• ieri
Sign up for the closed beta today and get the Crash Test outfit at launch!

Introducing BANDIT TRAP—a fresh 3vs1, chaotically fun, physics-driven online multiplayer game for the whole family. And yes, we're including a procedurally slapstick damage feature to really fry, blast, burn, soak, scratch, squash & knock those pesky Bandits out! The levels in BANDIT TRAP are highly dynamic and destructible—which means no single match will be the same. Blast holes in walls? Check. Propagating water that seeps through cracks to flood rooms? Double check. Turn rooms into ice-rinks? Triple check.

Defend your house from storming Bandits using crazy and inventive Traps. Monitor the house and place a huge variety of traps in furniture to fight and knock-out the Bandits for victory!

Team up with 3 Bandits and invade a house full of Traps to steal its treasures. Fight the Trapper, master a huge variety of scanners and tools to loot hidden treasures for victory!
00:00Benvenuti, bandit, da tutto il mondo.
00:03Siamo Bandit Trap, una compagnia di sicurezza a casa,
00:06e la nostra nuova linea di prodotti di difesa a casa deve essere testata.
00:10Quindi vi chiamiamo a fare il lavoro.
00:13Il vostro obiettivo?
00:26Cercare di rovinare tutti i dieci tesori scattati nella nostra casa preparata
00:30e scappare dalle mani robotiche del nostro tesoro.
00:44Questo piccolo ragazzo racchiude tutte le abilità per raggiungere il nostro obiettivo finale.
00:50Difendere le case e i loro tesori contro i banditi da tutto il mondo.
