My love Full Movie - video Dailymotion
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00:00A few hours later...
00:09Well, what do you think?
00:13It's much more intuitive.
00:16The artificial intelligence tools you've acquired are incredible.
00:19Tiago has duplicated our database.
00:22And with many more matches, as we wanted.
00:25It's so good that I'm going to create a profile to see if I can find my soul mate.
00:31And that face?
00:32Have you thought the same?
00:33Of course.
00:34I'm not lucky either.
00:35We could both create it.
00:37We have to promote this as soon as possible.
00:39It will crush the competition, Tiago.
00:41And help more people, which is important.
00:43Us included.
00:45No, it was a joke.
00:47I'm not going to create it.
00:50What do you mean seriously?
00:51Of course not.
00:52My girlfriend is the agency.
00:53Now I'm focused and I want this to go well so that,
00:56in a few years, a multinational buys it from me for a lot of money.
01:00And what would you do next?
01:04I would get on the platform to see if I could find my soul mate.
01:08I would spend my days lying on the beach of warm waters,
01:11white sand and doing nothing.
01:13That's all I ask.
01:18What is it?
01:19Yes, man.
01:20What's going on?
01:21Come, look.
01:22Is that it?
01:23Look at it.
01:25What do you think?
01:26The queen of the hacienda?
01:29I can't believe it.
01:31How silly.
01:33I don't understand why you're looking at me like that.
01:35I think it's a good idea to invite Connie to the wedding.
01:38But it would ruin our day.
01:41It's the perfect opportunity to get her in the way.
01:44And do you think she'll let herself be trapped so easily?
01:47If she thinks she's coming from nowhere and that she's going to surprise us,
01:50I think we would have many possibilities.
01:53Isn't that what we wanted?
01:55Yes, but she's going to ruin our party.
01:57And don't you think it's more important to catch that murderer
02:01than to have a perfect party?
02:03I confess that in this case I agree with Kakao.
02:06It's crazy that Connie comes to the wedding.
02:10She's going to cause problems, but if that's what she wants,
02:13better for us.
02:16If you both agree.
02:19But why, Marco?
02:21Don't you agree?
02:24Don't you think it's important to catch my mother's murderer and my best friend?
02:28Of course.
02:29Of course.
02:30Otherwise, I wouldn't have called your father.
02:33I just don't know if that's the ideal time.
02:37I don't know if we'll have another chance, right?
02:40If she's coming.
02:41What I don't understand is why you decided to call my father
02:44and hide it from me.
02:49Is this how you see marriage?
02:52Like a relationship where you only share what's best for you.
03:05I can't stop watching the video.
03:09Every time I see it, I laugh.
03:12Sal is amazing.
03:14When she gets something in her head...
03:17Yes, when she gets obsessed with something...
03:20Well, the problem is that it's for the good and the bad.
03:23Don't be like that.
03:24Come on.
03:25She was very influenced by her mother.
03:27Now, with her father, it's different.
03:29It's true.
03:30You've seen how she's changed.
03:32She's behaved impeccably.
03:35Even with me and Cacao.
03:36Tiago, come on.
03:37Let's not start arguing.
03:39Let's talk about tomorrow.
03:41What's wrong?
03:42It's your birthday.
03:43Have you forgotten?
03:45Can I organize a party? A date?
03:46No, you can't organize anything.
03:47Stay still.
03:49Are you going to be alone again?
03:50No, no.
03:51I've already stayed with my mother.
03:52How can I stay with her?
03:53She wants to be with me.
03:55But it smells like an excuse not to celebrate.
03:58No, I've never liked to celebrate.
04:00And that's not going to change.
04:02I don't want any party, okay?
04:04How boring.
04:05You're boring.
04:06You're the boring one.
04:07If I change my mind, I'll let you know, okay?
04:08I'm going to change.
04:09I'm going to change my clothes.
04:11Going out on the bike makes me look bad.
04:14Change that face.
04:16Did you hear me?
04:19I'm going to change.
04:24I didn't want to bother you.
04:25Marco, I'm not a baby.
04:27If you go behind my back when this gets serious, I don't know what I'm doing here.
04:30What are you going to do?
04:31I'm going to the main house for a few days.
04:35To reflect on your attitude.
04:37Don't do this to me.
04:41He's a genius.
04:42You can't deny that.
04:45Do you think I should have told him?
04:47I was just trying to avoid another concern.
04:49I understand your point of view.
04:51But also hers.
04:52They are things that are resolved over time.
04:54The important thing now is to think about the way to bring Simone here.
05:00Honestly, I think it's the most difficult part of the mission.
05:06Cacao, but it's good news.
05:08Incredible, isn't it?
05:10Gutiñol, I can't believe this came out of nowhere.
05:14Do you know what this is?
05:17You and Marco are going to marry because of that woman's threat.
05:21Now, with her out of the game, you can go back to Tiago's arms.
05:26I'm dying to tell the truth.
05:29Do you think...
05:31Do you think he's going to wait for me?
05:34Of course he will.
05:38Of course he will.
05:40Cacao is crazy about you.
05:41I know, Gutiño, but after what I told him...
05:44I said horrible things.
05:46My friend, let me tell you something.
05:47You did what was necessary to save his life.
05:51When you explain your motives to Tiago,
05:53he's going to kiss the ground you step on
05:55and he's going to put you on an altar for making that sacrifice for him.
06:00Speaking of sacrifices...
06:03I've come up with another excuse to escape Marco.
06:08Tell me, what illness have you come up with now?
06:11This time it's not an illness.
06:13I told him that...
06:15I'm angry that I didn't tell him that I was talking to Connie.
06:19And that's why I'm going to move to the main house for a few days.
06:22Until he understands that...
06:25He was wrong.
06:27My friend!
06:29You leave me in total shock!
06:31Hey, I'll take off my hat, aunt.
06:33But aunt...
06:34I never thought you could avoid this guy for so long.
06:38Me neither.
06:40You see...
06:44Well, although the truth is that I hope...
06:48Connie comes to the wedding seriously.
06:52I think we could tell the inspector to come.
06:55Because if I get him to confess...
06:58What he did to me and my sister...
07:00We could catch her!
07:03Gutiño will catch that woman.
07:05It will be our liberation.
07:06I know.
07:08And then I'll be able to go back to Thiago.
07:11I know!
07:15I hope it works.
07:16It will work.
07:19Is that a helicopter?
07:21Yes, Sal is going to Portugal for a few days.
07:24He's going to buy our dresses.
07:27No, no, no.
07:28You mean your dress?
07:29My wedding dress, yes.
07:32Ah, that's why you've been nagging me, right?
07:35Saying that you were already taking care of yourself when it was really her.
07:41I'm going to say goodbye to her, okay?
07:45Be careful.
07:48See you later.
08:01I can't believe it.
08:02Do you only take that?
08:03Yes, I have everything there.
08:06And I'm also thinking about going shopping.
08:08I've wanted to do that for a long time.
08:10Give it to me, I'll take it to the helicopter.
08:12Ah, thank you.
08:13You're welcome.
08:14See you later.
08:15See you later.
08:16Choose a very nice dress for Caca.
08:19Are you sure you don't need anything?
08:21I've changed my mind, I'm telling you.
08:23I think she should go with you to choose or go with me to Sao Paulo.
08:27But she doesn't want to leave.
08:28She's obsessed with the plantation.
08:30She goes every day to see how it's going.
08:33Do you think she'd want to leave?
08:35Of course not.
08:39I heard the helicopter and I thought it would be for you.
08:43I've come to remind you that I want something very simple, okay?
08:47No decorations or glitter.
08:49Yes, I know.
08:50I'll send you pictures.
08:52Thank you, Sal.
08:54Don't give them to me.
08:55I'm already happy to return to civilization.
08:59I don't know if you'll feel the same after being in nature for so long.
09:03I don't know, I'll tell you.
09:06Thank you for giving me the opportunity to show you who I really am.
09:13I think that without your vote of confidence,
09:15I wouldn't have admired our father in any other way.
09:19And it's been great to be by his side.
09:22I've never been like this with him.
09:24It's beautiful that we get to know our father at the same time.
09:29Each in their own way.
09:31I hadn't thought of it that way.
09:33You're right.
09:34Sal, the pilot says we have to go.
09:37Well, I'm going.
09:38Come on.
09:39Have a good trip.
09:40Have a good trip.
09:45Civilization, here I come!
09:47Here I come!
09:51Salome, Salome.
09:52Who's seen you?
09:53Who's seen you?
09:55Like your guardian, Lucas.
09:57I'm so proud of him.
09:59It's not for nothing.
10:01With the great dedication you put into everything you do,
10:04it was to be expected.
10:06He's curious and he likes to learn.
10:09In fact, I've been talking to Tomané about a new social project.
10:13Should I tell you?
10:14Of course.
10:15Come with me.
10:18Thank goodness you came.
10:22I was starting to miss you.
10:27It's your fault.
10:28I could stay here all the time.
10:31But while Lala is here, I can't do anything.
10:35I can't do anything either.
10:37I can't throw her out.
10:39She's already looking for a house, you know?
10:42But the prices are as expensive as in New York.
10:46They're cheap.
10:48And no one makes a dime.
10:50Oh, Artura.
10:53Anyway, she's thinking of making a deal in B.
10:56I don't know.
10:57You can't buy anything if it's not in B.
10:59The interest is very high.
11:01Who can afford a loan?
11:03Well, you know what?
11:05I'm thinking of doing exactly what she has in mind.
11:11I'm fed up with the pension.
11:13Since I have the money for the diamonds.
11:16I was thinking of investing it.
11:20What if we buy a house for both of us?
11:25A house for both of us?
11:28I can't say no, no.
11:31Especially because you've had to stay in that tiny place.
11:36I'm used to it.
11:38And you were right.
11:42I love it, Mayoris.
11:44Besides being funny, she's a very good person.
11:47I'm glad to hear that.
11:51So, do you agree to get her out of that hole?
11:55No, no.
11:56I haven't said that.
11:57Besides, we don't have that much money.
11:59Well, when I give Justino an apartment.
12:02But you're still married to him, aren't you?
12:05If you remember, the trial for the divorce is in less than a month.
12:11Well, just like mine.
12:15We're already talking about unpleasant things.
12:19I have to get those princess feet down to earth.
12:29Have you seen the girl over there?
12:34What girl? Which one?
12:39The other one? The one with...
12:41Yes, the one with the embroidered handkerchiefs.
12:46I don't know. I don't see her much, to be honest.
12:48She's always looking for a job.
12:51Or busy with something, part-time, to survive.
13:00I'm surprised.
13:01In the end, you're very well informed.
13:04It seems you don't know that it's like a doorman union.
13:11What do you think of her?
13:14What do you mean, what do I think? I barely know her.
13:16I don't have much information about her.
13:18Besides, you didn't ask me to find out anything, did you?
13:22But if you want, I can try to investigate.
13:28No, there's no need.
13:30It was just curiosity.
13:33Or do you feel guilty?
13:35For abandoning the woman for the second time?
13:38How could I abandon her, you idiot?
13:40I even sent her money, a lot of money.
13:44Why would I say anything? I shouldn't have brought it up.
13:47Look, forget everything I said, please.
13:53Finish the champagne and leave before Lala shows up by surprise.
13:56You never know.
13:58Hurry up, hurry up.
14:22I just hope they reach an agreement.
14:25I just hope they reach an agreement.
14:28I don't think the doctor would have asked you to come, right?
14:42What did she say?
14:45I did it! I'm starting next month!
14:47I knew it!
14:49Thank you, Isabel, for your support.
14:51Thank you, thank you.
14:53See you soon.
15:00Doctor, I have no words.
15:03First of all, I think you can call me David.
15:06Don't call me doctor.
15:07I can't, doctor.
15:09There's always a difference, doctor, nurse.
15:12I'm very happy, thank you, thank you.
15:15I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
15:17I went too far.
15:20Thank you very much for this favor.
15:22I owe you one.
15:24You don't owe me anything, I did it.
15:26Doctor, we need you urgently.
15:28Yes, yes, I'm coming.
15:29I'm glad I helped you, really.
15:31And I'm glad we'll see each other more often.
15:34I'm glad too.
15:49If you call me so much, I'm going to think...
15:52that you have a more active sexual life than your son.
15:55Don't be silly.
15:58No, not at all.
16:00I just got home...
16:03and I see it so empty...
16:07that I called you to see if we could meet today.
16:11I can, but later.
16:13I won't be free until ten.
16:15Until ten?
16:17Wow, you have a full schedule.
16:20I didn't know.
16:22I thought we could have dinner together.
16:26You wouldn't say no to a client, would you?
16:30Without personal matters, don't forget.
16:34Well, at ten or not?
16:38Of course, at ten then.
16:40I'll wait for you, okay?
16:47You make me sad, boy.
16:49You should have known by now.
16:53I'd rather have stayed here with you a thousand times.
16:56Me too.
16:58But it's less risky, isn't it?
17:01I know.
17:03I can't wait for that investigation to end so I can come back here.
17:07Nights aren't the same without you.
17:11No, they're not the same.
17:14If I find out that women come here when I'm not around...
17:18I'll go crazy and you'll never see me again.
17:21I like that.
17:23Don't be silly, Ruby.
17:25You're the only woman I'm with.
17:30I love you, Ruby.
17:32Don't forget that.
17:36I'm going to get out of here with a different energy.
17:39You're late for work, aren't you?
17:42It's true, but it doesn't matter.
17:44It was worth every second.
17:51Come on.
17:54She's waiting for me.
18:19I brought you some food.
18:22A bottle of wine.
18:28Great news.
18:31I want to know everything. Tell me.
18:33Are you ready?
18:35I think so.
18:37Tell me.
18:39I talked to a friend of the police.
18:42He talked to the investigators who are in charge of the search.
18:46And they concluded that it was an accident.
18:49They're going to close the case.
18:51But is it confirmed?
18:54It's not 100% confirmed.
18:56It's not 100% official, but more or less.
18:59Anyway, it's obvious that the driver was Nanda because it was his car.
19:02Because of the marks on the glass.
19:04She was shot for not wearing the seat belt.
19:08And the body went to the sea.
19:11It may appear one day.
19:14As for Johanna, it's what we knew.
19:18The milk.
19:20If everything continues like this, you will be a judge again in no time.
19:24We already have more arguments than adding to the internal resource for the General Council of Judicial Power.
19:33What's wrong?
19:35I thought you'd be more excited.
19:38I can't be excited about the death of two people.
19:41That's not why.
19:43Things are returning to normal.
19:46You will be able to do what you like best again.
19:50Be a judge.
19:52That's the point.
19:55I don't know if I want to continue being a judge.
20:10What do you think?
20:12Sincerely incredible.
20:15Well, the original idea was from Tomane, but I was interested.
20:18Well, Regina did almost everything.
20:20There are still some loose ends, but as a first concept, it's interesting.
20:24It's very interesting.
20:26A foundation to help children who need it, like Lucas.
20:29I'm very happy.
20:31It's a wonderful idea.
20:32And I imagine, sorry, the number of children we can get out of the street.
20:36So we will have children away from crime.
20:38Look what an incredible idea Regina had.
20:40Now I come back, I have an urgent matter to solve.
20:46I think I know what you mean.
20:49Tomane, could you excuse us for a moment?
20:52Of course.
20:53Thank you for your contribution.
20:55It has been wonderful.
20:56And this is nothing, you'll see.
20:58I'm a box of surprises.
21:00Sit down and tell me.
21:01Tell me everything.
21:06And what do you want me to do?
21:08Do exactly what I told you.
21:11Go there, talk to her.
21:13And tell her that instead of going to trial for divorce,
21:17I prefer to talk to her in person and try to reach an agreement.
21:22Justino, that doesn't make any sense.
21:24The case is won.
21:25It may not make sense, but it's what I want to do.
21:29When do you want her to go there?
21:33Hey, why doesn't she come with you to Cacao's wedding?
21:40Wait, are you kidding?
21:42The truth is that she has to be here on the day of the wedding.
21:46So you have to use all your persuasion to convince her.
21:51Hey, what are you hiding from me to ask me something like that?
21:55Do you hate Cacao?
21:57Hey, Cacao wants the whole family to get along.
22:01She asked me.
22:03And since I know she's happy and I don't want Simone to try anything against her,
22:10I'm able to try to reach an agreement that benefits her.
22:14There's something else I can't explain on the phone,
22:17but I'm telling you it's vital that she comes.
22:23All right, but I can't promise you anything.
22:27I'll do everything I can to make sure she's there on the day of the wedding.
22:31Well, I'm glad you said that,
22:33and I'm more at ease because I know you're going to get her.
22:42I understand you're hurt, but justice needs you.
22:46This country needs honest men.
22:48Of course.
22:49I'm going to help my country by being a judge.
22:52Don't tell me you want to get involved in politics.
22:56No, I'd never join that scum.
22:59They're more concerned about securing the next elections than helping the country.
23:05So if you want to leave the judiciary, what are you going to do? Be a lawyer?
23:10I'm still a little confused.
23:13I don't know.
23:14I've been thinking about something, but nothing specific.
23:17I can only tell you that all this has left a mark on me, Victoria.
23:22Yes, and I've begun to see things with different eyes, I assure you.
23:26Well, let me tell you something, too.
23:29And more than one.
23:32One of the things that made me fall in love with you
23:35was that almost naive side with which you see life.
23:44That's gone.
23:46No, it's not gone.
23:48Because it's yours, it doesn't disappear.
23:50It's part of you.
23:52And now you're angry.
23:53You've had a very bad time.
23:55It's normal.
23:57But I'm sure that in a while you'll see the world with different eyes.
24:02I don't know.
24:05Hey, you know what we could do?
24:08Open the bottle of wine I brought.
24:12And talk for a while about nonsense.
24:14That's a good idea.
24:16I'm sure it's good for us.
24:17And I'm convinced it will cheer us up.
24:20Do you know how to open the bottle?
24:21Of course I do.
24:22I don't know what it is.
24:24You don't trust me, do you?
24:27Hey, you know what?
24:29If it weren't for you and your optimism,
24:32it would have been very difficult for me to get out of that hole I was in.
24:37Well, if it weren't for you and your idealism,
24:41I don't think there are any good people left.
24:45I'm a good person.
24:47Well, yes, among many other things, Mr. Judge.
24:50And this good person deserves a kiss?
24:53And a new corkscrew too.
24:55Go ahead.
24:56Do you want me to buy you one?
24:57So, do you want me to open it?
24:59Well, think about it.
25:00I think it's better not to read anything about Karate.
25:04I don't care.
25:11You don't love me, it's true.
25:14In the end, I'm with you and you know it.
25:16You know it.
25:18How dare you try something like that?
25:20Mom, it's a unique opportunity to catch Connie.
25:24Yes, if that woman, Connie, comes.
25:26Of course she does.
25:27Why would I ask her to come to Marcos if she doesn't show up later?
25:30I don't know, I'm afraid.
25:31She's here with Simone, the whole family together.
25:34Well, I'm not afraid of anything.
25:36She probably just wants to come and destroy Simone in front of everyone.
25:40That woman has no shame.
25:42Do you really think she would hurt her?
25:44Yes, if that's not why, why would she come?
25:46I don't know.
25:47I'm afraid of people who leave a place with anger.
25:50She's capable of anything.
25:53Well, just like you, actually.
25:55My anger was directed at Simone.
25:58And maybe hers too.
26:01Besides, wasn't she the one who expelled Connie's family from home?
26:06But we already know what kind of person she is.
26:09She has three deaths on the counter.
26:11What if she wants to, I don't know, eliminate the family?
26:13No, no, don't say that.
26:15Well, how do you know it's not her goal?
26:17I think we have to take that risk.
26:20Because if she thinks she's going to come here unknowingly, she won't be able to control everything.
26:27Mom, this is the perfect opportunity to catch her and put her in prison.
26:33We've been in danger for a long time.
26:36If we didn't, we wouldn't have security watching all the entrances and exits to the store.
26:41We're going to keep turning our backs on her, without doing anything, for how long?
26:46Mom, she'll only come if she knows Simone's going to be here.
26:50Now the question is how we make sure she comes.
26:54It's not going to be easy, because Simone has no reason to come.
26:58Especially with us here.
27:00Well, we have to work on that.
27:03For a good reason, to bring her here.
27:06We'll talk later, okay?
27:09I'm going to give Marquinhos the breast.
27:12Trust me.
27:20That's the life of a boss.
27:22The girl may have spent a few months loafing around in the countryside, but to return to reality, how does she return?
27:29In a private jet, a helicopter, another league.
27:33The truth is that life is very unfair.
27:36Some so much, others so little.
27:39Only those who have no ambition.
27:41You'll see how one day I'll get out of here with the wind in my face.
27:45Yes, buy yourself a portable fan.
27:48Is it funny? What are you laughing at?
27:50The great economist spoke, who only does house accounts.
27:54Excuse me, don't look at me with that face.
27:56What is your heritage?
27:58Some bags?
27:59Half a dozen jewels that you stole from the boss and her friends?
28:03They're good deals, don't even dare.
28:05Stop, stop.
28:06If you don't want to dream high, it's your problem.
28:09I have big plans for myself.
28:11And for the woman who wants to believe in my potential.
28:14Of course, because if there is something that I am not, it is selfish.
28:20It could be you.
28:22But thinking about it, I don't know.
28:25I think you think too little for a man like me,
28:28who wants to make a lot of money,
28:30whole cash boxes.
28:32Hey, hey, I...
28:35Don't you see I'm crazy about you?
28:38I wish I was with a woman who knows how to handle accounts.
28:43Come on, give me a chance.
28:46I promise not to disappoint you.
28:55Well, if you want your goal in life to be to go in a helicopter from here to there,
29:00I would go back with the boss's daughter and your sister.
29:07Hey, you can't tell me that, because you were the one who asked me to do it.
29:13Don't be unfair.
29:18If you argue with him, you won't have his baby.
29:25These are modern times.
29:27Nowadays, women don't need a man to have a child.
29:31Imagine what it would be like to depend on Tom and Ed to take care of that.
29:36No, no, no.
29:38No, no, no.
29:40No, no, no.
29:42Imagine what it would be like to depend on Tom and Ed to take care of that.
29:47No, no, no.
30:04Can I interrupt your thoughts?
30:06You always do.
30:12You told me about Connie.
30:15That's what's bothering you, isn't it?
30:19You told me about Simone, too.
30:22That was the issue I was trying to resolve, but I don't know if I'll get it.
30:26Because Simone will see it as a provocation to try to bring her here on the wedding day.
30:32And how do you plan to do it?
30:35I've asked Salomão to tell her that I'm willing to reach a divorce agreement that benefits her.
30:42And you think Simone will believe you?
30:44That you'd be willing to do something like that after what she's done?
30:47I've also asked her to tell Cacao that she'd like to have the family at peace on her wedding day.
30:53And to feel that Simone isn't a threat to her.
30:56She won't believe that, Justino.
30:59Simone won't be the smartest woman, but she won't swallow any lies.
31:04And tell me how we're going to get her to come.
31:08By cheating on her.
31:13Mayoris, how are you?
31:16By any chance, have you seen Susana?
31:19We talked about doing something today, and...
31:24I'm late, but I called her and she won't pick up.
31:27Has she gone out? Is she angry?
31:30No, it's not that.
31:31It turns out that she was called from the hospital where she worked, and she's gone out to all the tables.
31:38Have you gone to offer her something new?
31:40I'm praying for that.
31:42That would be great.
31:44If you've made an effort to do what she likes again.
31:47I'm telling you, yes.
31:48Sometimes I feel sorry for her.
31:51Well, I admire her a lot.
31:53She's a beautiful, beautiful woman.
31:55She could live only on her image, and she doesn't.
31:59She's fought, she's studied, she has a profession.
32:02And although sometimes things don't go so well for her, she never gives up.
32:07She's a fighter.
32:10My friend!
32:14How did it go?
32:17Don't tell me you went for nothing.
32:19My friend.
32:20Don't worry.
32:22You'll see how there are more opportunities, and different.
32:26I can call some contacts and try...
32:29I don't know...
32:31Why are you smiling like that?
32:33I've been hired! I have a job again!
32:39You did it, my love!
32:41I'm finally going to have a job! I'm so happy!
32:44Give me a hug.
32:51Are you serious?
32:53Of course.
32:54Given the history of events, it's the best way to get her here.
32:59She'll get on the helicopter, and before she realizes it, she'll be here.
33:02Welcome, Bella Vista.
33:04I'm sorry, it's so absurd that I can't stop laughing.
33:07Justino, absurd stories are the best.
33:10Should I explain it to Salomone, or do you tell her?
33:13If Simone eats it, she's not very smart.
33:16She's going to eat it.
33:18But didn't you just say she catches lies on the fly?
33:21There are lies and lies.
33:23There are some that people prefer to believe with the hope that they are true.
33:28Should I call Salomone, or do you call him?
33:31So I don't tell Simone what we talked about?
33:34We'll leave it as plan B, in case plan A fails.
33:39Well, Justino, the truth is that plan A, I don't know who came up with it, but it's a little crazy.
33:47I know, but look, don't waste your time, and go personally, because Regina thinks it will work better this way.
33:54Okay, I'm going right now.
34:01But, well, do you think it's time to come to work?
34:06Is that how you intend to buy the other half of the buffet?
34:11Some come late, and others leave early.
34:49Salomone, what are you doing here?
34:51Sorry to come without warning. You know I only do it when it's something urgent.
34:56Oh, you're scaring me.
35:01I don't think you're one of those who get scared easily.
35:05A coffee?
35:06No, I'd rather go straight to the point.
35:16What happened? Why did you make me come running?
35:19There's a plan in motion to convince Simone to come to the wedding.
35:25My mother had an idea.
35:28I don't have the details, but I think it's going to work.
35:33I can feel it. I can feel that everything is going to work out.
35:38I feel it too. Do you know what happened to me today when I was in the water?
35:43It was very beautiful. It looked like magic. It was like...
35:48It was like I was floating. And like Tiago was there with me.
35:55It seemed real, but it was an illusion.
35:58And that made me feel that maybe that was our life.
36:05I think...
36:09I think that was it.
36:11I think we can be together forever.
36:14I'm sure you can, my friend.
36:16And I'm excited that you say that because...
36:20Because it makes me want to dream of a love like that, for me.
36:28Go, my daughter. Everything will be fine.
36:30Yes, I'm sure.
36:49I love you.
37:19I started with that child that I was
37:24And I would say, enjoy it
37:29And never forget that you were not born perfect
37:35Enjoy it
37:38And never forget that you were not born perfect
37:42You were not born perfect
37:44You were not born perfect
38:14You were not born perfect