Head of Nursing and Allied Health Nita Munir appeals for more nurses in Sussex as Sussex World visits their facilities.
00:00I'm Dr Nita Muir, I'm the head of the School of Nursing and Allied Health
00:04here at our amazing campus at the University of Chichester. I'm really delighted today because
00:10we're hosting a college group who are visiting us to have a look at our facilities. These are
00:14first-year students undertaking various healthcare courses and science courses who want to become a
00:19healthcare professional and it's wonderful. We open this opportunity up exclusively for our
00:24partners who wish to come and experience a very bespoke session for their learners.
00:30We absolutely know there are many job vacancies in nursing across the UK and in England,
00:37but it is becoming quite stark and the experience of our patients that they're experiencing in lots
00:42of different clinical environments is probably due to a lack of nursing staff locally. It's
00:49really important that we are enabled to recruit our future nursing workforce to provide care to
00:55our local communities is so important. It's something we're trying to encourage, to think
01:01more broadly around the opportunities that we have in Sussex and they're vast, they're vast
01:05opportunities and fantastic opportunities. We've been here since 2021, we're in our fourth year
01:09now, our second group of students are about to graduate. It's been a tremendous journey for us,
01:15we've had huge success, we've received commendations from our nursing courses as we've
01:20gone through and developed each new course. We've had a range of nursing courses at undergraduate
01:24and postgraduate available. We've been able to embrace the technology in such a way that our
01:30students are pioneers in the local environment. We've introduced electronic practice assessment
01:37documents, the first ones in Sussex and now students are pioneering that across Sussex.
01:42We've been engaging in immersive suites and electronic technology to create scenarios,
01:48again the first one in Sussex. We've embraced and enabled our students to engage comfortably
01:54in robotics and working in that way. So our technology developments and our digital skills
01:59are all developing, so that's been phenomenal and our team, the team we have here is amazing.
02:04They can see the vision, they can see what we're trying to do, they want best students to be coming
02:09through us and the best graduates. We've created opportunities for students to get a guaranteed
02:16employment with the University Hospital Sussex Foundation Trust, so we can offer that whole
02:21trajectory for our learners. So to achieve those credits, if you like, and successes,
02:30has been just demonstrative of the commitment from us here at the University of Chichester.
02:35It's not just us in the team here, nurses teaching nurses, we're here as a community,
02:39our service users and carers are a really key part of our community, we're here as a community
02:44in the University. There are many people working in the background to enable our students to succeed
02:50and so the commitment from the University of Chichester has been so significant to promote
02:54healthcare and nursing in West Sussex and I think it's astounding what we've achieved,
02:59but we've done it because we've been coming from a really strong community background.