• 2 days ago
Director: Gabrielle Reich
Director of Photography: Josh Herzog
Editor: Michael Suyeda
Producer: Chase Lewis
Producer, On Set: Bety Dereje
Associate Producer: Lea Donenberg
Assistant Camera: Paola Oliveros
Gaffer: Eli Kravetz
Key Grip: Christopher Mitchell
Audio: Mariya Chulichkova
Food Stylist: Jeannie Chen
Production Assistant: Maya Layne
Set Designer: Elaine Winter
Set Design Assistant: Jacob Kander
Stylist: Ryan Young
Production Coordinators: Ava Kashar, Tania Jones
Production Manager: David Alvarez Paz
Line Producer: Natasha Soto-Albors
Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier
Assistant Editor: Fynn Lithgow
Post Production Coordinator: Holly Frew
Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo
Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch
Director, Post Production: Nicholas Ascanio
Associate Talent Manager: Phoebe Dishner
Director, Content Production: Rahel Gebreyes
Senior Director, Digital Video: Romy van den Broeke
Senior Director, Programming: Linda Gittleson
VP, Video Programming: Thespena Guatieri


00:00I can't be a Bon Jovi without good Italian food.
00:02Hi everyone, it's Millie Bobby Brown and I am with Vogue today to serve not only a
00:15look but actually a meal. I'm wearing a Dolce archive. Who me? Yeah. The ingredients for
00:25my paella are one pepper, one onion, some garlic, chorizo, cubed chicken, canned tomatoes,
00:34arborio rice, saffron and chicken stock and then some spices, paprika, chili flakes,
00:44depending on how spicy you like it. First, I thank the culinary gods. I say Millie,
00:51you are going to do a great job today no matter what. Don't put pressure on yourself.
00:55I'm going to start off by dicing some garlic. My dad's a really good cook. My mom doesn't
01:03really cook and my mom is here. She's probably going to be saying, I make a really good spaghetti
01:08bolognese, but mom, that's the only thing that you cook. Dad has various different ingredients
01:15and he can just whip something up that makes total sense, but you'd never think you'd put
01:19together. So I learned probably from my dad. We're going to take this ring off. It's all
01:25getting really serious. Chop, chop, chop away. Get it really small. I hate the way when you chop garlic
01:32and you smell your fit, the fit, like I can't stand it. So usually this is Jake's job. That
01:40feels about right. My least favorite part of cooking. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes just I'm
01:47really hardcore. Let's see what happens today, but let's really hope not because I've got a
01:52really strong eye look going on. I know people on here are going to say, what are you doing?
01:58Cutting an onion like that? And I'm going to say, I don't know what I'm doing. So I'm just going to
02:02go in, chop away. Guys, if you're ever wanting something to get just a tiny bit smaller in
02:08your cooking, do my, do my trick. Oh God. Do my trick. You just, it's such a great trick.
02:17In my house, I put a big bowl on the table and I put all the leftovers and feed it to my chickens.
02:24They love it. I have five hens. They are great. They're all named after the Spice Girls,
02:31which I heard Chapel Road has chickens that are named after the Spice Girls,
02:37which for me just feels like a segue into a really close friendship. My chickens I had from
02:43babies. I raised them. I was actually told they were going to die and then all of them survived.
02:48So it's the power of love and Chapel Road, I guess. Chapel, if you're watching this, know that our
02:54chickens could get along. Hosh would like to meet Hosh 2.0. Okay. I'm in a pretty good place where
03:01the onion is really diced. My pepper. Right down. Cut the head off. Take the inside. This is the part
03:14my chickens love the most. Always save that part. I was four when I left Spain. So it's always been
03:21a part of my life. My first memory ever, I had like a toy car that I would drive. It was like a
03:28very small, you know, baby toy car. We lived on a hill. And in Spain, my dad can confirm or deny
03:34this, but I lost control and I was going down the hill and my dad was chasing after me. And like,
03:41I think that was my first memory. I was like a really clumsy kid. So I would fall a lot,
03:46chip my teeth, split my head open. You know, it's all added to the creativity of who I am today,
03:53but it's all made me smarter. At least that's what my mom tells me. So I'm like actually getting
03:58shit done. Whereas usually I am on the phone with my girlfriends, dying laughing at some TikTok.
04:07Are we done with that? Oh my God. The chorizo. Okay. I hate, hate, hate cooking meat. Like it's my
04:14least favorite part of any cooking experience. Again, leave that to my husband, but here we are
04:21today. Millie has to overcome her fears. FYI, I don't usually do this. So I'm going to cut that
04:26like that. And then I'm just going to open it like that. That feels right to me. Now it's just
04:36looking weird. Let's chop it up. Actually, the smell is so delicious. I do slice it cause I
04:44don't like, my dad also is the same. We don't like it to be too big. I usually just pile them on top
04:50just to make it go faster. So we're now in a place where we have our diced veggies. We have
04:56that, that thing. And, um, we're going to use the stove now. Let's do it. Let's make magic happen.
05:04Voila! Now we have my stove. So what I like to do is I like to start off by turning it on
05:12medium heat, put some oil in. I will put my onions in, put my garlic in, and I'm going to throw my
05:22saffron in the chicken stock to blue it while I'm cooking. Now I'm going to add some salt.
05:33For me, I, I loved baking and COVID and until I smell like, like it's working, then I kind of,
05:41that incentivizes me to keep going. It starts to smell bad. That's when we put a roadblock.
05:46I'm very much just like, go with the flow, just keep tasting as I go along and see if it needs
05:52more of anything. I'm going to let this caramelize. Anytime anyone wants to kind of go out for dinner,
05:58I'm always like, come over and it feels more intimate. And it actually, I feel like my love
06:03for food is like a way of saying like, thank you for coming over. So now I'm just going to throw in
06:10the red pepper. I'm going to start with my least favorite part, which is cooking the meat. I have a
06:16very bad, irrational fear around raw chicken. And some might say, Millie, go, go be a vegetarian.
06:25And I'm going to say to that, yeah, I was a vegetarian for a really long time, but I found out
06:30my body needs meat. Everybody's different. And that's what was happening with me. We have olive
06:36oil. We have the chicken. Once it's cooked, I usually leave it in the bowl. I don't eat it.
06:46That's Jake. Always when we're like cleaning up after he goes, you haven't even touched it. So
06:51why do we put it in there? And I'm like, I know I do this every time, but it's for the enjoyment
06:56of my other guests. I want everybody else to enjoy the chicken. I just seemingly can't.
07:00We're going to add some salt and pepper. This is my paprika. I'm going to put a little bit in now
07:10to give some of the veggies some flavor. I mean, I was on Hell's Kitchen. Yeah, that's right. I was
07:18the idiot sandwich. No, I was a guest on there when I was like nine. I love Gordon. I love his
07:28whole family. Oh, but Stanley Tucci is a good chef, but I've never tried his food. So invite me
07:34over Stanley. All right. Something's happening. It's definitely turning a different color. Next
07:42we're going to add in that chorizo. So here we go. I'm just going to put in like not all of it.
07:49And I really liked the chorizo really crispy. So this is the part where I take the most time
07:55and make sure that it's like really crispy and delicious. Next I'm going to put in my canned
08:03tomatoes. I'm just going to pop this in and this actually helps soften the vegetables. I just like
08:08to kind of mix this around, get it moving. Yum. Just wait. Have faith in me. It's looking good.
08:15It looks where it needs to be for me. If you put in the rice first, it picks up all the flavors
08:20of the oils. I'm just going to mix this together and I'm going to add in chicken stock. So I again
08:30like to do this kind of the same thing with the paprika, but do it intermittently because
08:34the rice really soaks up fast and then you have to keep trying and make sure the rice is actually
08:40cooking and then you add more. I kind of play it by ear at this point and you let the rice do the
08:46talking. Now I'm going to put in the peas. I'm going to put in the blooming saffron
08:52and I'm going to put in the rest of my paprika.
08:58Chef's kiss. Lid is going to go on top of this while this is cooking and I'm going to keep
09:04looking at this in disappointment. The wedding food process, I didn't do a tasting. I didn't do
09:11anything. Our caterer was Galatea, the most like renowned, beautiful catering company in honestly
09:18Europe. So I was like, you got this. And to this day, guests at my wedding say there was a pasta
09:25dish that was like so amazing. What I really wanted the takeaway to be was that the food was
09:32the best food they've ever had at a wedding. And I am taking that very proudly. I very much,
09:39I'm not a trad wife, but I do love cooking and I love married life. I love cooking with my husband.
09:45Jake also loves the farm. He also loves cooking. Like we're a trad couple, but like a trendy trad
09:51couple. So now I'm going to pop the chicken in to the paella. Probably needs another like honestly
09:5915 minutes, but we'll check like intermittently. So what I would usually do at home is I would
10:06then go and let the dogs out, put my life jacket on my English bulldog because she really likes the
10:10pool, but she doesn't realize that she can't swim. All right, I'm going to make you a drink. Let's do
10:14it. So now I'm going to show you my favorite drink, which is a Charlie Temple. I grew up in the
10:21industry, always going to like fancy dinners and meeting fancy people. And to feel fancy myself,
10:28I would order a Charlie Temple. And now growing up and being 21, my preference is always going to be
10:36a Charlie Temple. I need a cold drink. Let's find like a really nice one to sit on top of that.
10:42Yeah, that's what we want to see. Okay. Then I'm going to do a splash.
10:48I like to do a squeeze of lime and then I like to fill it all the way up.
10:58Okay. I like to pop that in there. One for me, one for the drink. And then I'm going to use the back
11:06of a spoon just to get that grenadine. Doesn't that look so good? And guess what this doesn't do?
11:12Leave you questioning everything you did the night before. Always choose Charlie.
11:18This is like the best drink ever. So I'm very happy with this. Let's check the paella.
11:24Oh my gosh. It looks amazing. I'm going to do a little taste test with the same Charlie Temple
11:29spoon. My dad would like it. However, Jake wouldn't. So I'm going to pour some more of this
11:37on because the rice is still too hard. And then I'm just going to bring all of the sides into the
11:45middle. This might be my segue into my cooking career. We don't know. Like I could be the next
11:50Stanley Tucci. We're going to let that do its thing again. And it's also going to get crispy
11:54on the bottom, which is my favorite part of any paella. Toss, toss. Checking.
12:02That's ready. All right. This is ready to be served. So I'm going to tidy up
12:08so we can get taste testing. All right, we're back. I clearly had way too much fun. I'm going
12:14to make another. This time I'm going to put two cherries in. The rest is sprite. The reveal.
12:21Here we go. This is our paella. I'm going to start in the middle. Why not?
12:30Now I'm going to put a little bit of parsley.
12:37Not one flake went on there. A little lemon. And voila. That is my paella.
12:45Wow. I'm getting hints of saffron. I'm getting hints of tomato. This is delicious.
12:58Good job me. It's all working. It's all giving. It's all serving. My kitchen at home does not
13:08look like this. And it usually has around 10 dogs running around me eating everything that
13:13falls on the ground. This has been a really peaceful, enjoyable experience. I love limes.
13:18You know when Dakota's like, I love limes. I would like to take this home in memory of
13:24that amazing video. Thanks so much for watching. Bye. I have a nephew and I perform popular to him.
13:34He fully giggles and laughs at me playing Elphaba and Glinda for him. He loves the power of Elphaba.
13:41He can really sense it. He feels it. But Glinda makes him laugh.
