• 20 hours ago
#SinggahSet: Baru-baru ini, Cik Bam dan team dijemput ke majlis tayangan Astro Raya. Tema kali ni, anggun dan tradisional. Para selebriti tak lepaskan peluang melaramg habis ya. Meriah lain macam! 😎😎😎

Nak kemeriahannya macam mana? Jom strim sampai habis! 😎

Kalau korang nak layan lagi moment-moment panas yang terjadi di set drama, korang boleh saksikan #SinggahSet setiap Jumaat, 5:00 petang di www.gempak.com! Confirm panas!

Jangan ketinggalan saksikan program-program dan drama-drama terbaik bersempena sambutan Aidilfitri ini di Astro Ria & Astro Prima. Juga boleh ditonton melalui Astro One & #sooka!

#BamBamStudios #AstroGo #AstroBaharu #MasaBersama #MerapatkanKita #SookaMalaysia #SookaGotDrama #MeriahLainMacam #JomUsha #OnDemand #SemestinyaBoleh


00:00Eh sayang, iyo sayang, you ada mana sekarang dah, kenapa sayang?
00:07This is Miss Singleset, kita tahu semua
00:11Miss Singleset, yang tahu kuat di hati, datang pada saat
00:14Let's go!
00:16Miss Singleset
00:21Nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyam
00:25Nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyam
00:28Daun dilipat, anyamnya tepat, isi yang manis bagai senyuman
00:35Kemana tempat, kita melawat, mari bermaaf dan bersalaman
00:43Puas berpuasa sepurnama, menantikan hari yang mulia
00:51Usalah resah ukuran pinggang, makanlah makan berpinggang-pinggang
00:59Nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyam
01:03Nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyam
01:07Nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyam
01:10Nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyamnya ketupa, nyam
01:14Mertundi tutuh, anak dihumpuh
01:18Oh ibu tenang, banyak bersabar
01:22Bukulah rendang, jadinya umpuh
01:26Lemampulah jangan biar terbakar
01:30Where are we today?
01:32Today we're at Bukit Puasa and Estro's program
01:39Where is this hotel? One World Hotel?
01:42How do we do it? We don't do it often
01:48Are you taking the traditional or the anggun?
01:52We're traditional mixed anggun, we're fusion
01:57Today's theme is traditional or anggun?
02:01Both, my face is anggun, my hair is anggun, my clothes are traditional
02:09I don't know, it's like traditional and anggun
02:13We're twins, it's the same
02:20Do you want this one?
02:24Or that one?
02:28I like it
02:38I want that one
03:08Bukit Puasa and Estro's program
03:23Let's eat
03:32Is it curry noodles?
03:35Can you color it? Black and white, I don't know
03:42Curry noodles?
03:45Chicken porridge
03:48This is rice, egg and chicken
03:57What's kuah lontong?
04:00What's kuah lontong?
04:07I'm successful
04:09Can you change the picture?
04:16That's great
04:18That's how I draw it
04:23This is Sherry Wittler's biscuit
04:32Biscuit love?
04:34Are you new to this?
04:37What's this?
04:40Biscuit berry?
04:45Biscuit cinta?
04:47Biscuit fall in love?
04:49This is biscuit love?
04:53That's why Mimi is not modern enough
04:57Angelina Jolie's biscuit?
05:02I don't know what it is
05:08Mama Serai?
05:14Mama Angkat?
05:22Mama Carrie's biscuit?
05:28I don't know
05:30That's not good
05:34I've never tried
05:36Is there a sample here?
05:39Mama Carrie?
05:41I don't know
05:52Her name is Mama...
05:56What is this?
05:58What is this?
06:01What is this?
06:03Why did we come up with this?
06:07Is it good?
06:09Is it good?
06:11I really don't know
06:13Give me pineapple tart
06:15Kuih sampret
06:16Kuih sampan
06:18Bad batang
06:22Of course rendang
06:24My mother's rendang, my mother-in-law's rendang
06:26Nasi impit, kuah kacang
06:28Soaked in cordial water
06:31Sometimes orange
06:32Sometimes grape
06:33And at the end
06:35We'll cover it with...
06:37Kuih-kuih muih
06:38Like bad batang and...
06:43All of them are your favourites
06:45You eat all of them?
06:47That's actually true
06:49For Eid
06:51For me, when I go to my grandmother's house
06:54I want to eat laksa
06:56It's delicious
06:58For kuih
07:00Cornflakes, of course
07:03For food
07:05In Kelantan
07:06Nasi dagang
07:07Nasi dagang and also
07:09Like what I said earlier
07:11Because ketupat in Kelantan
07:12Ketupat that's sweet
07:13In KL, I don't like it
07:15Because it's...
07:17Tawa hebat
07:19Nasi lemak and curry
07:21And I like...
07:23Masak lemak
07:24All of them
07:25Kuih-kuih, I think...
07:27Butter biscuits are okay
07:28Because I like to eat
07:31Malay food
07:33I like it
07:34That's why I gain weight
07:38My mother made it
07:40There are many kinds of mazola
07:42But my mother's mazola
07:45Stays in my heart
07:48It's the best
07:49I can finish it in one go
07:51So good
07:52For food
08:01Ketupat palas
08:03With rendang
08:06Nongkok 9
08:11Shut down
08:13Okay, I would like to say
08:14Happy Eid Al-Fitr
08:16I'm sorry, Zahir and Bahtin
08:18If you're still fighting
08:20And don't know where to go
08:21I suggest you stay at home
