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Looking to move abroad? Discover the world's friendliest countries for expats based on a global survey by InterNations! From the warm-hearted locals of Costa Rica to the social vibes in Mexico and The Philippines, these destinations make settling in feel like home. But it’s not all sunshine—find out which countries ranked the least welcoming too.

:movie_camera: Whether you're planning your next big move or just curious, this video gives you the top highlights in just 60 seconds!
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00:00Looking for the friendliest place to live as an expat? The latest survey from internations has the answer.
00:05At number one is Costa Rica. A whopping 88% of expats feel very welcome,
00:11and the locals' warm, pura vida lifestyle makes settling in a breeze.
00:16Coming in second is Mexico, where 85% of expats feel welcome and making friends is effortless.
00:22One expat says, social connections are everything here.
00:27Third on the list, the Philippines, where nearly 80% of expats feel at home and friendly locals are always up for a chat.
00:34But what about the least friendly? Kuwait ranks at the bottom, with only 26% of expats feeling welcome.
00:41Norway and Germany also score low, with many expats struggling to make local friends.
00:47So, where would you move?
