e-Ramazan-o-Mubarak on the last Jumaa-o-Mubarak.
02:38Those who have come or are coming for I'tikaf,
02:43please perform Namaz-e-Jumaa in the hall below or wherever you find space.
02:51The Darbar-e-Sharif Administration has also provided a space for you.
02:56Please come there and perform your I'tikaf after the Namaz-e-Jumaa.
03:06Moving forward,
03:09those who are sitting in the hall,
03:13you must be missing Madinah by sitting on these carpets.
03:22Please understand the I'tikaf-e-Aqeedat of the one who has presented this.
03:30He has said, don't take my name.
03:37Why? Because he has said,
03:40where my name should be written,
03:43don't pray for it to be written there.
03:46May Allah bless their wealth, sustenance, children, and business.
03:53And may Allah bestow upon them, their parents, and their families,
04:04the best reward of each and every prostration, each and every Ruku, each and every Zikr, and each and every Ibadah.
04:07I will start my discussion with Tilawat and Manqabat,
04:16so that you can listen to some of the observations in sequence.
04:20Today, in order to get the pleasure of reciting the Holy Quran,
04:25I have a request from the well-known Qari of the country of Pakistan,
04:29Respected Qari Zafar Ali Salvi Sahib,
04:32I would like to request him to start today's Hazrat Maula Ali Conference with the recitation of the Holy Quran.
05:02In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
05:32Peace be upon you.
06:02Peace be upon you.
06:16In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
06:40We have created man, and taught him the Qur'an.
06:58We have created man, and taught him the Qur'an.
07:29In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
07:41We have created man, and taught him the Qur'an.
08:11And the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the trees, prostrate.
08:41And the heaven and the earth, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the
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09:41and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:06and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:07and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:14and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:15and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:16and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:17and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:18and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:19and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
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10:21and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:37and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:38and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:39and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
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10:43and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:44and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
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10:46and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
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10:48and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:49and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:50and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:51and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens, and the earth, and the heavens,
10:52and the earth, and the heavens, and the heavens, and the earth."
11:08Then God answered,
11:16that the Ahl-e-Bayt should remove all kinds of impurities from you
11:25and purify you very well
11:33and purify you very well
11:40There are two things
11:42and the sentence that I am going to present
11:49Huzoor says that
11:54these Ahl-e-Bayt are those individuals
11:59whom Allah has destined to be purified forever
12:05There is not much time, I will explain this later
12:09The sentence is that
12:12the Ahl-e-Bayt of Huzoor are pure
12:19What are they?
12:21Say it loudly
12:23This is an Aqeedah
12:24The Ahl-e-Bayt of Huzoor are
12:28What are they?
12:31Say it louder, I have kept the fast
12:35The Ahl-e-Bayt of Huzoor are
12:43and they have been purified by Allah
12:52They have been purified by Allah
12:57Every impurity is far from them
13:04Every impurity is far from them
13:09and Allah has removed impurity
13:15Now listen to the conclusion
13:20The pure cannot go far from them
13:24The pure cannot go far from them
13:37By the way,
13:39after listening to the Ahl-e-Bayt,
13:41not everyone has the opportunity to say SubhanAllah
13:48Remember this
13:50After listening to the Ahl-e-Bayt,
13:54not everyone has the opportunity to say SubhanAllah
14:02I am saying this with complete evidence
14:10After listening to the Ahl-e-Bayt,
14:12not everyone has the opportunity to say SubhanAllah
14:20On whose face do you see light?
14:24Those who are close to the pure
14:29The sentence is
14:31The pure cannot go far from them
14:38I want to see the next sentence,
14:39you tell me
14:41The pure cannot go far from them
14:45The impure cannot go far from them
14:54This is the essence of the verse
14:57And I am not talking about others,
15:01I am not talking about you
15:04I am not talking about others
15:07Then why should we not say?
15:10Now listen carefully
15:19I don't want to say it again and again
15:22I can give you a fatwa,
15:24but when will you say SubhanAllah?
15:43And you and I are sitting at the door
15:53And you and I are sitting at the door
15:57He is none other than Ibl-e-Ali
16:10I will make you proud
16:15But you will not be proud
16:18When Zikr-e-Maula-Ali is mentioned,
16:20there is no heat in the blood and faith
16:25There is no brightness on the face
16:32I will take you along and say another sentence
16:37He is Maula-e-Ali
16:41He is Maula-e-Ali
16:43Say it louder
16:45He is Maula-e-Ali
16:47I am sure
16:49I don't need such testers
16:52The one who doesn't believe in Maula-e-Ali,
16:55Data Sahib can never come
17:05He is Maula-e-Ali
17:07He is Maula-e-Ali
17:09He is Ibl-e-Ali
17:15Let me finish
17:17Be patient
17:19Be patient
17:21Zikr-e-Maula-Ali is such that
17:23you get excited but control yourself
17:26He is Maula-e-Ali
17:28He is Ibl-e-Ali
17:32May Allah raise the ranks of Nusrat Fateh-e-Ali Khan
17:39You are Ibl-e-Ali
17:41You are a five-toed bud
17:45You are Ibl-e-Ali
17:47You are a five-toed bud
17:49Your rank is higher than Waliya
17:54He is Maula-e-Ali
17:56He is Maula-e-Ali
17:58He is Ibl-e-Ali
18:02And my happiness is
18:04My happiness is
18:06My happiness is
18:08I am a servant of Maula-e-Ali
18:16He is
18:18He is Ibl-e-Ali
18:20He is Ibl-e-Ali
18:22He is Ibl-e-Ali
18:24Let's sing it loud
18:28So that
18:30at 6 AM
18:32we feel pain
18:36and pain
18:38We know
18:40Is there no one else sitting on the throne of Ali? He is the slave of Ali.
18:49Now say the slogan of Haider.
18:52Those whom Allah has given the right and the ability to fulfill, then there is no pain.
18:57They are not excused.
19:00Say the slogan of Haider.
19:05Respected Syed Zeeshan Ali Bukhari Sahib.
19:10They do not get the honor of the throne.
19:14Respected Syed Zeeshan Bukhari Sahib.
19:40Say the slogan of Haider.
20:10Say the slogan of Haider.
20:40Say the slogan of Haider.
21:10For you, there is an answer in the brain.
21:19For you, there is a life in the body.
21:30We have come here for you.
21:44Wherever you are, we are there for you.
21:52We have come here for you.
22:00We have come here for you.
22:12Say the slogan of Haider.
22:15Sing along with me.
22:17Ali Maula
22:44Ali Maula
23:12We have come here for you.
23:42We have come here for you.
24:12We have come here for you.
24:42Ali Maula
25:09We have come here for you.
25:37Ali Maula
25:49Ali Maula
26:15We have come here for you.
26:45Ali Maula
27:15Subhanallah, Subhanallah, Mashallah.
27:45We have come here for you.
27:56We have come here for you.
27:59We have come here for you.
28:25And it is my pleasure to tell you that we are all slaves of Ali Maula.
28:37All of you know that Hazrat Maula Imam Hassan Mujtaba was like Naaf Mubarak.
28:52And Hazrat Maula Imam Hussain was like Nabi Paanq Alayhis Salaam.
29:00It is a very beneficial thing if you understand it.
29:09And I want to mention Hussain Maula Ali in this Nafasat.
29:15And this mention is important because when you and I are looking for a son or a son in law for our daughters,
29:40We try to select a son or a son in law who is perfect in every aspect.
29:55We try to select a son or a son in law who is perfect in every aspect.
30:13It is like this.
30:16I don't want to waste time.
30:19You should try to understand.
30:22You should try to think.
30:25Hussain Maula Ali.
30:28I don't know from where and how he brought the Ummah to this state.
30:38Let me tell you.
30:40I will present his story as a witness.
30:51Hazrat Abdullah bin Hassan.
30:55It is a pure hadith.
30:58Hazrat Abdullah bin Hassan says
31:02The face of Hussain was like the full moon.
31:32His eyes were naturally red.
31:36And there was a slight redness.
31:40And those who are looking for the standards of beauty.
31:45Think about it.
31:48The personality chosen by my master Kareem A.S.
31:54With the command of Allah the Lord of Glory.
31:57He must have chosen for the master of the universe.
32:00Let me tell you.
32:03In the universe, there was no beautiful woman like Mustafa.
32:07There was no beautiful woman like the master of the universe.
32:12And there was no beautiful son-in-law like Maula Ali.
32:17I have a chain of hadith.
32:26I have a collection of hadith.
32:31Which I can present to you.
32:33Let me tell you.
32:36I said that these two princes are like the Prophet.
32:45They are.
32:48Just look at it.
32:51Between these two personalities.
32:54Who has the veil of beauty?
32:57Who has the grandeur?
33:00Who has the grandeur?
33:03Who has the grandeur?
33:06On one side is Maula Ali.
33:08On the other side is the master of the universe.
33:11And these two are the center of the beauty of Mustafa Kareem.
33:16Allah has made the beauty of Mustafa in the master of the universe.
33:21He has made the beauty of Mustafa in the master of the universe.
33:27And Maula Imam Hassan and Maula Imam Hussain have made it visible again.
33:33And I would like to mention this before giving the opportunity to Dr. Qibla.
33:46Two Fridays ago, we presented our presence in the court of the master of the universe.
34:00We have fulfilled the right of our slavery.
34:03And this Fakir has raised his flag and put it at the feet of Ahlul Bayt and the master of the universe.
34:13And I had said this sentence.
34:16And I say it again today.
34:19The Prophet said that I am the city of knowledge.
34:26And Maula Ali is its door.
34:28Remember this.
34:30The thing which is called knowledge,
34:33The thing which is called knowledge,
34:36It is similar to the city of the Prophet.
34:39It is similar to the city of the Prophet.
34:43But its path is through the door of Ali.
34:48And the knowledge,
34:52The doctrinality,
34:55The professionalism,
34:58The clericalism,
35:01The addressability,
35:04The weakness,
35:06The integrity,
35:08Whatever it is,
35:11If it does not bow down in front of Maula Ali, the master of the universe, and the greatness of Ahlul Bayt,
35:22If it does not bow down,
35:24If it does not teach the etiquettes of these personalities,
35:29Then remember,
35:31It is foolishness in the name of speech.
35:34It is noise.
35:37It is intoxication.
35:39It is ignorance in the name of knowledge.
35:42It is misbelief in the name of creed.
35:45If you want to take the goodness of knowledge,
35:48Why do you want to take its blessings?
35:50If you want it,
35:52You will get it from Ahlul Bayt and Maula Ali.
36:00And maybe,
36:06I say,
36:08These personalities do not take time to give.
36:14We have fulfilled the right of slavery.
36:17From the progeny of Maula Ali,
36:20Hazrat Abbas Alamdar,
36:23May Allah be pleased with him,
36:26From the progeny of Sayyeda Ummul Baneen,
36:29Huzoor, Pir Sian Lajbaal,
36:32The document that I had placed at the feet of Ahlul Bayt,
36:36I had placed it at the feet of Ahlul Bayt,
36:39He has taken that document,
36:41And has put the right of slavery on his head again,
36:44And has told the world,
36:45The one who bows at the door of Ahlul Bayt,
36:49We do not let him bow,
36:51We make him superior in this world,
36:54We make him superior in the hereafter.
36:57May Allah keep these relations,
36:59These slaves safe.
37:02My and your hearts,
37:04My and your minds,
37:06My and your knowledge,
37:08My and your thoughts,
37:10My and your actions,
37:12My and your character,
37:13My and your speech,
37:15My and your character,
37:17My and your outward appearance,
37:19My and your inner self,
37:21Nowhere else,
37:23But at the door of Moula Ali,
37:25At the door of Ahlul Bayt,
37:27At the door of Sayyeda Kainat,
37:30And from there,
37:32May we get that charity,
37:34May it be granted,
37:36That this slavery is accepted and accepted.
37:38I have been in contact with great respect,
37:40Respected respected Muaqam,
37:41Respected Dr. Sayyed Tahir Raza Bukhari,
37:44Who himself,
37:46Is the family of the Prophet,
37:48The children of Ali,
37:50And is certainly accepted,
37:52Accepted and beloved,
37:54At the door of Huzoor,
37:56Through whom Allah,
37:58In the whole of Punjab,
38:00And especially,
38:02At the door of Ganj Baksh,
38:04At the door of Huzoor,
38:06With your pen,
38:08With your mind,
38:09With your leadership,
38:11With your honesty,
38:13Allah, the Lord of Glory,
38:15Has done such a remarkable thing,
38:17That inshallah,
38:19The slaves of Ganj Baksh,
38:21The slaves of Ahlul Bayt,
38:23The Maikum-e-Uqaaf,
38:25And the history of the slaves of Huzoor,
38:29Will remain bright and clear,
38:31And this door will remain full till the Day of Judgment,
38:34It will remain full till the Day of Judgment,
38:37The slaves have to keep coming,
38:39And those whose slavery is established,
38:43They are out of this world,
38:45I say,
38:47They are out of this world,
38:49In the eyes of those who see them,
38:51They do not die even after they have left,
38:53Whatever happens to them,
38:55They do not let it die.
38:57Call out loudly,
38:59The call of Takbeer,
39:01The call of Prophethood,
39:03Both hands up,
39:05The call of Haidari,
39:07The call of Haidari,
39:09In the name of Allah,
39:11All praise is due to Allah,
39:13And peace be upon His chosen servants,
39:17Especially upon the Master of the Prophets,
39:20And the Seal of the Prophets,
39:22I send him with the truth,
39:24As a bearer of glad tidings and a warner,
39:26And a call to Allah,
39:28With His permission,
39:30And a shining lamp.
39:32I, first of all,
39:34The great Mufti,
39:35The great Mufti,
39:37And the great addressee,
39:39Allama Doctor Mufti Muhammad Ramzan Sialvi,
39:43I present to him the blessed thing,
39:46That he,
39:48As he himself,
39:50Said in front of you,
39:52That he,
39:54Two Fridays ago,
39:57At the same place,
39:59The gift of faith and love,
40:02Which he presented,
40:03It was,
40:05Sayyeda Fatimatu Zahra,
40:08May Allah be pleased with her,
40:10In front of you,
40:12And the manner in which,
40:14He presented his gift,
40:17The heirs of his spiritual relations,
40:22Became ready to place their gifts on his head.
40:27And he acknowledged this,
40:30And he said,
40:32The manner in which,
40:34The spiritual blessings,
40:36Of his spiritual relations,
40:38Are coming from this shrine,
40:40In the same way,
40:42The spiritual blessings of his spiritual relations,
40:44Will also come from the presence of Allah.
40:47And as,
40:49You know,
40:51That today's day,
40:53Is dedicated,
40:56Is planned,
40:57Is the day,
40:59Of Madinatul Ilm,
41:01With Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza,
41:03May Allah be pleased with him,
41:05With you,
41:07And you just heard,
41:09That the Prophet,
41:11The Messenger of Allah,
41:13Your glorious statement,
41:16That I am the city of knowledge,
41:18And Ali is its gate,
41:20That I am the city of knowledge,
41:23And Ali is its gate,
41:24And knowledge is his,
41:26And righteousness is his,
41:28And glory is his,
41:30That Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza,
41:32May Allah be pleased with him,
41:34Will strengthen his relationship,
41:36With you and your family,
41:38And our elder used to say,
41:40That the one who,
41:42Has fought with this family,
41:44Is the one,
41:46Who will be the one,
41:48Who will be the one,
41:50Who will be the one,
41:52Who will be the one,
41:54Who will be the one,
41:56Who will be the one,
41:57Who will be the one,
41:59Who will be the one,
42:01Neversaving Ali,
42:03Nothing in this world will be left of him,
42:06And he was humiliated and disgraced,
42:11Whatever Imam-e-Qasitlani talked about
42:13He said that,
42:15Holy Prophet,
42:17The Messenger of Allah
42:19Is the one,
42:21Who taught mankind
42:22If you want to excel in knowledge, then you have no choice but to strengthen your relationship with the Prophet's family.
42:48Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza, may Allah honour him, used to say,
42:56People, we are pleased with the distribution of Allah, that He has made knowledge, the sciences of prophethood, special for us, and He has kept wealth for the ignorant.
43:20And he said, People, this is the wealth of your world, these are the promises of your world, these are going to be destroyed soon.
43:35And these are the sciences of prophethood, the sciences of prophethood, the sciences of the Chosen One, the sciences of the Qur'an.
43:49And these are the sciences of prophethood, the sciences of the Chosen One, the sciences of the Qur'an.
44:00And this is a sign of this matter, that in this world, knowledge, religion, fatwa, and method are all in the hands of the one who sacrifices himself for the sake of the Prophet's family.
44:24Someone asked Iqbal, what is the reason that your thought and philosophy has become so strong?
44:32He replied, I am shining like the sun, like a diamond in the world, and the fame of my knowledge, my knowledge, and my thought and philosophy,
44:59And Iqbal said, Iqbal has sent you blessings from the house of a Sayyid.
45:07Iqbal said, the reason for this is that I am the father of Madinatul Ilm, Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza, and I am the servant of your entire family.
45:22I would like to congratulate Mufti Muhammad Ramzan Sialvi Sahib on this honor and this blessing.
45:37I would like to congratulate him on this honor and this blessing, and I would like to congratulate his spiritual leaders on this place, on this shrine, and on this great sanctuary.
46:07Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
46:35I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
46:57Come to Prayer.
47:19Come to success.
47:37Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is no god but Allah.
48:07Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
48:37There is no god but Allah.
49:07I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
49:27I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
49:57I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
50:27I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
