• 16 hours ago
Broken Full Movie
00:03:00Hey, sweetie. How was your first day of work?
00:03:03Fine. I never knew so many grown men like bubblegum ice cream.
00:03:07What's that?
00:03:10Trash from the garage.
00:03:13Is that my soccer stuff?
00:03:16It's just some of your father's junk.
00:03:20We're moving on from that deadbeat.
00:03:23Mom, this is my old jersey.
00:03:26Sweetheart, you're on the cheer squad now.
00:03:28You don't need that anymore.
00:03:30It's getting donated.
00:03:32Maybe some less fortunate girl who's not the captain of the squad can enjoy it.
00:03:37We talked about this.
00:03:39We're letting go of things that don't serve us.
00:03:42You understand?
00:03:44I understand.
00:03:46Besides, all I need is my girl.
00:03:49You and me forever, right?
00:04:01Did you see that?
00:04:03I just killed his whole squad, little bitch.
00:04:06Speaking of little bitches, I ran into Oliver today.
00:04:08Oliver Kingsley? Fuck that guy.
00:04:11Yeah, I had to push through him making out with his girlfriend.
00:04:13Just unlocked the door this morning.
00:04:15Is she cute?
00:04:18Oh, shit.
00:04:20I mean, yeah, she's cute.
00:04:22But there's got to be something wrong with her if she's dating him.
00:04:25You know, you can really fuck with him if you fuck with her.
00:04:30I don't know.
00:04:31Come on. Do us all a favor.
00:04:33Listen, if you hook up with Oliver's girlfriend by the end of the summer,
00:04:37I'll give you 100 bucks.
00:04:39Why? What's in it for you?
00:04:41The sweet satisfaction of ruining a dickhead's senior year?
00:04:44Dude, think about it.
00:04:45Imagine him looking over at her on the sidelines knowing that you hit that.
00:04:49It'll get in his head and totally blow his game.
00:04:54Or are you too pussy?
00:04:59Make it 200.
00:05:12You forgot the caramel.
00:05:14No, I didn't. Put it in first.
00:05:17You have to put it in last where it sticks to the bottom.
00:05:20It all gets mixed up together.
00:05:21Not with that machine.
00:05:22It's fine.
00:05:28I got it, okay? I got it.
00:05:33Oh, my God. I am so sorry. I did not mean to do that.
00:05:36Is there a towel somewhere?
00:05:43Oh, you think that's funny.
00:05:46Oh, my God.
00:05:50I swear to God.
00:05:51It's real funny, isn't it?
00:06:09What are you doing?
00:06:12Nothing. We're working.
00:06:15Well, it looks like you were cozying up to Mason Cooper, Oliver's literal nemesis.
00:06:20We're co-workers. No cozying.
00:06:23I mean, you do you.
00:06:25If you want to dump the most popular guy at school for Greendale trash,
00:06:30I'd be happy to take Oliver off your hands for you.
00:06:35Jesus, I'm joking.
00:06:37But seriously, you have heard what they say about him, right?
00:06:41The stuff about his brother?
00:06:42Ava, those are just rumors, okay?
00:06:45Yeah, well, Oliver says he's involved in, like, some druggie gang shit.
00:06:51Oh, my God. He'll probably try to corrupt you because you're, like, such an easy target.
00:06:56He wouldn't do that.
00:06:57Who knows what he's capable of?
00:07:06Hey, um, friends with that Ava girl?
00:07:10Uh, she's more Oliver's friend since they were kids.
00:07:15Kind of a package deal.
00:07:17Lucky you.
00:07:20You know, you, um, you did okay for your first week.
00:07:23Better than I did.
00:07:25I almost broke the mixer.
00:07:27I went through two last summer.
00:07:29Well, uh, thanks for helping me.
00:07:33When Oliver tried to teach me how to drive stick, he gave up after, like, ten minutes.
00:07:37Not surprised.
00:07:40What do you mean?
00:07:42Oh, he's a jerk.
00:07:44No, he's not.
00:07:45You don't know him like I do.
00:07:47He's been there for me.
00:07:48I know him as a bully who thinks he's better than everyone else.
00:07:50You only think that because of football.
00:07:52Everyone else loves him.
00:07:53The school.
00:07:54My mom.
00:07:55What about you?
00:07:59Of course I love him.
00:08:01He's my boyfriend.
00:08:03And our anniversary's coming up.
00:08:06He's taking me to a nice dinner.
00:08:08Got it.
00:08:09Oliver is suddenly insane and you two are madly in love.
00:08:13Enjoy mopping the floor.
00:08:16I'm sorry, that wasn't cool.
00:08:20Look, I know I've been a dick.
00:08:23But this summer's gonna suck if we keep fighting.
00:08:29I promise to keep my hatred for your boyfriend to myself.
00:08:48This is probably all over.
00:08:50I should go.
00:08:54See you tomorrow.
00:08:56See you tomorrow.
00:09:06Oh wait, yo, you forgot your...
00:09:19Summer bucket list.
00:09:26Summer bucket list.
00:09:45Heavy metal?
00:09:52Does Oliver know you're in enemy territory or...?
00:09:54Ridgeview closes their track for the summer so I like to come here.
00:09:58Plus I like the real grass.
00:10:01Such a little rule breaker.
00:10:02But I guess I'm not surprised.
00:10:04Not after finding this.
00:10:06Oh my god, give me that!
00:10:09Please don't tell anyone.
00:10:10Don't worry.
00:10:11I won't ruin your whole popular good girl thing.
00:10:17That is, on one condition.
00:10:21We do everything on that list this summer.
00:10:26Why would you want to?
00:10:27I mean, what do you get out of it?
00:10:30I could use the distraction.
00:10:31Here, start with an easy one.
00:10:33Oh, okay.
00:10:38Soccer tryouts.
00:10:39I'll be your goalie.
00:10:48I didn't know you played.
00:10:50Well, I guess you don't have me all figured out after all.
00:10:55Oh my god!
00:11:00How come you don't play at Ridgeview?
00:11:01You're good.
00:11:03It's just something I do for fun.
00:11:07My dad was the one who liked soccer so now obviously my mom hates it.
00:11:11And your dad now is?
00:11:14Um, not sure.
00:11:17He left last year.
00:11:21I'm sorry.
00:11:22I'm sorry.
00:11:23All good.
00:11:25We all have our own shit, right?
00:11:31But you shouldn't give up soccer if it makes you happy.
00:11:34It's complicated.
00:11:36Is it?
00:11:53Oh my god.
00:11:55Man, I'm gonna be so sore.
00:11:57Well, you didn't have to die for all of them like that.
00:11:59My pride was on the line.
00:12:01I think I missed every single one of your shots.
00:12:05I want a rematch. Same time tomorrow?
00:12:14Alright, what's next?
00:12:15Pull an all-nighter?
00:12:18Drink a whole bottle of wine in one night?
00:12:23Snake into a movie?
00:12:24TP a house?
00:12:25Okay, this really is the most PG list.
00:12:27Give me that.
00:12:28No, no, in fun.
00:12:29PG would be fun.
00:12:31No judgment.
00:12:33Get a nose piercing?
00:12:36Now this I can get into.
00:12:40I thought it'd be cool, but um...
00:12:43Let me guess.
00:12:45Oliver doesn't want you to.
00:12:47My mom thought it would ruin my perfect cheerleader image.
00:12:53I think you look pretty cool.
00:12:59Hey, are you guys open yet?
00:13:01Yeah, I'll be right with you.
00:13:16Okay, I know you say I'm metal too much,
00:13:19but guess who got you a reservation tonight at Giovanni's?
00:13:23Mom, that's really nice, but Oliver was going to do that.
00:13:26Oh, don't be silly. You can't rely on men for that sort of thing.
00:13:29Now you have your perfect dinner, with your perfect boyfriend,
00:13:34your perfect dress!
00:13:40I thought I was going to wear the other one.
00:13:42Oh, that ugly green thing I saw in your closet?
00:13:45No, sweetheart, this will suit you so much better.
00:13:48Oh, one more thing.
00:13:49I did agree to go to a conference in Springfield for Susan.
00:13:52You think you'll be okay this weekend by yourself?
00:13:56Yeah, that's fine.
00:14:19Okay, Lily.
00:14:22Tonight's your anniversary.
00:14:24You're going to the nicest restaurant in town
00:14:27with your boyfriend who you love.
00:14:29You have the place to yourself.
00:14:31For once.
00:14:34It's going to be perfect.
00:14:40you're having such a great time.
00:14:47you're having sex.
00:15:04How's it going with Miss Perfect?
00:15:10That's it?
00:15:12Come on, man, give me the gory details.
00:15:15Or are you chickening out?
00:15:17I'm not chickening out.
00:15:21not who I thought she'd be.
00:15:23As in you want to smash her more now, or less?
00:15:27I don't know, I mean, like...
00:15:31I think she's a good person.
00:15:34You want to smash her more.
00:15:36Got it.
00:15:37Oh, this is great.
00:15:38Now you can fuck with all of her and really enjoy it.
00:15:43you're going soft.
00:15:44Letting your crush get in the way of the plan?
00:15:46It's not a crush.
00:15:51I don't know, we're just friends.
00:15:54I'm your friend, man.
00:15:55Not some air-headed cheerleader who's in love with the guy that fucked you over.
00:16:08Please don't judge me while I'm picked out.
00:16:10What am I, the fashion place? Come on.
00:16:16I know, so not me.
00:16:19I mean, do you have something that you like?
00:16:22My mom said this would be better.
00:16:26I know, but I'm leaving in like five minutes.
00:16:29I don't have anything else to change into.
00:16:31For what it's worth...
00:16:34I think you look really pretty.
00:16:43Come on, babe, we're going to be late.
00:16:45Oh, I thought our reservation was at nine.
00:16:48Right, I forgot to tell you to cancel that.
00:16:51We can go another night.
00:16:52Harry's having a party.
00:16:53His brother bought a shit ton of booze.
00:16:55It's going to be lit.
00:16:56It's our anniversary.
00:16:58I thought it was just going to be us two.
00:17:01Well, it's not like we do anything we need to be alone for anyway.
00:17:05Well, um...
00:17:07I was thinking...
00:17:10With the house to ourselves, we could, um...
00:17:15Babe, are you serious?
00:17:21We'll just make a quick appearance at the party and then we'll go back to your place.
00:17:24Oliver, I don't want to go to the party.
00:17:26Babe, I'm the quarterback. I have to go.
00:17:32You can go by yourself.
00:17:33Lily, come on.
00:17:34Just go!
00:17:36Just go.
00:17:48Everything okay?
00:17:52Yeah. Yeah, it's great.
00:17:57I've got an idea.
00:17:58Give me like ten minutes. I'll meet at your place.
00:18:03Yeah, sure.
00:18:10Yeah, my mom has like more wine than she can keep track of.
00:18:16Here you go.
00:18:17Oh, thank you.
00:18:23Let me guess.
00:18:24Your mom designed your room?
00:18:28She did.
00:18:29But I got to pick the shade of pink.
00:18:32Fuck that.
00:18:38You got to live the life that you want to live.
00:18:40You know?
00:18:42Not what other people want for you.
00:18:46Isn't that what this list is about?
00:18:49I mean, the summer's for you.
00:19:13You don't have to be so perfect all the time.
00:19:23It could be a little bad.
00:19:33Oh my god, I think that's my mom.
00:19:34She's gonna freak if she sees you.
00:19:46Sorry, honey.
00:19:47I thought you'd still be at dinner with Oliver.
00:19:50My conference got cancelled.
00:19:52How was dinner?
00:19:55Uh, we didn't end up going.
00:19:59Oh, honey.
00:20:00Come sit.
00:20:01Tell me everything.
00:20:03Um, can we talk tomorrow?
00:20:06I'm about to go to bed.
00:20:09My advice?
00:20:11Try to see things from Oliver's point of view.
00:20:14He's trying to balance football, friends, and girlfriends.
00:20:21Don't put too much pressure on him.
00:20:23Yeah, thanks for the advice.
00:20:25Good night.
00:20:26Of course.
00:20:27Good night.
00:20:31What is this Greendale sweatshirt?
00:20:40It's my friend's.
00:20:42Why do you have a friend on the Greendale football team?
00:20:44Uh, she's dating one of the guys on the team.
00:20:47And he gave it to her.
00:20:49Property of Mason Cooper?
00:20:53My girlfriend has bad taste in guys.
00:20:56Do you even know him?
00:20:57I know his mom.
00:20:58She's always been a mess.
00:21:00Now I hear that she has a real alcohol problem.
00:21:02It's no wonder her two boys turned out the way they did.
00:21:05Burnout, and the other one, we know what happened.
00:21:09Stop, okay?
00:21:11Don't hang out with that friend anymore.
00:21:13You should hang out with Ava.
00:21:15She's a good influence.
00:21:17I'm gonna set up a sleepover for you two.
00:21:22I'm gonna go hop in the shower.
00:21:23Good night.
00:21:27Good night.
00:21:35Mason, I'm so sorry.
00:21:37She doesn't even know what she's saying.
00:21:38She's just saying what everyone's thinking.
00:21:57Um, what are you doing here?
00:22:00Look, I felt bad about last night.
00:22:02I thought I could make it up to you by coming here.
00:22:05I'm stepping on enemy turf for you.
00:22:08Plus the A.C. in my gym went out, so...
00:22:11You really hurt my feelings.
00:22:13I know, and it wasn't even worth it.
00:22:15Ava got super drunk, so I had to leave early and take her home.
00:22:20Can you forgive me?
00:22:21I don't want to leave on bad terms.
00:22:25I'm going to a training intensive for the rest of the summer.
00:22:27You're gonna be gone for the whole summer?
00:22:29I know it's gonna be hard, but it'll be good for us.
00:22:33Good to be apart?
00:22:35I mean for the team.
00:22:37I need to be at peak performance next year.
00:22:43We're okay.
00:22:48Come on, don't be mad.
00:22:50I'm not mad, Oliver.
00:22:52I just, I...
00:22:54Then what's the matter?
00:22:56We can do it tonight before I go.
00:22:58I don't want to just do it, Oliver.
00:23:00I had a whole night planned.
00:23:02It was our anniversary.
00:23:04We had the place to ourselves.
00:23:06Lily, come on.
00:23:08It's no big deal.
00:23:10We can just do it in my car like every other night.
00:23:12It's not a big deal.
00:23:13Come on, it's no big deal.
00:23:15We can just do it in my car like everyone else.
00:23:17Oliver, no!
00:23:19Yeah, I said no, dude.
00:23:21Back off.
00:23:23What the fuck are you doing here?
00:23:25Are you stalking my girlfriend?
00:23:27I forgot my sweatshirt.
00:23:29Okay, then.
00:23:31You can leave now.
00:23:33And take your bad luck with you.
00:23:35Lily, do you need a ride to work?
00:23:37Are you dumb?
00:23:39She's not gonna ride in your shitty car.
00:23:43I'm gonna stay with Oliver Mason.
00:23:46But I'll see you later.
00:23:55Good riddance.
00:23:57You have to be so rude to him.
00:23:59Yes, he's Greendale trash.
00:24:01What happened between you two?
00:24:04We played football together when we were kids.
00:24:06We were friends, I guess.
00:24:08But when I got older, I just realized
00:24:11he's a loser from the shit part of town.
00:24:14That's it?
00:24:16Well, turns out I was right.
00:24:18You know that piece of shit killed his own brother?
00:24:20Oliver, that is a big accusation.
00:24:22No one knows what really happened, okay?
00:24:24He does?
00:24:26Ask Mason about his brother.
00:24:28You'll see I'm right.
00:24:30He's guilty.
00:24:34Okay, come here.
00:24:36I've got an idea.
00:24:38How about
00:24:40you and I go back to my place?
00:24:42We can get a little cardio or...
00:24:44I can't work.
00:24:48But, um,
00:24:50maybe when you get back.
00:24:53Definitely when I get back.
00:25:06I'm sorry about Oliver.
00:25:10my mom from last night.
00:25:16Can I ask you something?
00:25:21What really happened with your brother?
00:25:27What did you hear about that?
00:25:33You think I killed him?
00:25:35No, of course not!
00:25:36My man!
00:25:37Got any specials for me?
00:25:39Excuse me.
00:25:43Did I interrupt something?
00:25:48Fuck her.
00:25:49That's off.
00:25:50What the fuck?
00:25:51She just thinks I'm a piece of shit just like everyone else.
00:25:53We already know that she's a stuck-up bitch.
00:25:55Now you can get one over on Oliver and her.
00:25:58Where's the problem here?
00:26:09Hey, I, um...
00:26:13Sorry about earlier.
00:26:14No, I'm sorry.
00:26:16I feel like I messed everything up.
00:26:17I shouldn't have...
00:26:18No, no, hey.
00:26:19No, it's fine.
00:26:20We could just...
00:26:22literally talk about anything else.
00:26:28I'm sorry.
00:26:29I'm sorry.
00:26:30I'm sorry.
00:26:31I'm sorry.
00:26:32I'm sorry.
00:26:33I'm sorry.
00:26:34I'm sorry.
00:26:35I'm sorry.
00:26:43So, um...
00:26:47When are you supposed to have sex?
00:26:50You really know how to change the subject.
00:26:52I know.
00:26:53I just...
00:26:54I wanted a guy's perspective.
00:26:55I don't want to have sex.
00:26:57Like, how long is too long to make a guy wait?
00:27:01You have sex whenever you want to.
00:27:03But it can't be all about me.
00:27:05Or a girl.
00:27:08Like, isn't it hard for a guy to wait?
00:27:11Any guy...
00:27:13that makes you feel bad
00:27:15for doing something when you don't feel ready...
00:27:19is just a piece of shit.
00:27:28sex is...
00:27:31only good when both people want to do it.
00:27:34You know?
00:27:38When it's like...
00:27:41all they can think about.
00:27:46When they feel like...
00:27:49they're gonna die if they can't touch the other person.
00:27:56I'm dripping.
00:28:02Oh, yeah.
00:28:03The cone.
00:28:04Oh, yeah, yeah.
00:28:05I see that.
00:28:06Yeah, um...
00:28:08I should clean that.
00:28:23Oh my god.
00:28:25I should have known you'd be studying.
00:28:27You're such a little goody-two-shoes.
00:28:29Oh, did we have plans?
00:28:31Your mom called.
00:28:32Said you wanted to hang out.
00:28:34She also said that lunch is on her.
00:28:44I am so fucking bored without Oliver here.
00:28:46I need him to come home like...
00:28:49Okay, he went to camp.
00:28:50I'm so sorry.
00:28:51I need him to come home like...
00:28:53Okay, he went to camp.
00:28:54Not more.
00:28:55Weird that you don't miss your boyfriend.
00:28:58Isn't it hard going from having sex all the time to being a nun?
00:29:06Wait, you were having sex before, right?
00:29:11That is private.
00:29:12Oh my god.
00:29:13You've never had sex with Oliver.
00:29:15What were you waiting for?
00:29:16I don't know.
00:29:17I wanted it to feel right for me.
00:29:19You're dating Oliver Kingsley and it's not feeling right for you multiple times a day?
00:29:25Sometimes things don't work out the way they're supposed to, Eva.
00:29:27What does that mean?
00:29:31Wait, is that him?
00:29:32He hasn't been responding to my texts.
00:29:33Let me...
00:29:38Why is Mason Cooper texting you?
00:29:42We're co-workers.
00:29:43You knew that.
00:29:44Yeah, but you're not working together right now.
00:29:46Why do you care?
00:29:47Oliver's my best friend, Lily.
00:29:48I'm just looking out for him.
00:29:49Yeah, and he's my boyfriend.
00:29:52I'm always putting him first.
00:29:53You ditched him on your anniversary.
00:29:55Luckily, I was there to pick up the pieces.
00:29:57Oh, yeah.
00:29:58Well, he told me that you got drunk and he had to take you home.
00:30:00That's not the point.
00:30:01The point is, you're flaking on dates and you're texting other guys.
00:30:06You're taking him for granted.
00:30:09I think it's time you got your priorities straight.
00:30:15Let's go get that sushi.
00:30:19Okay, well...
00:30:21Good night.
00:30:22Wait, I, um...
00:30:24I thought we could cross something off the list tonight.
00:30:28Didn't you want a nose piercing?
00:30:31Uh, I was thinking maybe from a professional.
00:30:34See, I thought you might say that.
00:30:39I came double prepared.
00:30:41Something to heal the pain.
00:30:43Wow, so you brought drugs and a weapon.
00:30:46I did, Officer Bennett.
00:30:48Oliver was right.
00:30:50I'm a hardened criminal.
00:30:54I don't know.
00:30:56Come on, live a little.
00:31:01Give it to me.
00:31:02Yes, ma'am.
00:31:06Like this?
00:31:07Just like that.
00:31:08You ready?
00:31:17Cough, cough, cough.
00:31:19Alright, right there, right there.
00:31:23Cough, cough, cough.
00:31:27Shut up!
00:31:38What are you doing?
00:31:39What's wrong with you?
00:31:40I'm sorry!
00:31:44I thought...
00:31:46I thought of something else I wanted to add to the list.
00:31:48Go for it.
00:31:50Sleep under the stars.
00:32:02I used to, uh...
00:32:05go camping with Callum.
00:32:07My brother, you know.
00:32:11You don't have to talk about it.
00:32:14But I'm here if you want to.
00:32:17Sometimes it helps.
00:32:21When my dad left last year...
00:32:24I didn't talk to anyone...
00:32:26for months.
00:32:29I, um...
00:32:31I felt my dad pulling away for a long time.
00:32:35I was so afraid of him leaving...
00:32:38that when he finally did...
00:32:43I didn't have anything to be afraid of anymore.
00:32:52losing my brother...
00:32:57was my biggest fear.
00:33:03He was my best friend.
00:33:08I wish...
00:33:12I just...
00:33:14I wish...
00:33:17it's okay.
00:33:38Let's put some ice on that nose, yeah?
00:33:41Yeah, um...
00:33:43I'm gonna ask you where this is.
00:33:52Look at it!
00:33:54See, I'm getting really good at talking.
00:33:56Yeah, I can see that.
00:33:57I'm not even nervous to get my nose pierced.
00:34:00And it's not even a big deal at all if I tell my mom I'm quitting cheer.
00:34:04Because I hate it.
00:34:06Okay, enough with the...
00:34:11Shut up.
00:34:13I know I'm impatient, but baby, give me a chance.
00:34:15Which side?
00:34:18Which is my good side?
00:34:21I can't afford to cry anymore.
00:34:23Tears are turning to our eyes.
00:34:26Just as I suspected.
00:34:28Two good sides.
00:34:29I want you here with me.
00:34:33the right one.
00:34:37I want you here with me.
00:34:40I'm gonna put it on real good.
00:34:42Oh, it's cold.
00:34:45Have you done this before?
00:34:48Yeah, Callum and I, when we were kids, we pierced each other's ears.
00:34:53It was after we saw Parent Trap.
00:34:56My mom was pissed.
00:34:59I bet.
00:35:01Oh, yeah.
00:35:02You'll see where you did it.
00:35:11Give me a chance to do whatever you say.
00:35:16I can't afford to cry anymore.
00:35:19Um, my nose is numb.
00:35:21Oh, shit, sorry.
00:35:24Okay, I'll be gentle.
00:35:27On three.
00:35:38Wait, what comes next?
00:35:57Oh, my God, Lily.
00:35:58A nose ring?
00:36:00Was this your messy new friend's idea?
00:36:02What does Oliver think?
00:36:04You know you can't have that for cheer.
00:36:05Yeah, about cheer.
00:36:06I wanted to talk to you about that.
00:36:08Me first.
00:36:10So, I've been thinking, and I decided I'm going to move wherever you and Oliver go to college.
00:36:17Yeah, I've been so sad thinking about you leaving The Nest, and this way it'll be like you never even left.
00:36:24And I can still watch you cheer for Ollie, we can still have our mani-pedi dates, and go on our shopping trips.
00:36:30What about your life here?
00:36:32My life is wherever you are.
00:36:35It's you and me forever.
00:36:36Right, sweetie?
00:36:44My mom says wherever Oliver and I go, she's moving too.
00:36:48Isn't that a little, uh, insane?
00:36:51Well, what am I supposed to say?
00:36:52I'm pretty sure the word starts with N and ends with O.
00:36:56I feel bad.
00:36:59She didn't always used to be so...
00:37:07She just had to grow up really fast.
00:37:12She wants my life to be better.
00:37:14And you know, since my dad left...
00:37:18Kinda all that she has.
00:37:21I can't just leave her too.
00:37:23Yeah, I get it.
00:37:26But this is your life, you know? You gotta live it on your terms.
00:37:32Wish we could still talk like this once the summer's over.
00:37:34What do you mean?
00:37:43What is on the agenda for tonight?
00:37:47It involves...
00:37:50Hold that for me.
00:37:56Oh, no.
00:38:01Are you sure we're not gonna be late?
00:38:03Are you sure we're not gonna get caught?
00:38:05Oh, no. Definitely could. But...
00:38:08I thought two birds, one stone.
00:38:09I'm breaking a score on nightly NTP, so...
00:38:11But we don't have to...
00:38:14I want to.
00:38:23I want to do it.
00:38:33I say I don't want it.
00:38:35But I'm so full of it.
00:38:38I want to be the life of the party.
00:38:41I want to dance with somebody.
00:38:51Hey, what are y'all doing?
00:38:54Run, run, run!
00:38:58Living your life through our hands.
00:39:00That's perfect.
00:39:05Oh, I can't believe I just did that.
00:39:07If anyone found out, I would...
00:39:08Oh, fuck them. Did you have fun?
00:39:13Then who cares?
00:39:14I mean, we didn't hurt anyone.
00:39:16God, I am so jealous of you, you know?
00:39:21You're so yourself.
00:39:23You don't give a shit about what anyone thinks about you.
00:39:28I guess...
00:39:31I just don't find it.
00:39:33People think I'm a piece of shit, so...
00:39:35I don't know, I let them believe it.
00:39:37Not everybody thinks that.
00:39:39They do.
00:39:42And, hey, that's fine.
00:39:44It's not who I am.
00:39:48Well, what is it, really, you?
00:39:57I'm just a kid.
00:40:01Who lost his big brother and has no idea what to do next.
00:40:07This is it.
00:40:09You're doing it.
00:40:11Figuring it out.
00:40:19Well, you've been a good friend to me this summer.
00:40:23Let me be one to you, too.
00:40:31Come here.
00:40:37This list doesn't stand a chance against us.
00:40:40I mean, we almost did all of them.
00:40:43Which one was your favorite?
00:40:47Let's see...
00:40:49Eating the 72-ounce ribeye from Dave's Steakhouse was pretty iconic!
00:40:53Never again!
00:40:55What was your favorite?
00:41:00Climbing the water tower was pretty sick.
00:41:03Seeing the whole town all just, like, lit up.
00:41:07It was just so peaceful.
00:41:09Yeah, until we ran into the bats.
00:41:11Oh, yeah!
00:41:13I don't know, I screamed more. You were the bats.
00:41:17Pretty sure they were fine.
00:41:19I'm not...
00:41:21I'm not sad about bats.
00:41:25I'm sad the summer is ending.
00:41:33Hey, don't worry.
00:41:36I have a whole day planned out tomorrow where we can finish out the rest of the list.
00:41:41Before school starts.
00:41:44And, um...
00:41:48We'll make tonight count.
00:41:57Where are you taking me?
00:42:00Wait! No, no, wait, wait! Not yet, not yet!
00:42:03Oh, I don't remember putting get lured into the woods at night on the list.
00:42:06I'm pretty sure it's right after kiss the rattlesnake.
00:42:10Oh, yeah, yeah, I remember now.
00:42:17I thought...
00:42:19For our last night...
00:42:22That we could sleep under the stars.
00:42:23Under the stars.
00:42:26But we also have to pull an all-nighter, so I was hoping that we don't sleep under the stars.
00:42:34I think we can count it.
00:42:38Is that... Is that everything?
00:42:46There is one more thing...
00:42:48On your list.
00:42:51I know what it is.
00:42:54You don't have to do it if you don't want to.
00:42:56Oh, no, we're definitely doing this.
00:42:59The last thing on your list...
00:43:02Is streaking.
00:43:04Come on!
00:43:06It's your list!
00:43:09Oh, no!
00:43:13You should have told me to wear something easy to take off!
00:43:15This is before or after I blindfolded you!
00:43:35Oh, I got it.
00:43:39Don't look!
00:43:42See, I thought the thrill of streaking...
00:43:46Was the fact that someone could see you.
00:43:48No, it's about feeling free.
00:43:59Race down the hill and back?
00:44:03What's my prize for winning the race?
00:44:06Whatever you want.
00:44:16Hey, I said don't look!
00:44:18All right, but you gotta tell me if I'm gonna eat shit!
00:44:20Oh, and hope you win?
00:44:27Oh, watch out for the branch!
00:44:29Wait, wait, branch!
00:44:31See, I win!
00:44:34You're a cheater!
00:44:35No, I am not!
00:44:37All right.
00:44:41What's your prize?
00:44:43What do you want?
00:44:51Oh my god.
00:44:52I am so sorry.
00:45:13I don't need like candles or music or anything like that.
00:45:22I kind of read your...
00:45:24Sex list.
00:45:26And I just want it to be perfect.
00:45:30I don't need any of that stuff.
00:45:32Just rid of you.
00:45:34I want you to.
00:45:36But I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to.
00:45:40I mean if you're not ready.
00:45:41I'm ready.
00:45:43Please, please.
00:46:12Good morning.
00:46:17I have to go.
00:46:19Hey, what's wrong?
00:46:23This whole situation is wrong.
00:46:26I cheated on Oliver.
00:46:27Yeah, well you should have broke up with that asshole a long time ago.
00:46:29But hey, hey.
00:46:31All that matters is that we want to be together.
00:46:33It's not that simple, Mason.
00:46:36Okay, I...
00:46:40Because of your mom or Oliver?
00:46:42No, I just, I...
00:46:46I just...
00:46:48I just need to take a second to figure this all out.
00:46:50This could really blow up my life.
00:46:51It'll blow up your life.
00:46:52Got it.
00:46:53That's not what I mean, okay?
00:46:54I have a lot to lose.
00:46:55And I don't?
00:46:57Whatever, Lily.
00:47:03Just go back to your perfect life.
00:47:04And I'll go back to my shitty one.
00:47:10Got it.
00:47:32Lily, what are you doing here?
00:47:34I thought you were going in with Eva after your sleepover.
00:47:37You're going to be late for your first day.
00:47:39I just forgot something.
00:47:42Well, you better hurry.
00:47:44Oh, actually, wait.
00:47:46One more thing before you go.
00:47:48Since you're starting a new school year and you need to lose that piercing,
00:47:51I got you the perfect replacement jewelry.
00:47:56Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart.
00:47:58It's not safe.
00:47:59You can't wear that thing for cheer.
00:48:01No, it's...
00:48:04It's not that.
00:48:05It's not that.
00:48:07I don't think Oliver's going to want to be my boyfriend anymore.
00:48:12What happened?
00:48:14Honey, whatever is going on between you two, I'm sure it's going to be...
00:48:20I ruined everything.
00:48:22That is impossible.
00:48:24You are my sweet girl.
00:48:27You're a good person.
00:48:29Oliver knows it.
00:48:31Everyone knows it.
00:48:33Just talk to him, okay?
00:48:36Dry those tears.
00:48:39I'm going to mess up your makeup.
00:48:57We need to talk.
00:49:00I know.
00:49:02You know?
00:49:03I could fucking kill that kid.
00:49:04I am so sorry.
00:49:05You know, I had a feeling he was being weird with you before I left.
00:49:09But here and he was using you to fuck with me?
00:49:12Wait, what do you mean?
00:49:13He had a bet that he could have sex with you before I got back from camp.
00:49:18You heard Mason say that?
00:49:20His best friend Liam has a cousin who was there at the camp.
00:49:22He was hearing about it from him.
00:49:25I knew he was a piece of shit, but...
00:49:28I never knew he'd stoop to this.
00:49:31Don't worry, sweetheart.
00:49:35I knew you wouldn't fall for his bullshit.
00:49:38My girl would never.
00:49:41Yeah, I wouldn't.
00:49:44You don't have to worry, baby.
00:49:49He's nothing to me.
00:49:58That'll be the pizza.
00:49:59Will you get it, hon?
00:50:05What are you doing here?
00:50:07I needed to talk to you.
00:50:09You haven't returned any of my calls.
00:50:10I left cash for the tip by the door.
00:50:13You need to go.
00:50:14I'm sorry.
00:50:18We both said things that we didn't mean.
00:50:21I don't want things between us to end like that.
00:50:25I'm pretty sure you got what you wanted, Mason.
00:50:27What are you talking about?
00:50:29Make sure there's extra sauce!
00:50:32This is because of your mom.
00:50:33Or Oliver.
00:50:36I thought about what I wanted.
00:50:38And it's not you.
00:50:41Don't call me again.
00:50:56Are we sure this is a good idea?
00:50:59I know they're out of town,
00:51:00but if the neighbors call,
00:51:01we could get into a lot of trouble.
00:51:02Little Miss Priss doesn't like getting in trouble.
00:51:04What a surprise!
00:51:05Chill, Ava.
00:51:07Everyone parties here.
00:51:08It's no big deal, babe.
00:51:18What's he doing here?
00:51:19Looks like he brought some trash with him.
00:51:25Hey, scumbag.
00:51:26What do you think you're doing here?
00:51:28I got invited.
00:51:30And this isn't a Ridgeview party.
00:51:32I don't care.
00:51:33I don't want you within ten feet of me or my girl.
00:51:35What are you going to do about it?
00:51:36Kill me?
00:51:37You're the only murderer here.
00:51:41What the fuck did you just say?
00:51:43Forget him.
00:51:45Let's just go spend some time alone.
00:51:47Let's just go spend some time alone.
00:52:00God, I fucking hate that guy.
00:52:01Who does he think he is showing up here?
00:52:03He's just trying to get to us.
00:52:05To you.
00:52:07But he can't do it, baby.
00:52:08We're great, right?
00:52:11And I was thinking...
00:52:14Maybe tonight we, um...
00:52:26I want to play a game.
00:52:29I think it's time that we show them why you're the king of truth or dare.
00:52:32Ava, we're kind of in the middle of something.
00:52:35Nah, it's fine, babe.
00:52:36I'll show these assholes how it's done.
00:52:37And then we can enjoy our night.
00:52:53Oliver, you're first.
00:52:56Truth or dare?
00:52:58Dare, obviously.
00:52:59I dare you to...
00:53:02Shotgun a beer.
00:53:23You're next.
00:53:25Truth or dare?
00:53:26Why are you asking all the questions?
00:53:27Shut up.
00:53:29Truth or dare?
00:53:37I dare you...
00:53:43To give a nice...
00:53:45Big kiss.
00:53:49To your date.
00:54:14You're up.
00:54:16Truth or dare?
00:54:22Why are you still a virgin?
00:54:29Ava, not cool.
00:54:30No, let her talk.
00:54:37Nah, give her another one.
00:54:38Those aren't the rules and she doesn't get special treatment.
00:54:42I just think it's funny.
00:54:45I mean...
00:54:46How could you date Oliver for over two years and never once sleep with him?
00:54:53There's someone else.
00:54:58It's not...
00:54:59No, I...
00:55:01I don't know how to...
00:55:05Oh, shit! Cops!
00:55:06Oh, shit! Cops!
00:55:07Get out of here!
00:55:08Get out of here!
00:55:11Come with me out the sideline.
00:55:24Hey, are you okay?
00:55:26Why do you care?
00:55:27What about your little girlfriend?
00:55:29Why, are you jealous?
00:55:31Lily, you left me, okay?
00:55:34And be honest with me.
00:55:36Do you regret sleeping together?
00:55:38Did you fuck me to get to Oliver?
00:55:41What? What are you talking about?
00:55:42Oh, so you didn't have a bet that you could sleep with me before the school year?
00:55:48Okay, I can explain.
00:55:49You know what?
00:55:51I don't want to hear it.
00:56:11Uh, what happened last night?
00:56:12I... I texted you, but...
00:56:14You don't have to pretend to care about us anymore, Lily.
00:56:18Oliver knows all about you and Mason.
00:56:23Save it.
00:56:24He knows everything.
00:56:25And be honest with me.
00:56:27Do you regret sleeping together?
00:56:30You made me think you were this perfect angel.
00:56:34The whole time you were with me,
00:56:36the whole time you were fucking some Greendale scum.
00:56:39I was going to tell you. I wanted to, but I...
00:56:41What was it you said?
00:56:43He means nothing to me?
00:56:47Lying bitch.
00:56:48Oliver, I am so sorry.
00:56:50Please, I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you.
00:56:52I think you've done enough, Lily.
00:56:57leave us alone.
00:57:06All right, guys.
00:57:07Let's just run the routine really quick before the rally.
00:57:10Why would we listen to you?
00:57:13You're a backstabbing bitch.
00:57:15We saw what you did to Oliver.
00:57:17Ava, what did you do?
00:57:19I figured everyone should know that you're not to be trusted,
00:57:21so I posted that little video of you.
00:57:23If you would do that to your boyfriend,
00:57:25what would you do to us?
00:57:27Yeah, I think everyone would feel more comfortable
00:57:29if you stepped down as cheer captain.
00:57:31What happened between Oliver and I is nothing to do with cheer.
00:57:33You don't even want to be a cheerleader.
00:57:36I mean, face it.
00:57:37You've been phoning it in for a while now,
00:57:38just like you were phoning it in with Oliver.
00:57:40Ava, please don't do this.
00:57:42My mom...
00:57:43Shouldn't have raised her daughter to be a two-timing,
00:57:45backstabbing skank with bad style.
00:57:48Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:58:01I had a feeling I'd find you in here.
00:58:05You know, Oliver's on the warpath.
00:58:07Hard to kick that bitch to the curb
00:58:08and you're next on his shit list.
00:58:10Why didn't you tell me you did it?
00:58:12Or her, I guess.
00:58:13Because it's none of your business.
00:58:14Well, uh...
00:58:16I am a man of my word.
00:58:18Here's your 200 bucks.
00:58:21I don't want your money.
00:58:24Don't tell me you feel guilty.
00:58:26The Mason I know will be celebrating this win
00:58:28with a J and a couple of 40s.
00:58:29Maybe I don't want to be the Mason that you know.
00:58:32Maybe I'm tired of being the guy
00:58:33that everybody thinks that I am.
00:58:35Maybe I am better than him.
00:58:37Yeah, well, don't come crawling back to me
00:58:38when you realize that you're not.
00:58:57Lily, please, hey, please wait.
00:58:59I'm sorry, okay?
00:59:00I heard about Oliver.
00:59:01Oh, you're sorry?
00:59:03Fuck you.
00:59:05I trusted you.
00:59:06I thought you cared about me.
00:59:07But really, you just wanted to blow up my life.
00:59:09Just let me explain.
00:59:10It's true.
00:59:13Liam wanted me to use you to get to Oliver.
00:59:16And I thought, yeah, sure, why not?
00:59:17He's made my life a living hell.
00:59:19Why don't I get to return the favor?
00:59:22Then I got to know you and everything changed.
00:59:25You wanted to what?
00:59:26Be my friend?
00:59:27Is that it?
00:59:28No, I didn't want to just be your friend.
00:59:29That's what I thought.
00:59:30No, I wanted to be more than friends.
00:59:34Lily, my feelings for you are real.
00:59:37How could they not be?
00:59:38I mean, you changed my life this summer.
00:59:42You showed me that I could have a life
00:59:43after losing Callum.
00:59:47That I don't have to push the memories of him down.
00:59:49I don't.
00:59:53I came here today because it's Callum's birthday.
00:59:56He left the ice cream cake here,
00:59:57so I thought I would get one in his memory.
01:00:02Before I met you, I would never have done that.
01:00:06Before you, it was always bad when I thought about him.
01:00:10But now I just...
01:00:14I wish you could have met him.
01:00:16He would have really liked you.
01:00:20And he would have given me shit for messing things up.
01:00:29Why didn't you tell me how you really felt?
01:00:32I thought it was obvious.
01:00:35What about that girl we were with?
01:00:37That was nothing. We went on one date.
01:00:38I was trying to get over you.
01:00:40Well, you didn't correct me when I called her your girlfriend.
01:00:42Sounds stupid, but it felt good when I thought you were jealous.
01:00:47It felt like you cared.
01:00:53I do care, Mason.
01:00:57Lily, please, will you ever forgive me?
01:01:03I don't know.
01:01:05I mean, if there's anything I could do...
01:01:07It's not that.
01:01:08It's not that.
01:01:11This is not the way it's supposed to be.
01:01:13How it's supposed to be?
01:01:14Maybe if I go back to doing cheer and getting perfect grades,
01:01:18my life will be easier, like she said.
01:01:20No, Lily, if you do that, you're going to end up just like my brother.
01:01:29Callum was going to do...
01:01:33some really great things.
01:01:35But my parents, my fucking parents,
01:01:38they told him he'd never amount to anything, and he believed them.
01:01:41So instead of going to college, he started drinking and using.
01:01:47I was with him the night that he overdosed
01:01:50at some stupid fucking party.
01:01:53Oliver was there, too.
01:01:54He was the one that started the rumor that I killed my fucking brother.
01:01:59And you know what? Sometimes I feel like I did.
01:02:02Mason, it is not your fault.
01:02:04Yes, it is. I could have stood up for him.
01:02:06I could have...
01:02:07I could have told him to fuck what they thought,
01:02:09what anyone thought about him.
01:02:15I'm sorry.
01:02:16I'm so fucking sorry.
01:02:20It's okay.
01:02:23Okay, sluts.
01:02:24I know your previous cheer captain always wanted to play it safe
01:02:27with lame baby pyramids, but I'm not a pussy.
01:02:29So, I'm going to need you all to climb up.
01:02:34One, two, down, up.
01:02:37It's nice knowing you'll always be at the bottom.
01:02:43What the hell?
01:02:44I am totally telling Coach Boomer.
01:02:46Go ahead.
01:02:47I don't care what you think anymore.
01:02:49You are obviously all happy with me being miserable,
01:02:52so why do I even try?
01:02:53Aw, someone clearly got up on the wrong side
01:02:55of the prince's canopy bed this morning.
01:02:57Ava, I am so sorry Oliver never wanted to fuck you,
01:03:01but it doesn't give you the right to treat me like shit.
01:03:03You are so off the team.
01:03:06Oh, um, was I not clear?
01:03:10You can all take your pom-poms and shove them up your asses.
01:03:15I quit.
01:03:21What were you thinking?
01:03:23Mom, I was miserable.
01:03:24I had to quit.
01:03:26I'm sure Oliver could talk to them.
01:03:29Oliver and I broke up.
01:03:33What happened?
01:03:35I met a boy this summer.
01:03:38We were friends, and then when Oliver left,
01:03:40we became more than that.
01:03:43You cheated on Oliver.
01:03:46I didn't raise you like that.
01:03:48I'm sure we can fix this.
01:03:51I'll talk to Coach Boomer,
01:03:53and you make things right with Oliver.
01:03:55Mom, I don't want to fix it, okay?
01:03:58I don't want to do cheer,
01:03:59and I don't want to follow Oliver to college.
01:04:00I want to figure out my own life.
01:04:04Mason helped me realize that this summer.
01:04:07You cheated on Oliver with Mason Cooper?
01:04:10You don't even know him.
01:04:11He's a good person, okay?
01:04:14He didn't do any of those things that people say.
01:04:16I forbid you from seeing him.
01:04:17Mom, that's not fair.
01:04:18I am serious, Lily.
01:04:20I don't even recognize you anymore,
01:04:22and if that is thanks to his influence,
01:04:24then I don't want you around him.
01:04:35What are you doing here?
01:04:40I quit cheer,
01:04:43thinking about trying out for soccer.
01:04:48that's really great.
01:04:51And I also told my mom
01:04:52about what happened between us this summer.
01:04:55So, you came to tell me
01:04:56I need to enter the Witness Protection Program?
01:04:58Yeah, pretty much.
01:05:00She did, uh,
01:05:01forbid me to speak with you.
01:05:05But the more I thought about it,
01:05:08the more I realized
01:05:09I don't care what she says.
01:05:12Okay, wait.
01:05:14You look like Lily Bennett,
01:05:15but you definitely do not sound like her.
01:05:18Who are you?
01:05:19Fuck what everyone else says.
01:05:23I want to be with you.
01:05:29I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it.
01:05:45I wanted to know the truth.
01:05:48I'm sorry.
01:05:54I'm sorry.
01:06:08You know,
01:06:09when we first met,
01:06:11I thought you were such a good girl.
01:06:17And now what do you think?
01:06:21How did I get so lucky?
01:06:25I was thinking
01:06:26I really want to take your clothes off.
01:06:29See, I was thinking that too,
01:06:30but I thought the other thing
01:06:31was a little bit more romantic, so...
01:06:42You know,
01:06:44I saw something else
01:06:45in your sex buttons.
01:06:51I thought
01:06:52I thought
01:06:59if you wanted my help to cross it off.
01:07:03You don't have to.
01:07:07Do you want me to stop?
01:07:23Any fear thoughts?
01:07:28What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
01:07:31That's not what I thought you were thinking about.
01:07:33I'm serious.
01:07:36I don't know.
01:07:37Probably nothing. Why?
01:07:40Why don't you come over?
01:07:45What about your mom?
01:07:47I mean,
01:07:48she literally forbade you from seeing me,
01:07:50and I thought my crashing Thanksgiving
01:07:51would be appreciated.
01:07:56first of all,
01:07:58you're not crashing.
01:07:59I'm inviting you.
01:08:01And second,
01:08:03my mom doesn't even know you.
01:08:05I know,
01:08:06but what if she never says yes?
01:08:09She will.
01:08:25I, uh,
01:08:27made your favorite.
01:08:29French toast.
01:08:31I even got the hazelnut creamer.
01:08:33Breakfast doesn't make up for you quitting cheer.
01:08:36I may not be your perfect daughter,
01:08:40I'm still your daughter.
01:08:43Being family means
01:08:45you have to try to be there for each other
01:08:47even when you're apart.
01:08:48You have to try to be there for each other
01:08:50even when things get tough.
01:08:53I love you, Mom.
01:08:55You and me forever, right?
01:08:59I'm worried about you.
01:09:00I know.
01:09:03I just need you to trust me.
01:09:07I was thinking
01:09:09maybe we could do a Thanksgiving feast
01:09:11like we used to.
01:09:13Isn't that kind of silly with just the two of us?
01:09:15I know, I...
01:09:17I thought it'd be nice.
01:09:23Let's do it.
01:09:33Enjoy the French toast.
01:09:47Alright, it's looking good.
01:09:49Mom, it's almost ready.
01:09:51Just need to set the table and we are...
01:09:59What are you doing?
01:10:02Hear him out, Lily.
01:10:05I don't know.
01:10:07I don't know what I'm doing.
01:10:09I don't know what I'm doing.
01:10:11I don't know what I'm doing.
01:10:13I don't know what I'm doing.
01:10:15I'll leave you to it.
01:10:21Why are you here?
01:10:23I'm here to apologize.
01:10:26I know it's not your fault.
01:10:28You know, you only fell for his shit
01:10:29because I was taking you for granted.
01:10:31I know that now.
01:10:32You know, these past few weeks,
01:10:33I realized out of all the things in my life,
01:10:37I should have been more thankful for you.
01:10:40It's just not the same without you.
01:10:41I miss how we were before.
01:10:45I can't go back.
01:10:47I wasn't happy, okay?
01:10:48And it wouldn't be fair...
01:10:49Wait, if you didn't want to get back with me,
01:10:51then why'd you text me?
01:11:08What are you doing here?
01:11:11Lily invited me.
01:11:14You poor thing.
01:11:16This is awkward.
01:11:18Lily and Oliver are getting back together.
01:11:23There's no way.
01:11:25It's true.
01:11:26Look, his car is parked right there.
01:11:30I don't understand.
01:11:34I need to talk to Lily.
01:11:38See for yourself.
01:11:44Lily, what is she doing here?
01:11:46What are you doing here?
01:11:47You got what you wanted.
01:11:48You fucked my girlfriend.
01:11:50Now why don't you crawl back to whatever hole you were in?
01:11:52Oliver, stop.
01:11:53She's not your fucking girlfriend!
01:11:56She's not yours either, scumbag.
01:11:58And she never will be.
01:12:00Oh my God!
01:12:01What did you do?
01:12:02He's lucky that's all he got.
01:12:07Do you still think he's a good person, Lily?
01:12:09Look what he did.
01:12:10He's dangerous, out of control,
01:12:11and violent.
01:12:13Get out of my house!
01:12:21So this is what you think of me?
01:12:23Good to know.
01:12:25Good riddance.
01:12:26You too!
01:12:29My pleasure.
01:12:40did you text Oliver from my phone?
01:12:43I thought getting back with Oliver would bring the old Lily back.
01:12:48Sweetheart, you were much happier before that boy came along.
01:12:51None of this would have happened if it weren't for him.
01:12:53Why can't you accept me for who I am?
01:12:55I do accept you.
01:12:57But I know your potential, and that's why I push you to be better.
01:13:00Oh, like you push Dad?
01:13:02You pushed him so hard that he left and he never came back!
01:13:09I'm so sorry, Lily.
01:13:21Lily, wait!
01:13:23Leave me alone!
01:13:24Leave me alone!
01:13:38What are you doing here?
01:13:40Look, that bet was stupid.
01:13:42I didn't realize how much Lily meant to you,
01:13:44and if I had, I never would have pushed you like that.
01:13:48I think you were right.
01:13:50I went over to Lily's for Thanksgiving, and I just...
01:13:54Let's just say I didn't make a good impression.
01:13:56You can't just give up.
01:14:00It's over.
01:14:05Ms. Bender, what are you doing here?
01:14:07I messed up.
01:14:11Lily is not speaking to me.
01:14:13But I'm ready to listen to what she wants,
01:14:15and what she wants is you.
01:14:25Am I hallucinating?
01:14:31what are you doing here?
01:14:33I know, I know, no more meddling.
01:14:36Starting now.
01:14:46I'm so sorry.
01:14:53I tried so hard to give you the life I never had,
01:14:57but I pushed too hard.
01:14:58I pushed your father away, and now I'm...
01:15:00I'm doing the same to you.
01:15:02And I'm so sorry.
01:15:03I'll never forgive myself for laying a hand on you.
01:15:06I'm gonna do everything I can to make it up to you.
01:15:10Do you think you could ever forgive me?
01:15:16Even if I want to play soccer again?
01:15:19And I don't want you to follow me to college,
01:15:23as long as it makes you happy.
01:15:25I love you endlessly,
01:15:27and I am so sorry if I've made you feel any different.
01:15:33And as for you...
01:15:34Ms. Bennett,
01:15:35I know I'm not the guy you dreamed of for your daughter,
01:15:38and I'm sorry for what happened on Thanksgiving,
01:15:40but she means so much to me, and I promise...
01:15:42That's enough, that's enough.
01:15:45I know you care for my daughter, Mason.
01:15:47You have my approval.
01:15:50Not that she needs it.
01:15:52If she's happy, I'm happy.
01:15:56But just know if you ever hurt her,
01:15:59you are not the only person who can throw a punch.
01:16:03I'm gonna leave you two alone.
01:16:06But keep the door open.
01:16:20Why didn't you call?
01:16:23I didn't know if you even wanted to hear from me.
01:16:25Lily, all I want to do is hear from you.
01:16:27I just wanted to talk to you about what happened with Oliver.
01:16:32I'm sorry.
01:16:34I am so, so sorry, Mason.
01:16:38I should have stood up to my mom for you.
01:16:40I know who you are.
01:16:42And who you are is more than enough.
01:16:44And who you are is more than enough.
01:16:46You're not violent or dangerous or any of those things.
01:16:48I know, I know, I know that.
01:16:50But I still shouldn't have punched her.
01:16:53It killed me that I lived up to everybody's piece-of-shit expectations of me.
01:16:58Because I was hurt.
01:17:00And I mean nothing compared to the hurt that I felt when I thought that I lost you.
01:17:05Even if you just want to be friends.
01:17:07I don't want to be friends.
01:17:14I want to be more than friends.
01:17:19And I don't want to hide anymore either.
01:17:22You made me realize how fragile life is and I'll live it the way that I want to.
01:17:30And I want to live it with you, Mason.
01:17:44I love you.
01:17:50Tonight's game, hometown rivals Redview versus Greendale.
01:17:56So, are you nervous to see everyone?
01:17:58With you by my side?
01:18:02The best revenge is living with.
01:18:08Oh, Lily.
01:18:10I've been meaning to thank you.
01:18:11I mean, if it wasn't for you and being such a slut, we would never have become a couple.
01:18:25So, I guess you didn't tell her about Thanksgiving?
01:18:29What is she talking about?
01:18:33I'll deal with you later.
01:18:35As for you, don't even think about sitting on our side.
01:18:38I wouldn't dream of it.
01:18:40I'll be cheering from Greendale's side.
01:18:42The winning side.
01:18:56Not so fast.
01:18:58What do you want, Kingsley?
01:19:00You think because she's wearing your jacket, she's your girl?
01:19:04She's your girl?
01:19:07You think just because you fucked her, well, she was mine first.
01:19:12And don't you ever forget.
01:19:13See, you're wrong about that.
01:19:15She was never yours.
01:19:17And she isn't mine either.
01:19:19She's her own person.
01:19:20Free to make her own decisions, free to do whatever the fuck she wants.
01:19:23And if that means being with me, then that makes me the luckiest guy in the world, doesn't it?
01:19:30We'll see if she still wants you after I kick your ass.
01:19:32You still don't get it, do you?
01:19:34Let me put it in terms you understand, Kingsley.
01:19:36Let the best man win.
01:19:48With the final touchdown thrown by Greendale quarterback Mason Cooper, Greendale wins.
01:19:52Greendale wins.
01:20:02I'm so happy I got to see you win.
01:20:05Knowing that the girl that I love was cheering for me, made winning pretty easy.
01:20:15I love you too.
01:20:22So, how are we going to celebrate victory?
01:20:30How about a new bucket list?