00:00You mentioned A&M and Yale. It's our 4-13 split. In 10 of the last 14 NCAA tournaments,
00:07we have seen a 13-seed pull off the upset against A4, including last year. Yale, as a 13-seed
00:14against the team that you said has been disappointing in the big dance. Last year,
00:18it was Auburn as a four-seed out of the SEC. Now, it is Texas A&M. Seven and a half points spread
00:24in favor of Buzz Williams and his Aggies. Just how competitive do you expect this game to be?
00:30It's all about game script. The first five minutes of this game are going to decide whether A&M is in
00:34for the fight of their lives or they're just going to beat Yale in every aspect of the game.
00:40Let's just put this objectively. A&M's offense is awful. It is garbage. It is a pathetically
00:47bad offense for a team in the SEC. And the numbers back that up, 317th in effective field
00:53goal percentage. 317th in three-point shooting. 292nd in two-point shooting. 273rd in free-throw
00:59shooting. This is a bad offense all around. They're bad at scoring. Now, I know they've had
01:04some injuries this year, and certainly that has played a big part in some of their numbers. Wade
01:08Taylor, obviously back for A&M here. But what this boils down to is how good will A&M's defense be
01:15on the perimeter against the ninth-best three-point shooting team in the country? If you look up at
01:20the stat box and you get to the eight-minute timeout of this first half here, and you see
01:25that Yale is four for eight from three, it's going to be a very close game, and Yale's going to be in
01:31this thing. If they are two for nine, guess what? A&M's defense is working, and A&M's slow pace
01:37and ability to win inside is going to control this entire game. But that's really what it boils down
01:42to here, is that if Yale is making threes early, A&M is going to be fighting for their lives for
01:47all 40 minutes. Let's take a look at the elephant in the room in this region here. North Carolina
01:53Tar Heels absolutely smash San Diego State. So what happens now with Carolina for you, Mark? Is
01:59that a bump for them, that they deserve to be here? Now that we see the run, they prove everybody
02:03wrong. How are you handling North Carolina? Look, I said this even as much as I openly objected to
02:09North Carolina being in this tournament. I remind everybody this. What you do in the tournament
02:14is not validation for whether you should have been in or not. It never has been, it never will
02:18be. They're completely separate events. They have nothing to do with each other, okay? We're talking
02:23about their regular season resume, and the next game they play has nothing to do with that. So
02:27North Carolina, yes, they clearly have a chip on their shoulder and are playing with one because
02:32of everything that everybody said. Oh, by the way, isn't Bubba Cunningham cute? Not only did he get
02:36his team in the tournament, he gave him an extra day's rest because they don't play till tomorrow.
02:40But, you know, let's not make any conspiracy theories here about North Carolina's AD.
02:44Beyond all that, Ole Miss is ripe for the picking. North Carolina is winning this game. I don't
02:48necessarily like to play against teams that after a big blowout win, you know, to come back and play
02:54on them again. But it's not like North Carolina is laying four or six or anything here. Take them on
02:59the money line and get the hell out of Dodge. North, Ole Miss is ripe for the picking to be
03:03knocked out in the first game of this tournament.