• vorgestern
In Kingmakers stürzt sich der Spieler mit Sturmgewehren, Granatwerfern und Panzern in Massenschlachten gegen Ritter und Bogenschützen. Jetzt gibt's neues Gameplay.

Der neue Trailer zeigt eine explosive Mischung aus Mittelalter und Moderne. Die detailreiche Mittelalterwelt dient als riesiges Schlachtfeld, das mit modernen Waffen in Schutt und Asche gelegt werden kann.

Kingmakers setzt auf beeindruckende Physik- und Zerstörungseffekte . Stadtmauern brechen unter Artilleriefeuer zusammen, Burgtürme explodieren spektakulär und der Spieler kann mit Fahrzeugen nicht nur Soldaten überrollen, sondern auch durch Gebäude brettern.

Preview: So wird Kingmakers abseits des absurden Szenarios

Wer sich jemals gefragt hat, wie ein Krieg zwischen Rittern und High-Tech-Soldaten aussehen würde, findet in Kingmakers die Antwort. Neben viel Action gibt's auch einen Strategiepart , ihr errichtet vor jedem Angriff der KI-Feinde Verteidigungsanlagen. Der Release ist für 2025 geplant.
00:00Hello, I'm Ian Fish from Redemption Road Games, makers of Road Redemption and the upcoming Kingmakers.
00:11In Kingmakers you travel back to the year 1401 to help the real-life Welsh rebel Owein Glendower conquer England.
00:22In reality, his Welsh rebellion was defeated and he mysteriously disappeared.
00:26So, in 1401 England you use modern weapons to help the outnumbered Welsh defeat English armies made up of thousands of soldiers.
00:34And everything in Kingmakers is real. The thousands of soldiers are all simulated.
00:38Furthermore, all buildings are fully navigable and fully destructible.
00:46Thousands of soldiers can navigate complex multi-storied castles with the same level of pathfinding fidelity you'd expect from a modern first-person shooter.
00:54Originally we thought Kingmakers was going to be a cool simulation of what it would be like to go back in time with modern weapons.
01:00Would you be able to defeat a medieval army with an AK-47?
01:03Then we realized that if we're going to do this, we've got to do it right.
01:06Medieval battles involve thousands of soldiers, so we're going to simulate thousands of soldiers.
01:11And this isn't like Dynasty Wars, where soldiers kind of spawn into existence as you approach them.
01:16In Kingmakers they're always there, running their AI all the time.
01:20Furthermore, we realized that a game with this scope, the player would want to be able to command his armies and fortify his own outposts.
01:26So it kind of grew from there.
01:28It's now something completely unique.
01:30A shooter with real-time strategy elements that rival Age of Empires and shooting gameplay that rivals Helldivers and Space Marine.
01:36Today we're excited to share a little bit more about the destruction aspect of the game.
01:44Every building, castle, wall and tree in Kingmakers is fully destructible.
01:48You can blow it up with a grenade launcher, take it out with an airstrike or maybe even demolish it with a tank.
01:56And none of the destruction is scripted either.
01:58It's all dynamic, courtesy of Unreal 4's fast physics calculations.
02:02It's one of the reasons we didn't switch to Unreal 5.
02:05We experimented with Unreal 5.1 and Unreal 5.3, but nothing has been as fast on the CPU side as Unreal 4 when it comes to physics.
02:14Finally we're excited to share that you and up to three friends can lead their own armies alongside yours and join in on your conquest of England in online co-op.
02:22This is the full campaign, full online co-op, no compromises.
02:25This means four players fielding armies of thousands, building their own fortifications and buildings and attacking enemy bases either on their own side of the map or alongside you.
02:34We really wanted to make sure that all four players feel just as responsive to play as if they were all playing a single player game or as if they were each playing as the host player.
02:42Even if your ping is not great.
02:44Kingmakers is coming to PC early access and hopefully to all major consoles.
02:49We'll have more to share about the game later in 2025.
02:52In the meantime, please wishlist Kingmakers on Steam.
02:55Thanks for watching and enjoy the rest of the show.
