• 21 hours ago
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00:00:06Boom green tea our more
00:00:35Get that one shot, that's all
00:00:38Come on, it's not a decent
00:00:41Naufragio's combo Santa Cristina
00:00:43Oh fair. I see my vision fast in ante da vida daqueles a bordo no apenas pelos artefactos visíveis que recuperamos
00:00:49Mas tambem pelas pistas invisibles que ainda temam em existir
00:00:53Centenas talvez milhares de anos de pois que é o que me traz aqui hoje
00:01:00Eu acredito que esse naufrágio na costa do Haiti foi falsamente identificado como navio naval britânico
00:01:08HMS Harrogate
00:01:09e um estudo de dna das madeiras do naufrágio vai confirmar a espécie de madeira como o carvalho americano em sua origem
00:01:18então com o seu generoso apoio
00:01:22Nossa equipe de pesquisa marinha pode embarcar em uma missão de recuperação total
00:01:26incorporando essas técnicas de pesquisa
00:01:31Santa Cristina, Brianna Farrington, Arqueóloga Marinha
00:01:33Alguma pergunta?
00:01:39Não sei mais como te explicar, Brianna
00:01:41Eu entendo você
00:01:43Eu posso trazer um novo grupo de investidores
00:01:45Talvez trazer alguns artefatos
00:01:47A descoberta do Santa Cristina foi a mais de dez anos
00:01:50Ele não é mais tão emocionante
00:01:52É pra mim
00:01:54Se a gente não conseguir financiamento suficiente até o fim do ano
00:01:58Vou encerrar esse programa de pesquisa
00:02:02Desde quando as pessoas pararam de achar que naufragios são legais?
00:02:06Acho que na mesma época que pararam de achar que camisetas com slogan são legais
00:02:12Como está indo o sequenciamento genético?
00:02:14Algum progresso?
00:02:16Tive que adiar pra segunda-feira
00:02:18As coisas que fazemos pela família
00:02:20Minha irmã pediu pra fazer um teste de dna
00:02:22Numa mecha de cabelo loiro que ela encontrou em casa
00:02:24Ela acha que o namorado pode estar traindo ela
00:02:27E você quer que eu arrume um
00:02:29Nem todos os namorados são como o Carl
00:02:31Eu leio livros de romance como você lê Harry Potter
00:02:34Pra escapar pra um mundo de fantasia
00:02:36É todo romance que eu preciso
00:02:38Professor Farrington
00:02:40Pai, tá tudo bem?
00:02:42Oi filhinha, tá tudo bem
00:02:45Eu tentei te ligar o dia todo
00:02:47Desculpa, eu tive um problema no trabalho
00:02:50Eu não quero te atrasar
00:02:52Mas eu queria te contar umas fofocas ótimas
00:02:55Sobre arqueologia
00:02:57Enquanto eu ainda tenho chance
00:02:59O guardião espanhol de naufragios
00:03:01É um amigo meu de mergulho
00:03:03E me avisou sobre uma descoberta
00:03:05Nas águas de Ibiza ontem
00:03:09Uma tempestade revelou um naufragio
00:03:11O navio mercante espanhol El Mariana
00:03:13Ele estava em uma viagem
00:03:15Da Espanha para Nova York
00:03:17Quando afundou na costa em 1851
00:03:19Agora, ele foi descoberto
00:03:21Por uma equipe de mergulhadores amadores
00:03:24Eles estão procurando um especialista
00:03:26Para fazer uma recuperação
00:03:28De DNA nos artefatos
00:03:34Mas pai, é muito longe
00:03:36Você não pode deixar de ir por minha causa
00:03:38Eu vou ficar bem
00:03:40É o que a gente precisa
00:03:42Para dar visibilidade ao nosso trabalho
00:03:44Eu tenho certeza de que
00:03:46Fink Robson também vai estar no mergulho
00:03:50Aquele arqueólogo famoso do Instagram
00:03:53Você pode me inscrever?
00:03:55É como se Chris Hemsworth e Jack Costeau
00:03:57Tivessem um filho
00:03:59Um filho gostoso
00:04:01Isso não é um fator determinante
00:04:03Bri, qual é?
00:04:05Vai pra lá e faz o que você ama
00:04:23O Que Você Está Fazendo?
00:04:47Oi filhinha
00:04:49Oi pai
00:04:51It's been so long since I've felt this good.
00:04:54Will you be able to write to me?
00:04:56I already did. Have fun. I love you.
00:05:21Only you and me, Prince Aragorn.
00:05:51Welcome, Miss. And a glass of gin, please.
00:06:22The Countess did not expect the Prince that day.
00:06:25His presence in the court was expected fifteen days later.
00:06:29But still, there he was, right in front of her,
00:06:33in the great banquet hall, the great love of her life.
00:06:41That's all that was missing.
00:06:43She was the bride of another now,
00:06:46a rich duke of a distant kingdom.
00:06:49But his heart would not allow him a moment of tranquility
00:06:52in his thoughts about the Prince.
00:07:05Excuse me. Excuse me.
00:07:10Just a minute, Miss.
00:07:14Oh, I'm sorry.
00:07:18Could you turn around for a moment, please?
00:07:35How can I help you?
00:07:36You know you're hanging upside down, don't you?
00:07:46How do you know that?
00:07:48It's a poster of the Phoenician alphabet, so...
00:07:52Is it on the wrong side?
00:07:55You know the Phoenicians died more than 2,000 years ago.
00:07:59I don't think anyone would go through that door
00:08:01and complain about their alphabet so soon.
00:08:04Except you.
00:08:07But it's a work of art.
00:08:09Oh, a work of art?
00:08:11Oh, the American wants to complain about a very ruined work of art.
00:08:15You know what? I could say the same thing to you.
00:08:18What do you mean?
00:08:20At your end.
00:08:22My ancestors are turning upside down in the grave right now.
00:08:25But that's how I like it.
00:08:30And I like my painting like this.
00:08:59Your book.
00:09:03Good reading.
00:09:10Have a good day.
00:09:22Go away.
00:09:52Oh, no.
00:10:02I don't believe it.
00:10:04Good morning, Cinderella.
00:10:07I believe this is yours.
00:10:10Brianna Farrington, I presume.
00:10:13Yes, and you must be...
00:10:15Finn Robinson.
00:10:19I loved your work on the discovery of Denmark.
00:10:25I'm also a great admirer of your work.
00:10:29Well, let's go to the shipwreck.
00:10:30The rest of the team is waiting on the boat.
00:10:33Of course.
00:10:34Let's sink with everything.
00:10:37How funny.
00:11:07Let's go.
00:11:37It's pretty cool, isn't it?
00:12:01Pretty cool?
00:12:04That was amazing.
00:12:09I mean it.
00:12:10It was real.
00:12:13We can go again if you want.
00:12:15Let's go again.
00:12:37That was really fun.
00:12:38I mean it.
00:12:39I think I spent a lot of time in the lab.
00:12:42I was literally the first person in 170 years
00:12:45to touch those bottles.
00:12:47It was like going back in time.
00:12:50How can you be so calm?
00:12:52You'll see why it wasn't my first time.
00:12:54Hey, want a drink at the hotel later?
00:12:57We can celebrate your time travel powers.
00:13:00Of course.
00:13:01But I need to spend some time in the lab first.
00:13:04All right.
00:13:05By the way, the research center set up a lab for you.
00:13:10Excuse me for a minute.
00:13:12I'll see you later.
00:13:15How's it going?
00:13:16Girl, you won't believe how amazing the dive was today.
00:13:20Authentic Pierre Montesquieu's dinner
00:13:24from the 19th century in my hands.
00:13:26Someone as excited as me with broken bones.
00:13:29I'm jealous.
00:13:30I'm stuck here while you're playing with one of the,
00:13:34most interesting men of the century.
00:13:39Stop it.
00:13:40I'm here at work, all right?
00:13:42But, yes, I admit his genetics are aesthetically pleasing.
00:13:47He got lucky with the genetic pool.
00:13:49Then why don't you dive with him?
00:13:51Now, back to the reason why I'm here.
00:13:54I helped the team catalog the items recovered so far.
00:13:58I took samples from some amphorae,
00:14:00but I want you to take a look at something.
00:14:03Look at this.
00:14:06Wine bottles.
00:14:08With perfectly preserved content.
00:14:11Hermetic seal.
00:14:12Look at that.
00:14:13It's not as old as it used to be.
00:14:15I bet you can still drink.
00:14:18It's so unusual for the time, this pink glass.
00:14:22And who's the pretty woman?
00:14:28Meet the goddess Ternet.
00:14:32Why was the first thing I noticed
00:14:34was that her hair was prettier than mine?
00:14:37Look, it's strange.
00:14:39She's an Ibiza patron,
00:14:41but the ship was coming from continental Spain.
00:14:44Did the ship's route really start in Ibiza?
00:14:48Great job.
00:14:49Your discoveries will certainly make more money.
00:14:52Oh, listen.
00:14:53Roger should be here soon.
00:14:55He's upset.
00:14:56Someone borrowed his mask from the 18th century
00:14:59and used it at a costume party.
00:15:01I can't even imagine who.
00:15:03I'd better go, so I can avoid him.
00:15:06Bye, friend.
00:15:27Can you bring me some ice, please?
00:15:30Of course.
00:15:31Well, leave it there.
00:15:34All right.
00:15:37Wouldn't you like to try Mariana's wine?
00:15:40It must taste awful.
00:15:42At this point, it's pure vinegar.
00:15:45Owned by the local government anyway,
00:15:48like the rest of the recovered items.
00:15:50So, there's this theory I'd like to tell you.
00:15:56I don't think the wine is from Spain.
00:16:00I think it's from Ibiza.
00:16:04No, Mariana was Spanish.
00:16:06The records show a trip from Valencia to New York.
00:16:10What if he stopped here first?
00:16:12What if the bottles...
00:16:13Hi, Finn.
00:16:14It's good to see you again.
00:16:15Are you free for a quick interview?
00:16:19Why not?
00:16:20Nick Edd, from Wake Up World, Spain.
00:16:23I'm here, in Ibiza,
00:16:25and the great storm on the South Coast revealed Mariana,
00:16:28the ship they thought they'd never find again.
00:16:31It's like a page in an adventure novel.
00:16:34Finn, how was the expedition?
00:16:36Well, Nick, we made a very exciting discovery.
00:16:38Just a few hours ago, our team discovered
00:16:41immaculately preserved wine bottles,
00:16:43together and untouched for more than a century
00:16:46in the wreck's hull.
00:16:48It looks like some kind of rosé.
00:16:50Now, my wonderful colleague here,
00:16:52Miss Brianna Farrington,
00:16:54will tell us more about the wine.
00:17:04Ask the pilot how fast he can get to Ibiza.
00:17:07Of course.
00:17:29The wine, it's gone.
00:17:30I can't find it anywhere.
00:17:32Oh, I'm sorry.
00:17:33The local government gave the Ibiza Wine Association
00:17:36custody of the bottles,
00:17:38but all the other recovered items
00:17:40are going to an exhibition at the museum.
00:17:42But I need those bottles.
00:17:44I know.
00:17:46I know.
00:17:47It's very disappointing.
00:17:48But maybe you can talk to Matthew Vega.
00:17:51He's a local oenologist and head of the association.
00:18:15Oh, God.
00:19:15No, I'm here because I need help.
00:19:19I'm here because of the wine.
00:19:23Well, then you've come to the right place.
00:19:29We weren't introduced properly.
00:19:32My name is Bri.
00:19:34Bri Farrington.
00:19:35And I'm...
00:19:36Stepping on horse manure.
00:19:41Oh, my God!
00:19:45Is there a T-Rex in this vineyard or something?
00:19:48Come on.
00:19:49Let's go clean up,
00:19:50and you can tell me why you need my help.
00:19:53And, as you know, the alphabet is ancient Phoenician, right?
00:20:10I'm so embarrassed.
00:20:12It's all right.
00:20:14So, you're here because of a wine?
00:20:19Mariana's wine.
00:20:22I should know.
00:20:23Let me guess.
00:20:24You're a great wine collector,
00:20:26and you're going to pay any price, right?
00:20:30No, no way.
00:20:31No, no, no.
00:20:32I know this guy.
00:20:33He puts it on a shelf,
00:20:34shows it to his friends at parties.
00:20:37No, actually,
00:20:38my team found the wine.
00:20:40I'm a marine archaeologist.
00:20:47From the Finn-Hobson Group?
00:20:50That's why I'm here,
00:20:51to analyze the content.
00:20:54To learn more about the wine.
00:20:56The acidity level,
00:20:57the presence of heavy metals,
00:20:58the alcohol content.
00:20:59Yeah, I can tell you more about this wine by tasting it.
00:21:02Have you tasted it?
00:21:05No one has.
00:21:07But the Association of Wines
00:21:08is going to hold an exhibition
00:21:09at the island's convention next week.
00:21:11A panel of experts
00:21:12is going to do a formal tasting.
00:21:14And I have no intention
00:21:15of opening a bottle until then.
00:21:19I don't like the idea
00:21:21of wine being analyzed this way.
00:21:24It's not like I'm asking you
00:21:25to do an autopsy.
00:21:28more or less.
00:21:29You know wine is a living thing.
00:21:32It breathes.
00:21:34It tells stories.
00:21:36And I'm much more interested
00:21:37in stories than in the content
00:21:39of heavy metals.
00:21:43I'm sorry if I wasted your time.
00:21:46And your shoes.
00:21:50What if I could prove
00:21:51that the wine came from Ibiza?
00:21:54Wouldn't that make your exhibition
00:21:56even more special?
00:22:03Do you think the wine is from here?
00:22:06It's just a theory for now.
00:22:09But if you want,
00:22:10I can tell you
00:22:11what I know so far.
00:22:17I'm coming!
00:22:20Listen, I'm sorry.
00:22:21I don't have time
00:22:22to talk right now.
00:22:23The excursion group is here, but...
00:22:26Why don't you come to dinner
00:22:27tonight if you're free?
00:22:30My whole family will be here.
00:22:32Maybe they can help
00:22:33answer your questions.
00:22:35Are you sure it won't get in the way?
00:22:40The better.
00:22:42Think about it.
00:23:06I'd love to hear your research.
00:23:10Please meet me at the hotel restaurant
00:23:12at 5.30.
00:23:13Eliza Van Dusen.
00:23:23Brie Farrington.
00:23:26Eliza Van Dusen.
00:23:27Pleasure to meet you.
00:23:29Please, have a seat.
00:23:32Ah, of course.
00:23:37Well, I'd love to meet you
00:23:39and congratulate you
00:23:40on your discovery.
00:23:42Please, try some.
00:23:46The wine you're drinking,
00:23:48do you know what it is?
00:23:51A good wine.
00:23:54A bottle of a very good wine,
00:23:56a bottle of Chateau Pompadour,
00:23:58costs $2,000.
00:24:00A little out of my budget.
00:24:02Yes, yours and everyone else's.
00:24:04But what if I told you
00:24:06I could do the same thing
00:24:08for just $45?
00:24:11I'd say Chateau Pompadour
00:24:12has a serious competition.
00:24:14Okay, but what if I told you
00:24:16I could do it without using
00:24:18a single grape?
00:24:23Synthetic wine.
00:24:25It's my last investment.
00:24:27We can imitate anything,
00:24:29any wine you want.
00:24:30I've never heard of that.
00:24:32Hmm, but this is the next trend.
00:24:34All these environmentalists
00:24:36and consumers,
00:24:37everyone is loving
00:24:39these ecological junkies now.
00:24:41And no grapes.
00:24:42There's less pressure on the ground,
00:24:44water resources,
00:24:46no pesticides.
00:24:49It's brilliant.
00:24:51Now I know not everyone
00:24:52can understand
00:24:53how to make wine in a lab,
00:24:55but you,
00:24:56you're a scientist.
00:24:58Maybe you can do it.
00:25:00But what I need
00:25:02is something a little more
00:25:05Do you know where I want to go?
00:25:08Mariana's wine.
00:25:10Yes, exactly.
00:25:12Naufragado wine.
00:25:14It's practically self-commercialized,
00:25:16lost in the waves
00:25:17for over 170 years.
00:25:19We won't just recreate the wine,
00:25:21but a moment in time.
00:25:23That's where you can help us.
00:25:27I'm sorry, I...
00:25:29I don't know how.
00:25:31I want a bottle.
00:25:33We both do.
00:25:37You don't have one?
00:25:41The wine association got it.
00:25:42I have to talk to them.
00:25:51Everyone has a price,
00:25:53don't they?
00:25:56I'm sorry I wasted your time,
00:25:59but please stay.
00:26:01Enjoy the wine,
00:26:02and don't worry,
00:26:03I put it on my bill.
00:26:06Uh, but...
00:26:08What if Mariana's wine
00:26:09tastes bad?
00:26:15The risk is part of the emotion, dear.
00:26:41You're here.
00:26:46Here you go.
00:26:48This one.
00:26:50Hi, everyone.
00:26:52This is Brie.
00:26:56This is my mother, Alba.
00:26:59Pleasure to meet you.
00:27:01Pleasure is mine.
00:27:02My sister, you know, Gabriela.
00:27:04She takes care of our family's
00:27:05gastronomic side.
00:27:08And of course,
00:27:09the heart of the family,
00:27:11my grandmother, Josefa.
00:27:13Pleasure to meet you.
00:27:15Come sit next to me.
00:27:17I want to meet
00:27:18Mateo's new girlfriend.
00:27:19She's not my girlfriend, Grandma.
00:27:22This is the girl I told you about
00:27:24who found the wine.
00:27:25How exciting.
00:27:27Brie, Mateo told me you think
00:27:29he might have come from Ibiza.
00:27:31Why do you think that?
00:27:33Well, first, the bottles.
00:27:36They have the eternal goddess engraved on them,
00:27:38the patroness of Ibiza.
00:27:39But also the position of the shipwreck.
00:27:41It just doesn't make sense,
00:27:43given your course in Spain.
00:27:45I have to confess,
00:27:46I'm very excited about the possibility.
00:27:49Wouldn't it be incredible
00:27:50if he came from your vineyard?
00:27:53That would be incredible,
00:27:54but unfortunately it's not possible
00:27:55because the vineyard of the Vega family
00:27:57has never produced any rose wine.
00:28:00And the bottles don't match
00:28:01any of ours.
00:28:03Well, maybe it's from
00:28:04one of the other local wine producers.
00:28:06That would be fantastic,
00:28:07because it would help a lot
00:28:08to put Ibiza wine on the map.
00:28:10I don't know about you,
00:28:11but I'm hungry.
00:28:13Let's eat?
00:28:14Yes, please.
00:28:29Our Vega is like
00:28:30a family heirloom.
00:28:33We collect memories,
00:28:35places we've been to,
00:28:38experiences we've had.
00:28:40Wow, she's beautiful.
00:28:43Who is she?
00:28:44We think she's
00:28:45an old member of the Vega family.
00:28:48There was a fire in the village in 1800
00:28:51and almost everything was destroyed
00:28:53except this winery
00:28:55and that painting.
00:28:56So tell me,
00:29:00why is studying this old wine
00:29:03so important to you?
00:29:06Well, I'm trying to get
00:29:09funding for a project.
00:29:11And honestly,
00:29:12that would be a great example
00:29:13of my work.
00:29:14It seems like I'm,
00:29:17I don't know,
00:29:19trying to sell ice to Eskimo.
00:29:22My friend Eva says
00:29:24I'm throwing a lot of science
00:29:25in people's faces,
00:29:26but I'm not going to simplify it.
00:29:28Maybe it's not so much
00:29:30about simplifying,
00:29:31maybe it's about using
00:29:32a language that's much more universal.
00:29:36And what do you mean?
00:29:38Well, I don't know much
00:29:40about your work,
00:29:42but everyone understands
00:29:44the language of stories.
00:29:49Just a second.
00:30:12Try it.
00:30:14And describe it to me.
00:30:16Oh, no, I'm not good at that.
00:30:19No, no, no.
00:30:20There's no wrong answer.
00:30:22Try it.
00:30:23Try it.
00:30:53Now try it.
00:30:54Tell me what kind of fruit it is.
00:31:08What else?
00:31:17And cherries?
00:31:21a cherry pie on the window sill
00:31:24next to a field of summer flowers.
00:31:27That's excellent!
00:31:31That's what I'm talking about.
00:31:33Your turn now.
00:31:48Tell me a little bit about this one.
00:31:51Ibizan yerba,
00:31:53which we serve as a digestive.
00:31:55Mateo, look at this.
00:31:58It's the goddess again.
00:32:01I haven't seen a bottle like this in a long time.
00:32:04The company that makes these bottles
00:32:06is no longer working in the market.
00:32:09They were made by a retired glassblower
00:32:11from Formenta.
00:32:13It's an island an hour from here.
00:32:15Can we go see it?
00:32:18Can you handle an anchor?
00:32:38Did you find anything good to read down there?
00:32:40Among all the guides and local fishing?
00:32:44To tell you the truth, yes.
00:32:47I found my favorite genre.
00:32:49Oh, look at that.
00:32:50I didn't know my cousin was so romantic.
00:32:53Listen, you'd better not mess with him,
00:32:55or he won't lend me the yacht again.
00:33:01What are you doing?
00:33:03Seeing if I want to read or not.
00:33:05But you're reading the last page.
00:33:07I know, I always read.
00:33:09I have to know if I want to invest
00:33:11my emotional energy in it.
00:33:13That's the most tragic thing I've seen
00:33:15since you put ice in your wine.
00:33:17Oh, am I ruining another work of art?
00:33:20I really wouldn't call Captain Suffolk's
00:33:22indomitable heart a work of art.
00:33:25I think that's why they say art is subjective.
00:33:29I think so.
00:33:30Sounds good.
00:34:03How can you be so sure?
00:34:06I remember my father telling me about the seal
00:34:09when I was a boy.
00:34:10It's a story that's been passed down from generation to generation.
00:34:13My father said that the seal and the bottle
00:34:16were made for a couple who were getting married.
00:34:19It was in the mid-1800s.
00:34:21The man was a wine producer
00:34:23who wanted pink bottles for his wine.
00:34:25Pink was the bride's favorite color.
00:34:28Like a sunset in Ibiza, she said.
00:34:30So he made pink especially for her.
00:34:33You know, like a declaration of his love.
00:34:36Did your father say anything else?
00:34:40The producer wanted the goddess Tanith
00:34:43engraved on them.
00:34:45Because he gave them a gift.
00:34:47A child.
00:34:49The bride was pregnant?
00:34:52But her family didn't support the union
00:34:54or receive the news of the child.
00:34:56We suspected that she was from a rich Spanish family.
00:35:00They planned to flee to America
00:35:02and also get married there.
00:35:04The producer sent the bottle before them.
00:35:06But unfortunately, the storm took the ship
00:35:09and the couple never got married.
00:35:10What happened to them?
00:35:12Nobody knows.
00:35:13But the rumor was that she left him.
00:35:16And he swore never to make pink wine again.
00:35:19It was just for her.
00:35:23Do you happen to know their names?
00:35:28I'm sorry.
00:35:29I don't know.
00:35:32Thank you for your help, Mr. Serrano.
00:35:38You're welcome.
00:35:42Well, I hope I was useful to you.
00:35:45Oh, and here.
00:35:46Keep this.
00:35:47If you want.
00:35:48If you need help.
00:35:49We have some left.
00:36:13At least we made progress, didn't we?
00:36:15It was incredible progress.
00:36:18I can't wait to get to the lab
00:36:20and see if there's any pink wine residue on the stamp.
00:36:23We already know the story.
00:36:25More or less.
00:36:26I just wanted to know who the couple was.
00:36:29It could be all fiction, of course.
00:36:35But I believe in it.
00:36:37I'll go.
00:36:47No, no, no, no.
00:37:03I found it!
00:37:04Matthew, are you all right?
00:37:10I can't believe you did that.
00:37:16Tell me, shouldn't marine archaeologists take precious objects from the bottom of the sea?
00:37:24I'm sorry.
00:37:27You need to learn to balance yourself in the water.
00:37:31I know that. I know that.
00:37:33That's good. I'm glad you know. That's better.
00:37:37Matthew, answer me, Matthew.
00:37:39Excuse me.
00:37:43Matthew speaking.
00:37:44We had to sacrifice one, offering even more than we had imagined.
00:37:48Are you serious?
00:37:50But what did you say?
00:37:51I'm sorry, Matthew.
00:37:55I can't believe it.
00:37:57What happened?
00:37:59The shipwreck healers. We have to give up another bottle.
00:38:03A foreign investor offered enough money to help finance the Ibiza Wine Association program in exchange for just one bottle.
00:38:11They offered a lot of money. The program couldn't say no.
00:38:14Maybe that rich investor is interested in funding a shipwreck research.
00:38:21Listen, Bree, I know you're probably going to rush back to your research.
00:38:29But if you have time tomorrow, I want to show you a place.
00:38:33It's my favorite place on the island.
00:38:35It's related to work, but I think you'll like it.
00:38:41I'd love to. Thank you.
00:38:44Great. Now a little more of Captain Suffolk.
00:38:59Ah, Bree Farrington. We meet again.
00:39:04I hope you were luckier than me to get the wine.
00:39:07To tell you the truth, I was.
00:39:10You're an investor?
00:39:12My bet was worth it. The wine is divine.
00:39:16Good luck.
00:39:18Wait. Sorry, I know it's a little random, but I wanted to talk to you about my research.
00:39:23It's a sponsorship opportunity, and it would make a big difference.
00:39:26I don't accept funding requests.
00:39:30You really need to go through my agency.
00:39:36My team and I have been working on some cutting-edge stuff,
00:39:39and if you could just hear what I have to say...
00:39:42Okay. Your research. One sentence. Go.
00:39:49Uh, okay.
00:40:18I need to talk to you about something.
00:40:33Hi. You ready?
00:40:36I'm ready.
00:40:38Get in.
00:40:41You okay?
00:40:43Here, take this.
00:40:45I think you should hold it, because the road is a little bumpy.
00:40:52Like this.
00:41:57Hey, can you give this to Bree at the lab?
00:42:46Es Vedra is supposedly the most magnetic place on Earth,
00:42:50and it's the lost city of Atlantis,
00:42:54as well as the birthplace of Dunedin.
00:42:58People come here to ask for true love.
00:43:03It seems people tell very good stories about this goddess.
00:43:10So, what's your story?
00:43:12My story?
00:43:14What do you mean?
00:43:16I mean, how did you become an archaeologist?
00:43:21My father. He's also an archaeologist.
00:43:24So, he inspired you.
00:43:27Inspired? It's euphemism.
00:43:29I idolized him when I was a child.
00:43:32He was always on some excavation or expedition.
00:43:35Always an adventure.
00:43:37He'd come back with some cool stuff to show me.
00:43:40Stuff he'd found, places he'd discovered.
00:43:43He was like a personal Indiana Jones.
00:43:48I think the last time he was on the field, I was 15.
00:43:54My mother got sick.
00:43:56He had to stay home and take care of us.
00:44:00So, he became a full-time teacher.
00:44:03Condemned to a life of suburban algemas.
00:44:08That must have been very hard.
00:44:12He sacrificed all his dreams for her.
00:44:15For us.
00:44:19Near the end, when my mother passed away,
00:44:23I stopped all the work, too.
00:44:25Just to help him.
00:44:27And I never came back.
00:44:30Until now.
00:44:32Which was, in fact, because of my father.
00:44:35Because he organized all this for me.
00:44:38That's right.
00:44:40You can thank him.
00:44:42Because now, you're the next generation of Farrington Explorers.
00:44:46You're Indiana Jones, plus 2.0.
00:44:54I knew there was something I wanted to tell you.
00:44:57I had an idea for Mariana's first wine tasting.
00:45:01What if, instead of a panel of experts experimenting,
00:45:05you do the tasting?
00:45:08That way, the money for the tasting could be used
00:45:11for the assistance program for wine producers.
00:45:14That's an amazing idea.
00:45:21The diving team made another discovery.
00:45:26I don't want to leave in such a hurry.
00:45:30Maybe I can go with you.
00:45:33If all goes well.
00:45:35I'll only be working at the convention in a few hours.
00:46:04I have to be very careful with this.
00:46:07I feel like we're opening up King Tut's grave.
00:46:15I think I got it.
00:46:24Look at that.
00:46:41Forever and ever.
00:46:44Forever and ever.
00:46:48Let's take a look at this.
00:46:56It's a lion.
00:46:59And the initials...
00:47:07Some kind of bracelet.
00:47:09These rings were used as wax seals for important documents.
00:47:13What do you mean?
00:47:16Don't tell anyone I did this.
00:47:22So, you'd put it like this.
00:47:26And then you'd gently press on the hot wax
00:47:30and the edges of the document to seal it.
00:47:33I bet if I took a sample,
00:47:35I'd still have some wax particles left on the print.
00:47:44That's amazing.
00:47:48Am I interrupting something?
00:47:52We were just looking at the artifacts you found in the dive today.
00:47:56Hi, man. I'm Finn. Finn Robinson.
00:47:58Brie's partner.
00:47:59Nice to meet you.
00:48:00The ring is an amazing find.
00:48:03Wow. King of the Fairs.
00:48:07So, in my book,
00:48:09Condessa has a special ring she uses to seal love letters to the prince.
00:48:14That way, she knows none of the maids have read it.
00:48:17So, that could mean the ring belonged to someone of high status.
00:48:21No offense, Brie,
00:48:23but I don't think your Harlequin fables will help with archaeological research.
00:48:28Maybe they will.
00:48:36The House of Leon.
00:48:38It belongs to the noble Spanish family.
00:48:41And of very high status, I'd say.
00:48:44Oh, look at the time. I have to go.
00:48:49I have a meeting with a potential new investor for my research.
00:48:53The one I was telling you about, Finn.
00:48:55Okay, I can go.
00:48:56Emphasize the importance to the archaeological community.
00:48:59I think it's worth a try.
00:49:02See you later.
00:49:06Oh, Brie.
00:49:08The ring.
00:49:11Of course.
00:49:16Oh, my God.
00:49:18Don't panic.
00:49:20Oh, my God.
00:49:21Don't panic.
00:49:22Oh, my God.
00:49:23Let me help you.
00:49:27Tell me this didn't happen.
00:50:06This says a lot,
00:50:08especially in relation to the marketing of the project.
00:50:11But, unfortunately,
00:50:13I can't support all the interesting research requests.
00:50:20Unless you can help me with a little mission of mine.
00:50:26Mmm, this is delicious.
00:50:28What were you thinking?
00:50:30Well, you said it yourself.
00:50:32Shipwrecks tell stories.
00:50:34Guess what?
00:50:35So does wine.
00:50:37I want this story, Miss Farrington,
00:50:40of the Mariana wine,
00:50:42to sell my synthetic version.
00:50:44Brie is really close to unveiling everything, isn't she, Brie?
00:50:49I'm discovering more every day.
00:50:51Find the story, and the funding is yours.
00:50:55Oh, um, can we keep this a secret?
00:50:59I want to maximize the advertising in the conference.
00:51:02Of course, and I can help.
00:51:04I'll schedule a dive for that day.
00:51:06Have you been to Byzantium before?
00:51:08Oh, yes.
00:51:09Many years ago.
00:51:11This is where I met my first love.
00:51:14Mmm, sounds like a good story.
00:51:17What happened, if you don't mind me asking?
00:51:22Well, his name was Carlos,
00:51:24and he was the typical hotel employee
00:51:27where my family and I stayed.
00:51:30He took me all over the island
00:51:32and introduced me to many Spanish dishes and wines.
00:51:36That was the trip that inspired me
00:51:38to enter the world of wine as a job
00:51:41and invest in my restaurants.
00:51:43All of that.
00:51:45Yeah, at first I had some setbacks,
00:51:48but I remember one thing he always told me.
00:51:54A mal tempo, buena cara.
00:51:59Yeah, and what does that mean?
00:52:04Well, it means, for a bad time, a good face.
00:52:08You know, every cloud has a silver lining.
00:52:15It's crazy what love can inspire you to do.
00:52:20And that's why it only happens once.
00:52:24Please, correct me if I'm wrong,
00:52:26but weren't you married once?
00:52:30Honey, I've been married twice.
00:52:33But love and marriage
00:52:35don't necessarily depend on each other, do they?
00:52:41A toast to that.
00:52:43A toast to that.
00:53:20I'm just...
00:53:21I feel bad about hiding the situation with Eliza,
00:53:23but it's going to be a win for him, too,
00:53:26if everything works out and I can prove
00:53:28that this wine is from Ibiza.
00:53:30I heard she's a billionaire,
00:53:33and her financing could save our show.
00:53:36Oh, just a second.
00:53:42Good morning.
00:53:43Someone's waiting for you at the door.
00:53:45Oh, okay.
00:53:49I have to go.
00:53:51There's a gentleman waiting for me downstairs.
00:53:54Then go.
00:54:04I figured you'd like to celebrate our meeting yesterday,
00:54:07so I thought I'd take you somewhere I know you'll love.
00:54:11But it's a surprise.
00:54:14This way.
00:54:17This way?
00:54:22It's right there.
00:54:26There's nothing like it in the United States.
00:54:28Honestly, it's not exactly Alexandria's library, but...
00:54:33Are you kidding me?
00:54:35This is the perfect result of carstic,
00:54:39fluvial and non-coherent material bioerosion.
00:54:44Imagine being the Phoenicians and seeing this for the first time.
00:54:47Well, it certainly has a fascinating texture.
00:54:55It's not always face-to-face with a giant Cretaceous coast
00:54:59like this one behind me.
00:55:00Kilometers of beautiful sand and limestone.
00:55:03And I imagine it must be very similar
00:55:05to what the Phoenicians found in 654 A.C.
00:55:09We're standing tall in geological history.
00:55:12It's been 40 million years.
00:55:14Actually, wasn't it 60 million years
00:55:16when the tectonic plates of Eurasia and Africa collided?
00:55:20Sorry, Bree, did you say something?
00:55:22I was just making a video for my vlog.
00:55:25Oh, sorry.
00:55:26I think I showed up in the background.
00:55:28But you shouldn't be in the background.
00:55:30You should be with me.
00:55:33Your knowledge and passion for geology and archaeology are inspiring.
00:55:37And I think we get along very well.
00:55:39I don't know.
00:55:41I'm going to do a live stream in about 30 minutes.
00:55:44Why don't you make a special appearance?
00:55:46We can be the new Louis and Clark.
00:55:49Oh, but I've never seen myself as, like,
00:55:51a more aggressive Lois Lane.
00:55:53Lois Lane?
00:55:56Oh, you said Lois.
00:55:58Lois and Clark, like the two great American explorers.
00:56:02Of course, that makes more sense.
00:56:04Actually, I think I prefer yours.
00:56:06Superman and Lois were a great couple.
00:56:08And investors like a strong presence on social media.
00:56:11Let's go.
00:56:12I'm going to put your microphone on.
00:56:23What's up, man?
00:56:24It's good to see you.
00:56:26I didn't think you were the kind of guy who liked fiction.
00:56:29Is this the book from Iate?
00:56:31Yes, this is it.
00:56:33Look, I read the last page myself,
00:56:35and I can confirm that the ending is good.
00:56:37So now you can read it without spoilers.
00:56:41Thank you, Mateo.
00:56:43I also came to tell you that I found a specialist in Spanish genealogy,
00:56:47and I made a connection with her.
00:56:49Oh, I'm sorry, Finn. Do you mind?
00:56:52No, not at all.
00:56:56Shall we?
00:56:58Of course. Let's go.
00:57:03So, how much did you read?
00:57:05I read a lot.
00:57:10Thank you very much for agreeing to this meeting, Professor.
00:57:13Yes, of course. It's no trouble at all.
00:57:16I'm excited about the connection the P family has with El Mariana.
00:57:20So, do you think the ring has a connection with the family?
00:57:24I have no doubt about that.
00:57:28Her name was Condesa Catalina Maria Leon de Valencia.
00:57:32C-M-L. Like the initials of the ring.
00:57:37A Condesa? What a great story.
00:57:40Unfortunately, it's a very sad one.
00:57:42Sad? How so?
00:57:45She was only 22 years old,
00:57:47and she died in labor with her baby.
00:57:49So young.
00:57:51The family must have been devastated.
00:57:53And a little relieved, for sure.
00:57:57Well, I noticed that there was no husband listed in the genealogy.
00:58:00And at the time, that would have been a big scandal.
00:58:03So I looked into it, and...
00:58:05It didn't take long.
00:58:07It's a diary.
00:58:09And it belonged to Condesa.
00:58:11Stored in a Spanish museum, handed down by an anonymous donor.
00:58:14She used one every year since she was a child.
00:58:17A great writer.
00:58:19That's particularly interesting.
00:58:21I'll translate the entry.
00:58:23Date of June 21, 1951.
00:58:27Today my love took me to our place on the hill.
00:58:30Our favorite place where the stones rise from the sea like a great mermaid.
00:58:35And it was there that I told him about the child growing inside me.
00:58:39His son.
00:58:41I've never seen a man express so much joy.
00:58:43And we got married.
00:58:45Surrounded only by a union of windows like our witnesses.
00:58:49Wow. And who was he?
00:58:51She never refers to him by name.
00:58:53Only my love.
00:58:55Of course he owned a vineyard in Ibiza.
00:58:58And of course the family didn't approve of the union.
00:59:01Look, there's a lot to see here.
00:59:03And if you want, I can send it to you.
00:59:05Yes, that would be great. Thank you.
00:59:07Yes, please. Thank you very much.
00:59:09No, it's my pleasure.
00:59:11And call me if you need anything.
00:59:18I'm shocked.
00:59:20The story continues to unfold.
00:59:24What do we do now?
00:59:26How about we eat?
00:59:32It smells good.
00:59:37The secret to a good paella is to go slowly.
00:59:40Okay. Like this?
00:59:44So how much should I put in each thing?
00:59:47It's just a feeling.
00:59:49Put whatever your instinct tells you.
00:59:57Your instinct is telling you to be careful with vampires.
01:00:01I didn't come to bother you. I just came to bring you dinner.
01:00:05Grandma, we were making our own paella.
01:00:09Too much garlic. Mine is better.
01:00:12Never argue with the boss.
01:00:14Listen, I'm going to print the papers the teacher sent.
01:00:17Okay. I'm going to help Josefa serve.
01:00:21Oh, right.
01:00:25Okay, that looks good.
01:00:27It looks good. Fantastic.
01:00:29Okay, don't be afraid.
01:00:33It smells great.
01:00:34Oh, that's good.
01:00:36It's great.
01:00:38What are you saying, Onese?
01:00:40It looks different.
01:00:42Yeah, it looks different.
01:00:44The letters are trembling.
01:00:48July 4, 1851.
01:00:51My father found us today.
01:00:54We're leaving for Valencia tomorrow.
01:00:56Three weeks before the forecast.
01:00:59I haven't seen my love since the meeting with my father.
01:01:02And I'm very worried about his safety.
01:01:07I told him it didn't matter what happened.
01:01:10We'll be together.
01:01:12Forever and ever.
01:01:15Look, forever and ever.
01:01:19Excuse me.
01:01:20I brought one of my favorites.
01:01:23It's perfect for dinner.
01:01:25Thank you, Grandma.
01:01:27Are you sure you don't want to stay?
01:01:29Oh, no, no, no.
01:01:31I'll leave you two alone.
01:01:34You're welcome.
01:01:41Can you take me to the dock again?
01:01:43Didn't you like the wine?
01:01:45You haven't had a sip of it yet.
01:01:47I'm keeping an eye on something else.
01:02:00The necklace.
01:02:02It looks a lot like the one from the shipwreck.
01:02:06I can't believe I never noticed that.
01:02:08And the inscription?
01:02:10The same words from the diary.
01:02:13There's literally only one explanation.
01:02:15This is the necklace.
01:02:18And the enologue is yours.
01:02:20Tatara, tatara, tatara.
01:02:22A million times, Grandpa.
01:02:24No, no, no, no, no.
01:02:25It's impossible.
01:02:26It's all about the wine.
01:02:28We never made a rosé.
01:02:30Maybe we have.
01:02:32Is there any way to compare the wines, I mean, to be sure?
01:02:36I can do a molecular analysis of your vineyard's wines
01:02:40and compare it to Mariana's wines,
01:02:43but it won't be as conclusive as a DNA analysis.
01:02:48If I had the grapes, I could.
01:02:51No, but DNA breaks down during the wine fermentation process,
01:02:55so I couldn't compare the wines from the same family of grapes.
01:02:59But speaking of family,
01:03:02what if the Countess really had a son?
01:03:06What if the Countess died during childbirth,
01:03:10but the child survived,
01:03:13and the wine producer gave birth to the baby?
01:03:16Look at that.
01:03:18Let's go to the lab.
01:03:20Grandma, we're going, okay?
01:03:26Enjoy the meeting.
01:03:27It's not a meeting.
01:03:28It's not a meeting.
01:03:38So, the process of amplification may take a few hours,
01:03:42but I'll be back tomorrow and do the analysis.
01:03:52But I'll be back tomorrow, do the hair electrophoresis,
01:03:55and send everything to Eva.
01:03:58Let me see if I understand.
01:04:00You're saying that with this experiment,
01:04:02you can tell me if I'm related to this Countess?
01:04:08So, what now?
01:04:10There's nothing else we can do today.
01:04:13But we can come back tomorrow.
01:04:16Uh, eight hours before the convention?
01:04:24Give me a minute.
01:04:25I have to answer this.
01:04:50Come here.
01:04:52It's time for the giant charcuterie.
01:04:55Yeah, you look great, but I already ate. I was looking for coffee.
01:05:00Two coffees, please.
01:05:01Of course.
01:05:04And how's it going with the wine?
01:05:06The tragic love story will certainly sell if you find out who they were.
01:05:11Well, I think I can prove that it originated in Ibiza.
01:05:17Of course you were right.
01:05:19Did the winemaker know who the wine producers were?
01:05:25What are you hiding from me?
01:05:27I don't know if I should tell Eliza before the family approves.
01:05:31So what? It's history.
01:05:34They have no right to her. It's just an old story.
01:05:38But it's up to us to tell.
01:05:40Listen, you worked hard to find out all this.
01:05:43Don't forget why you came here.
01:05:45The Countess felt unstoppable, and yet something was bothering her.
01:05:50These feelings she had for the Prince, invisible as they are,
01:05:54were manifested beyond any doubt in her letters to him,
01:05:58speaking truths that could be the key to his ruin.
01:06:01She must find them before it's too late.
01:06:05So, the computer generated a DNA profile,
01:06:08and we ran the program again and compared the two profiles.
01:06:12One is from a known family member of the Leon family,
01:06:15and the other is your sample.
01:06:20That's it.
01:06:25So, what do you think?
01:06:27I think it's a good idea.
01:06:30That's it.
01:06:37Is that it?
01:06:38Yes. Yes, that's it!
01:06:41That means I'm...
01:06:42You are a direct descendant of Countess Catalina Maria Leon.
01:06:48That means the child survived and was raised by her ancestor,
01:06:53the wine producer.
01:06:56That means the wine aboard Mariana is from your family's vineyard.
01:07:04Really? That's amazing!
01:07:07I know! What are the odds?
01:07:10No, you. You, Brie. It's amazing.
01:07:14It's all thanks to you.
01:07:16I didn't believe the wine was from my vineyard.
01:07:20Wait, there's still something I don't understand.
01:07:23There's no records, no records of wine, no evidence.
01:07:26You said everything was destroyed in the fire, right?
01:07:29Yes, except for the record of wine, if it...
01:07:32It was in the vineyard.
01:07:33When exactly was the fire?
01:07:36Maybe 1853.
01:07:40That's a shot in the dark.
01:07:42But come with me.
01:07:43Oh, no, that's crazy. It's from my book.
01:07:46No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:07:47Crazy is good. We like crazy.
01:07:50So, in my book, the prince had a secret hideout
01:07:54where he hid everything he didn't want anyone to find,
01:07:57especially his family.
01:07:59So, since the fire burned all the places,
01:08:03there's only one place to look.
01:08:06In the attic.
01:08:13Okay, in your novels,
01:08:16isn't there a classic place they look for to discover the mystery?
01:08:32Do you have a pair of scissors?
01:08:55A love letter?
01:09:06It's an agreement between Leon's family
01:09:09and my ancestor, John Vega.
01:09:11The wine producer.
01:09:15They're talking about a child.
01:09:18John agrees to renounce the legal claims
01:09:23that the child may have to the owner.
01:09:26And in return, he takes full care of the child
01:09:30as long as no attempt is made to claim legitimacy
01:09:36and that the child's identity is never revealed.
01:09:41That's the proof.
01:09:45Ha, ha, ha.
01:09:52I can't believe it.
01:09:54Bree, please don't tell anyone, okay?
01:09:58I want to tell my family first.
01:10:00But of course.
01:10:02I don't think I can say anything at the convention.
01:10:06The convention starts in less than two hours.
01:10:09Let me help you.
01:10:13Thank you for everything.
01:10:15This time with you was the happiest time of my life.
01:10:27Are there rats in this room?
01:10:29I don't think so.
01:10:30Unless it's Bree.
01:10:35Oh, that's very naughty.
01:10:37Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:41Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:42Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:43Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:44Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:45Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:46Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:47Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:48Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:49Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:50Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:51Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:52Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:53Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:54Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:55Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:56Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:57Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:58Ha, ha, ha.
01:10:59Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:00Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:01Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:02Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:03Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:04Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:05Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:06Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:07Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:08Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:09Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:10Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:11Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:12Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:13Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:14Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:15Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:16Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:17Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:18Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:19Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:20Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:21Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:22Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:23Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:24Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:25Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:26Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:27Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:28Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:29Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:30Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:31Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:32Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:33Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:34Ha, ha, ha.
01:11:35Now I have the great honor, alongside Mateo Vega,
01:11:39the head of the wine association,
01:11:41to call the names for the raffle
01:11:44for the tasting of Mariana's wines.
01:11:46So, without further ado...
01:11:52Isabella Gomes.
01:11:54Isabella Gomes.
01:11:56Next, Javier Alvarez.
01:12:02Sofia Perez.
01:12:04Sofia Perez.
01:12:05And finally...
01:12:08Brianna Farrington.
01:13:04As you can see,
01:13:06the color is very clear,
01:13:09suggesting minimal contact with the red grape peel.
01:13:20The smell is surprisingly fresh,
01:13:27and vibrant.
01:13:30And now, the moment everyone has been waiting for.
01:13:33Cheers, everyone.
01:13:50What a flavor, Mateo.
01:13:52Describe it to us.
01:13:56I'm not sure I can.
01:14:18It was such a relief.
01:14:20Imagine if the taste was bad.
01:14:23But it was so good.
01:14:25It was almost as exciting as finding it.
01:14:29To be honest,
01:14:31I'm glad we got to try it.
01:14:33To know we can share this moment together.
01:14:36It was the perfect ending to our journey together.
01:14:41It doesn't have to be the end.
01:14:44Oh, dear Brianna.
01:14:46I had to come congratulate you.
01:14:49Congratulate me?
01:14:51For solving the mystery of the shipwrecked wine.
01:14:53It's all so...
01:14:55tragically romantic.
01:14:57It's the perfect story for me to sell my synthetic wine.
01:15:01The funding for your naval research...
01:15:04is yours.
01:15:06How about that?
01:15:12You must be thrilled.
01:15:14Isn't that amazing?
01:15:16We're going to recreate the wine from your family's vineyard.
01:15:20And I guarantee that in the next few months,
01:15:23your family's wine...
01:15:25well, the synthetic version...
01:15:27will be on the shelves of all the big supermarkets in the world
01:15:31and in the mouths of all the wine collectors.
01:15:38Oh, look at those faces.
01:15:42They're speechless. I love it.
01:15:46I've arranged a meeting with some important journalists tomorrow at 11.
01:15:50I'm going to make the big announcement tomorrow.
01:15:54I'd love it if you could all take part.
01:16:02How could you?
01:16:04How could you use my family's story...
01:16:07to help sell this Frankenstein wine?
01:16:10Mateo, listen to me.
01:16:12I have no idea how she...
01:16:14Now my last name is being used in a fake wine.
01:16:18Do you understand that?
01:16:20Years of hard work...
01:16:22and effort.
01:16:25Practically stolen.
01:16:30I don't think it was ever really...
01:16:32about stories.
01:16:34You just wanted funding.
01:16:37Goodbye, Bree.
01:16:43Mateo, I...
01:16:50I love you.
01:17:01Excuse me.
01:17:03Can I talk to you in private, please?
01:17:09Listen to me.
01:17:11You can't share this story.
01:17:14You can't use it that way.
01:17:16I don't know what you want me to do, Brianna.
01:17:19This story...
01:17:21this wine...
01:17:23is a guaranteed success.
01:17:25What if I had another chance, Jackie?
01:17:29To share something amazing...
01:17:32something authentic with the world...
01:17:34about what this island has to offer.
01:17:36I'm sorry.
01:17:38My hands are tied.
01:17:49I'm sorry.
01:17:54I'm an idiot, Eva.
01:17:56I made a mistake.
01:17:58I'll be back tomorrow.
01:18:27Excuse me, ma'am.
01:18:29Let me help, please.
01:18:32It was just what I needed.
01:18:35a bad day never lasts.
01:18:37Have a bad time...
01:18:39and have a good face.
01:18:43For a bad time, a good face?
01:18:55I remember we laughed and laughed.
01:18:58We had beautiful moments, admit it, didn't we?
01:19:02I know.
01:19:04I can't believe you recognized me.
01:19:09You're still the same girl I met on the beach.
01:19:13Deep down, maybe.
01:19:16A little tired and with battle scars after so long.
01:19:19What is it, Eliza?
01:19:21You're beautiful.
01:19:24Yes, really.
01:19:25Why didn't you tell me before?
01:19:29I thought you wouldn't remember me.
01:19:33No, no, it's the complete opposite.
01:19:37I can't believe you're not married.
01:19:40That's crazy.
01:19:42I was.
01:19:44But with the wrong person.
01:19:47Or, uh, people.
01:19:49I married the wrong people.
01:19:53It's the same story, isn't it?
01:19:56Sometimes it's hard to accept less
01:19:58after you've lived true love, isn't it?
01:20:05Nothing ever compares...
01:20:11...to us.
01:20:39Hi, Dad.
01:20:40Hi, sweetheart.
01:20:42Are you okay?
01:20:44I just wanted to hear your voice.
01:20:46That doesn't sound good.
01:20:51Can I ask you a question?
01:20:53Of course.
01:20:57Why don't you seem upset?
01:21:01About what?
01:21:03About what you sacrificed for Mom, for me.
01:21:07Your career, your adventures.
01:21:09They stopped.
01:21:11Sweetheart, I never thought it that way.
01:21:14When it comes to true love,
01:21:16no sacrifice is too great.
01:21:18Besides, love has always been my greatest adventure.
01:21:23Does that answer your question?
01:21:28Yes, it does.
01:21:30Thank you, Dad.
01:21:32Are you sure you're okay, honey?
01:21:37I love you.
01:21:39I love you too.
01:21:54For those of you who don't know me,
01:21:57my name is Eliza Van Dusen.
01:22:00And I have a huge passion for incredible food and wine.
01:22:05I discovered this passion here in Ibiza many years ago.
01:22:09And I remembered it now,
01:22:11after I came back here,
01:22:13even though it took a long time.
01:22:20Over the years,
01:22:22I've invested a lot in the food and drink industry.
01:22:26And I know how to recognize a good investment
01:22:29when I see one.
01:22:30So I decided to partner with a local wine specialist
01:22:34and owner of a family restaurant,
01:22:36Mr. Mateo Vega,
01:22:39to present an international network
01:22:42of Ibiza restaurants
01:22:45called Casa Vega.
01:23:09Oh, I didn't expect this.
01:23:11I'm sorry.
01:23:13I didn't expect this either.
01:23:15Why did you change your mind?
01:23:17Let's say...
01:23:19I reconnected with an old friend.
01:23:27The hotel guy?
01:23:31I know, I know.
01:23:32But it wasn't just him.
01:23:34Actually, it was something you said.
01:23:37I realized it's not possible to recreate the past.
01:23:41And this synthetic wine
01:23:43would just be disguising itself as something real.
01:23:46And that would be an insult to his legacy, you know?
01:23:50The beautiful love story.
01:23:53And the synthetic wine, darling, it has a future.
01:23:57But it's not here.
01:24:00Sometimes some things have the right ingredient,
01:24:04but they're not right.
01:24:07It's missing the magic.
01:24:11Excuse me for a minute.
01:24:17Bree, I want to apologize.
01:24:20Finn, you acted behind my back.
01:24:22Look, I'm sorry I called Elisa.
01:24:24I just didn't want you to lose the funding.
01:24:27And she knows the discovery was yours.
01:24:29I don't care about that.
01:24:31But some stories aren't ours to tell.
01:24:34Honestly, I've become kind of selfish.
01:24:37By doing everything about me and not about work,
01:24:40I've lost the wonders of this world,
01:24:43without even realizing it.
01:24:46I'm really sorry for ruining things for you.
01:24:49And for that,
01:24:51let me know if I can help you with your future projects.
01:24:55Well, maybe you can share the discoveries with your followers.
01:24:59Your videos are great.
01:25:01They bring new life to old discoveries.
01:25:22As her carriage roared through the wilds,
01:25:25she looked at this foreign land
01:25:28and silently handed her heart to her margins,
01:25:31without knowing it,
01:25:33taking a piece of it with her.
01:25:41Why are we on the lookout?
01:25:44He said you never asked for true love, Theosa.
01:26:08How did you find me?
01:26:10I called all the taxis on the island before I found you.
01:26:13Mateo, listen to me.
01:26:15Elisa told me everything.
01:26:17I'm sorry I doubted you, Bui.
01:26:22I can't promise you how our story will end.
01:26:26I know you like to know these things in advance.
01:26:31But I have a feeling you'll be my happy forever.
01:26:38Mine forever...
01:26:40and forever.
01:26:53You're not with me just because of my lineage, are you?
01:26:58Well, actually, I've always imagined myself as a countess.
01:27:03Oh, so you're a countess.
